Piano duet for birthday dinner

Monday morning. You’ll notice I didn’t say “Good” first. That’s because the wind is extremely strong and what snow we got Saturday night is finding its way through the air.

At least I think that’s where the snow is coming from. It doesn’t look new.

We had a wonderful turnout for our “breakfast-for-lunch” Saturday. Breakfast was served to 45 including home deliveries. And the French toast casserole was super delicious.

The coffee kids continue to keep the coffee pot brewing each morning. Those enjoying their coffee and conversation were Arleigh Simmons, Laura Rettelle, Connie Beckham, Patty Herring, Jo Bonnett, LeDawn Vorn and Ellie Behrmann.

The dedicated dominoers missed a couple days early last week. Musta been doin’ their Christmas shopping. Playing the rest of the week were Madeline and Bill Telfer, Bob and Lois Thompson, Betty Merrill, Dick Blake, Kay and Phil Fleming, Laura Rettelle, and Charlotte Kraft with Cindy and David Pattishall-Baker joining them on Saturday after breakfast.

The hummingbird puzzle is quickly going the way of the chocolate puzzle. It is taking a very long time but it appears as though a puzzle fairy may have come during the night as it suddenly shows a lot of progress. Anyway, Nancy has her bottle of Mod Podge and her paint brush ready.

There was one table for bridge on Wednesday after sitting out for a couple of weeks. Players were Evelyn Hammer, Rosemary Craighead, Sheila Johnson, and Kay Fleming.

The quilters are quickly finishing Jo Roberson’s quilt. Maybe this week. Lila has one she can put on when Jo’s is finished. They plan on doing all the cutting of the pieces for the 2013 raffle quilt this Thursday now that they have all the fabric together. Then they can get the blocks together and assemble the quilt. It will be the next one after Lila’s.

Quilters last week were Nancy Lynch, Betty Merrill, Jo Roberson, Karen Casson, Lila Walbye and Sandy Miller.

Our December birthday and anniversary dinner will be this Friday at 6 p.m.

Be sure to sign-up by Thursday evening if you plan to attend. Our entertainment will be Rosemary Craighead and Penney Varner with a piano duet. It’s fabulous.

I had planned on writing the senior news through the first of the year but the next two weeks have to be submitted early and I will not be able to get it done. Therefore, I will now wish you all a blessed Christmas and a great New Year.

You all take care! So long!


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