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Saratoga schools opens students' mind to culture

Expect to learn something about the Native American culture if you find yourself at the Saratoga Middle/High School Thursday.

Carbon County School District No. 2 teachers developed an activity three years ago whivh integrates curriculum to implement multiculturalism in Saratoga schools, said Scott Bokelman, industrial tech teacher at Saratoga Middle High School.

“The purpose of this is to develop respect for other cultures other than your own,” Bokelman said.

The activity, scheduled to take place 10 a.m. Thursday at the Saratoga Middle/High School gym, is open to the public and will be like a festival, Bokelman said.

Junior high and high school students will run different booths, each designed to teach Saratoga Elementary students and other interested parties about a different aspect of Native American culture.

“They are doing research in whatever they chose to do,” Bokelman said. “One of the kids is doing research for a dream catcher booth.”

Other activities will include games, artwork, posters, trivia, several Native American related displays, tattoos, face painting and much more.

At 11 a.m., students will return to their normal schedules, but Wind River Dancers will perform in the gym at 1 p.m., Bokelman said. The performance is also open to the public.

The activity runs along existing curriculum, and also benefits students by opening their cultural understanding, Bokelman said.

The first event introduced the Mexican culture. The second event introduced the German culture. Past events were beneficial to students, but each preceding event is more organized, Bokelman said. “I think this year will be better yet,” he said.


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