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Town of Saratoga rolls with Wheels for Wishes

If all goes according to plan, Saratoga residents could be able to donate unwanted cars to help a wish come true.

The town of Saratoga is in the midst of coordinating with Wheels for Wishes, an organization that collects cars, trucks, motorcycles, SUVs and RVs for the Make a Wish Foundation.

The proceeds from donating an unwanted vehicle will go to help a Wyoming child with a life-threatening disease, according to the website.

Although the town is in the early stages of coordination with Wheels for Wishes to Saratoga, residents can most likely expect the organization’s arrival between May 26 and June 2.

Wheels for Wishes is just one part of a large beautification project in Saratoga, one of the biggest attempts made in the past several years, said Mayor John Zeiger.

“We have done other things like this, but not to this magnitude,” Zeiger said.

In the past, officials would open the landfill up to residents free of charge in hopes of getting residents involved in cleaning up the community. This year, the town plans to get businesses and residents involved in painting projects around town, as well as cleaning up the town.

“It’s my desire to see Saratoga to be as cleaned up as it can be,” said Councilwoman Judy Welton who is spear heading the project.

The town and other interested parties are still seeking volunteers, donations and business participation in the cleanup project.

The beautification project is just a small step in a vision of a cleaner and more beautiful town, said Tom Rodeno, a Saratoga snowbird who is heavily involved in the project.

“I think if they see those buildings get painted and some of that stuff take place, that will gather some momentum to get the city going in the beautification project,” Rodeno said.

Rodeno set up a small fund for the project to help pay for paint and other supplies needed. The town and Rodeno are also looking for donations for potential cleanup projects. Some businesses who want to get involved may need to purchase their own paint.

Rodeno said he has always wanted to be involved with cleaning up Saratoga.

“Our family loves Saratoga. We made that our home,” he said.

The town’s involvement is partially spurred by what was formerly known as the nuisance committee.

Welton announced in a past council meeting she wanted to restore the committee, but give it a more positive stance on beautification.

After the cleanup efforts, the town will organize a barbecue. The town still has not decided whether the barbecue will be open to everyone or just the volunteers.


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