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Clarence appointed to West Point, Terwilliger’s team, Riverside bridge gets work and good snowfall

Reflections from the files of the Encampment Herald

Reprint of this story from the March 4, 1920 issue of The Encampment Echo courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.

Encampment Boy

Appointed to West Point

The Echo is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. E. M. Hunter, formerly of Encampment, but now of Madrid, Iowa, stating that her eldest son, Clarence, had been appointed to West Point.

Young Hunter was born in Encampment and lived here until past twelve years of age. He received his first years of schooling here. Since entering High school at Madrid he has played both foot ball and basket ball and is a “letter” man in both games. The past season his team played eight games of foot ball, winning all but two. Clarence is a grandson of J. J. Wombaker and a nephew of John M. Wombaker and Mrs. R. F. Boyd, all of Encampment.

The following article, taken from the Madrid Register-News, shows in what esteem the young man is held in his home town:

‘’Clarence Hunter of Madrid, one of the young men who will graduate from the local school this year, has been honored with the appointment to West Point. The appointment was made through Congressman Dickinson and the only examination yet remaining for Mr. Hunter to pass is the physical examination, which will be given him the fore part of next month at Camp Dodge. If he passes this examination successfully, he will be required to report at West Point in June of the present year. Incidentally the appointment marks a forward move in the local schools. The high school has been placed on the accredited list by the United States government, and Mr. Hunter’s records in his studies are accepted in lieu of a mental examination by the government. There appears no reason to doubt Mr. Hunter’s abilities to pass the physical examination and his friends are certain that he will do so. He is to be warmly congratulated upon his appointment and the fact that his abilities as a student earned them.”

Minor Notes:

Charles Terwilliger suffered a very painful injury one day last week. His team, hitched to a sled, was standing in front of the blacksmith shop at Riverside, when they became frightened and started to run. Mr. Terwilliger, in an effort to stop the team, was thrown against the sled and as a consequence is now at home nursing a broken rib.

We are informed that the bridge at Riverside has had some excellent work done on it, but in order to make it safe against the high waters which will soon begin to come down the river, it is necessary that quite a lot more big rocks be hauled and placed against one pier of the bridge, in order that the current will be turned entirely away from that pier. This should be done without delay; a few weeks later will be too late.

Harry Neiswender was down from his ranch in the foot hills Saturday. Mr. Neiswender reports that the basin in the timber behind his place is absolutely full of snow, some fifty or sixty feet deep. As this snow practically all fell in the first part of the season it is well packed and insures him plenty of water for irrigation next summer.


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