Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Dominoes on Thursdays

There were three for bingo this week. The one-dollar winner was Madaline Forbes. Berneil McCord won the three-dollar blackout round.

There were two-and-a-half tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. High winners were Marilyn Walck and Bob Johnson. Second high went to Vivien Campbell and Sue Howe.

We are always happy to deliver you a meal if you are under the weather or have just been in the hospital. Please give us a call at 326-5564 and we will do our best to help you out. If you are 60 or older, or the spouse of someone 60 or older, you are eligible to join us for lunch for the low donation of $3 a meal. We feel that is a great price for a meal this size. Give us a call and come join us. Tickets make a great gift for that hard-to-buy-for person.

Right now it is looking like Thursday will be the day we play dominoes, so please plan to stay after lunch and we will play dominos.

We did get a call from a lady that might be interested in teaching line dancing.

She was going to check her schedule and see what day would be the best. I think it will either be Wednesday or Thursday. I will let everyone know as soon as she gets back with me.

We had a great turnout for our birthday/anniversary dinner Friday. Those having birthdays this month are Marty Perue, Donna Nordin, Madaline Forbes, Charlotte Gibbons, Pat Faust, Nadine Caleb, Roxie Baldwin and Arlene Wagner.

Donna Nordin won the birthday money. We had Teense Willford back for our entertainment. We all enjoyed him being here. He brought his wife Sandy with him this month. We all enjoy her joining him for lunch.


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