Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Senior Center planning a flea market

We had six stay for bingo. Two-dollar winners were Pat Faust, Berneil McCord, Winnie Allen and Grace Johnston. Merle Starr and Berneil McCord shared the $4 blackout round.

There were two tables for Duplicate Bridge. High winners were Glee Johnson and Vivien Campbell. Second high winners were Marilyn Walck and Mary Alice Sjoden.

We are always happy to deliver you a meal if you are under the weather or have just been in the hospital. Please give us a call at 307-326-5564 and we will do our best to help you out. If you are 60, or the spouse of someone that is 60, you are eligible to join us at lunch for the low donation of just $3 a meal. We feel that is a great price for a meal this size. So give us a call and come join us. Tickets make a great gift for that hard-to-buy for person.

We do have the property tax refund papers. So if you did not get them in the mail, you can come in and pick them up. They need to be in by June 3.

Anyone that didn’t come for the Platte Valley Trivia Night sponsored by the Saratoga Museum really missed out on a great time. It was so much fun and I think everyone went away from the event more knowledgeable than when they came. It was very well planned and went on with very few problems. I will be looking forward to the next one.

We want to thank “The Cheaters” for the donation of the free one-year subscription to the Saratoga Sun for our Senior Center. That was the prize they won and they all have a subscription so they donated it to us. We all had to choose a name for our teams.

We will be having a flea market at the senior center on May 18. We will be selling coffee and cinnamon rolls as well. We hope to see you here. Be sure and check out our ad in this week’s paper, and mark your calendar to come join us.


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