Irene breaks school record

Before Justin Irene wrestled his final match of his high school career, Hanna wrestling coach Lyle Richardson told him “Win or lose, you made All State Wrestling”.

Irene said he was happy and surprised. He finished second in the heavyweight class at state.

Richardson said the wrestler Irene lost the state title to has been the same wrestler he has been falling to all season long. Tanner Allison of Moorcroft is an accomplished athlete, Richardson said.

Irene broke the school record for number of pins, which has stood since 1998. Irene had 32 pins this season. Pinning was Irene’s forte, Richardson said. “If the match went full length, it was unusual.”

Despite winning All State Wrestling and breaking the school record, Irene said the highlight of his career was winning regionals two years in a row.

Irene started wrestling when his friend Rylie Richardson convinced him to try wrestling. “I have been sticking it out ever since,” Irene said.

Coach Richardson said he is very proud of Irene for staying in the wrestling program. Irene worked all summer lifting weights, Richardson said.

One of the most difficult things for the heavyweight class in a small school is finding someone to practice with, Richardson said.

“Thank goodness for Brandon Stoner,” Richardson said. “He was an integral part of Justin’s success.”

Stoner was a volunteer assistant coach and would wrestle with Irene in practice, Richardson said.

Irene said the most challenging part of wrestling for him this year was keeping his focus. Irene is a senior and said he is ready to be done.

In the final match of his senior year, Irene said that one move is either a win or a loss. He tried to throw his opponent and he slipped. He went to his back, and Irene said it is hard for a big guy to fight off his back.

Richardson said it was good to see Irene get some recognition for his accomplishments. He has worked hard, it’s been a remarkable transition, Richardson said. “I am proud of him.”


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