Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Letter to the Editor
Mr. President, do you think we are stupid?
Do I think a criminal could break into my house to assault me or steal my possessions?
Do I think a foreign power could invade my country to conquer, subjugate and eliminate my family, friends, and countrymen?
Do I think my own country could turn our own military, National Guard or police force against us to enslave or exterminate me?
Yes, history shows it all could happen.
So why place a restriction on my gun? It’s simple. The President and others want control of us and our country.
It’s time to stop playing politics, to stop worrying about the current buzz, it’s time to start thinking about all we have – because of what we have already fought and died for; it’s time to stand up against these people, firmly plant our feet stating that there is no compromise, no negotiation, and that the answer is an unequivocal no!
It’s ok to defend that old, yellowed, protected by bullet proof glass, piece of paper. Tell the Domestic Invaders of our Liberty, like your forefathers, that we will defend our Constitution and the Amendments, to the death. Old fashioned? Harsh? Crazy? Paranoid? Did Washington or Jefferson think that when they pledged their lives and fortunes to America? Do we not owe them, and our families that defended our country?
I, for one, will do so.
Without arms, the First Amendment means nothing. Reminding elected officials that they are public servants, not salesmen to lobbyists, and that they will be removed peacefully or forcefully if they violate the Constitution, is our only way to enforce the constitution.
The rich royalty don’t need guns; they hire out for that. I am poor, but my freedom is my wealth.
Finding solutions to gun violence is important, but only second, to the Second Amendment.
We The People, will not be controlled! A call to arms! Now is the time, for all of us, to come to the aid of our country.
Mr. President, do you think we are stupid?
We are not!
John Steinhardt
Teacher of Music
Elk Mountain and Medicine Bow Schools
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