Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Oil indications in Encampment Valley

Reflection of the Encampment Record

Reprint of this story from the January 20, 1916 issue of the Encampment Record brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.


Several Wells In This Vicinity Show Oil on Surface of Water - To Drill Near Saratoga

It has been conceded for some years by parties who claim to know that the Encampment valley will someday become a great oil field, but no development work has ever been undertaken here. The writer has lived in several oil sections and he also believes that these prophecies will soon come true.

The formation of the land in this section is exactly the same as some of the greatest oil fields in Oklahoma and Texas and also in Pennsylvania, and there is every indication to prove that oil does exist. In the past year several wells have been drilled in this section which show oil indications.

Nels. Anderson, who lives on the E. H. Parkison ranch, nine miles east of Encampment, on Beaver Creek, stated to the Record man that a well was drilled on the ranch the past summer and when the drill was taken from the hole there was black oil sticking to it and that he rubbed his hand over it to satisfy himself that it really was oil. He also stated that when water was drawn from the well it contained a considerable amount of oil. The well was a little more than sixty feet deep and the water raised within about twenty feet of the top. With the aid of a mirror, light was thrown into the well and the surface of the water was covered with oil. A well was also drilled on the Chas. Vyvey ranch, about two miles from the Parkison ranch, and practically the same indications were found. Frank Wilcox was doing the drilling and Walter Lenke was assisting him. Mr. Lenke bears Mr. Anderson out in his assertions and stated to the Record man last Saturday that he saw the oil and that it actually came from the wells.

In the valley just east of town we are told there are numerous seeps and marshes that never freeze, regardless of how cold the weather gets, caused by oil on the surface of the water.

With all these indications it seems to the writer that we should be able to induce capital to come in and develop the field. Down at Saratoga a local company has been organized for the purpose of putting down a test well in the Sage creek basin and operations are expected to begin within a short time. In regard to this project, the Rawlins Journal of last week had the following to say: “Wm. Johnson, of Saratoga, was in the city early in the week on business connected with the Saratoga Oil company. Mr. Johnson states that the company has received some very fine reports from the state geologist about their oil prospects and he also states that the machinery recently shipped from this city is on the ground and that drilling will begin in a few days. This company was recently organized to drill for oil in the Sage Creek basin south of this place.”


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