Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Seniors want line dancing lessons

There were just four for bingo this week. Two-dollar winners were Madaline Forbes and Pat Faust. One-dollar winners were Berneil McCord and Winnie Allen. Pat also won the $4 blackout round.

There were two tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. High winners were Lori Walck and Mary Alice Sjoden. Second high went to Vivien Campbell and Marilyn Walck.

We are always happy to deliver you a meal if you are under the weather or have just been in the hospital. Please give us a call at 326-5564 and we will do our best to help you out. If you are 60 or older, or the spouse of someone 60 or older, you are eligible to join us for lunch for the low donation of just $3 a meal. We feel that is a great price for a meal this size, so give us a call and come join us. Tickets make a great gift for that hard to buy for person.

It has been brought to my attention that people are getting their medicare summary notices and not checking them. Please check them closely and if you do not understand them please bring them to me and I will try to help you. There is so much fraud out there, we would like to stop some of it if we can.

We had a great turnout for our potato bake Saturday. We had Erin Rempel and JR Henslee here to entertain us after dinner. They were great. Hope to see them again. They are half of the Cedar Ridge Band that plays here in the Valley. Thank you both so very much.

We are going to start with the movies once a month again. The first one will be today.

We will start it at 1 p.m. and we will serve popcorn. Hope to see you here.

We do have the Wii, so if anyone wants to come in and play golf, tennis or bowl, you are more than welcome to come in anytime. There were a few people that ask about dominoes. There is a set here and it would be fun if you wanted to start that as well. If anyone has any thoughts of something they would like to do I would be happy to try to get it going, you just have to let me know.

We are also looking for someone who can teach line dancing. Some of the people up here would like to try it. So if you know of anyone please give me a call at 326-5564 and lets see if we can get something arranged.


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