Game numbers low in 1912; 1937 brings Silver Fox Farming

Compiled by Joe Elder

100 years ago

Dec. 19, 1912

The Big Game of the West

After many years of strife to preserve the big game in this state we are slowly drifting toward the utter extinction of the same. It may be well to drag the preservation out as far as possible, to prolong the hunting. But what is the use of all the talk about closing the season on this or that or feeding the elks. We have long been a supporter of the protection to game, but we have now reached a point where we have drawn new conclusions. Civilization and cultivation, and reclamation of the agricultural lands of the west are getting the game. The hunter might just as well have his share so long as he does not play the hog, as long as the game lasts. The range is going rapidly for all game and there is little left for them but the interior of the roughest mountains. The settler encroaches upon the big game and drives him back farther and farther every year, until now the only game that is left is away back and has no winter range. The winters are killing more game from lack of range than all the hunters put together … The ranchman and farmer … have come to stay, give them the fruits of their labors in the country they choose. It is only a little time till the big game is gone. It is useless to put closed season on them. They are killed anyway and their extinction from hunter, rancher and breaker of the law, is only a matter of time, no matter what the law, nor money spent to prevent it …

75 years ago

Dec. 16, 1937

Silver Fox Farming New Venture Here

A new type of business in the Platte valley will soon get underway, when three pairs of highly bred silver foxes will be brought in from Rawlins, and established in the upper Spring creek country as the nucleus of a farm.

Joe and Neal Harden this week purchased three pairs of the animals. They were purchased from Joe Garry of Denver, and are being cared for at a fox farm near Rawlins. The local farm will be established on Neal Harden’s ranch on Heather creek, the former Heather creek ranger station.

The ranch is ideally located for a venture of this sort, and a load of building materials were taken out today to be used in the construction of proper pens and quarters for the foxes. As soon as the pens are completed the foxes will be moved from Rawlins to the ranch, probably within the next ten days or two weeks.

Mr. Harden also plans to raise fish on his ranch, and has recently completed the construction of one large pond near his house. Two or three other ponds will be built along the creek. The completed pond has been stocked with Brook trout.

50 years ago

Dec. 20, 1962

Brush Creek District Sells Record Number of Christmas Trees

The local forest service office this week reported the largest Christmas tree sales ever made on the Brush Creek District in a single year. Assistant Ranger Frank Leach said that to date, 755 trees have been sold for commercial resale and 170 trees have been sold to individuals.

Local residents are reminded that no Christmas tree permits will be sold after Friday, Dec. 21.


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