Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
REFLEctions from the files of the Encampment Herald
Reprint of this story from the March 30, 1900 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.
ROBBINS MINING CO. Making Preparations for Active Operations this Season.
Since the purchase of an interest in the Robbins group of claims by Messrs. Robbins and Copeland, these gentlemen have devoted considerable time to the organization of the Robbins Copper Mining Company. As soon as the organization was completed they immediately arranged for development work and the opening up of the mine.
The first thing necessary to the successful prosecution of the work was in providing comfortable quarters for those employed in the working of the mine. A commodious cabin with dining room, kitchen, pantry, office and bunk room for the men, has just been completed. The company has an ideal location for a camp, situated on the North Fork of the Encampment River with an abundance of wood for fuel and the purest water. They need have no concern regarding those two most essential commodities, wood and water. In addition to the admirable location of the cabin, its proximity to the mine, etc., the property is so situated as to make it an easy proposition for development, either by the driving of a tunnel or the sinking of shafts.
It being the purpose of the company to do a large amount of development work the coming season, every preparation necessary to insure these ends has been made. J. B. Robbins, the president and general manager, who has spent many years in mining in Utah and Colorado, is expected here this coming week to personally take charge and push the work of development as fast as circumstances will permit.
More men of this stamp, with large experience in practical mining, combined with a level head and sound business judgment, is needed to bring the long looked for results that so many in a new mining camp desire. In the realm of chemistry there is what is called the selective method. This principle applies itself in time to all mining camps that are worthy of its application.
Minor Notes
F. C. Ball of Russell, Kas., arrived here a few days ago to assist his brother Harry, on some of his building contracts.
Jas. Turnbull has leased the Finley Hill hotel and will endeavor to give first class service to the patrons of that place.
Earle and Merle Wolford, who have been attending the university at Laramie the past winter, are expected home next week.|
Four freight teams came in Tuesday night loaded with finishing lumber and material for Frank Anderson’s and E. H. Parkison’s buildings.
J. F. Fisher, a carpenter, from Armstrong County, Penn., arrived on Monday’s stage. Mr. Fisher informs us that there are several in his state who are attracted by the prospects of Grand Encampment and will come here in a few weeks.
The new contractor of the Battle mail route was in town last Friday looking for suckers to whom he could sublet his job. The route has been tried by people in this part of the country and they know with what the Battle mail carrier has to contend. It is needless to say that he did not succeed in letting his contract here. He stated that he thought he could import someone who would carry the mail for less than $930 per year, the original contract price.
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