Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Well, there is almost a cure for the common cold. I am writing this open letter to the community as a public service to pass on some good news about those pesky common colds. A recent review in 2011 that reviewed all of the current literature on the use of zinc supplementation did show that this product is useful to decrease the severity and length of the common cold. I have recommended this for years based on my personal experience but we now have evidence to back us up.
Zinc lozenges (for example Cold-Eeze or Zicam drops) when started within the first 24-48 hours of a cold can reduce the severity and length of the illness. I keep Cold-Eeze drops at home and at the office and start using these every three-four hours the moment I feel a cold coming on because starting early is the key. Most of the time, my colds now last around three-four days and are fairly mild. These drops can upset a sensitive stomach. Zinc supplementation on a daily basis also appears to decrease the frequency of colds but I would advise not to go overboard on the zinc as this can cause problems as well.
Praying for a healthy new year …
Dean W. Bartholomew, MD
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