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  • Games, movies and more

    Tom Mansfield|Apr 15, 2015

    Games provide laughter and socialization during the week. On Sunday morning, residents played Wii Bowling. On Sunday afternoon, six residents played Dominoes with Charlotte Gibbons winning. On Monday afternoon, three residents played Dominoes again. On Wednesday afternoon, 14 residents played Bingo, and Friday afternoon, 14 resident played Bingo. Marion Lansdown, Pat Rust, Nadine Caleb, Truth Karstoft, Merle Starr, and Russell Cox won Four Corners. Janet Kennaday, Marjery McAulay, Merle Starr, and Charlotte Gibbons. Our volunteers were Gloria...

  • Habitat improvement benefits livestock and wildlife

    Liz Wood|Mar 18, 2015

    Currently, there are mule deer initiatives occurring across the state; however, the two mule deer initiatives that have taken place in recent years in Wyoming are in the Wyoming Mule Deer Initiative near Pinedale area and the other is the Platte Valley Mule Deer Initiative. Katie Cheesbrough, with the Platte Valley Habitat Partnership (PVHP), said what makes them so interesting is that in Pinedale, it is mostly on public land, but in the Platte Valley it is on private land. Both of these mule...

  • Aggie time-warp

    H.B. Lawson|Mar 18, 2015

    As the Platte Valley gets ready to celebrate National Agriculture Week, I took some time to educate myself with the deeply held and longstanding agricultural history and traditions that are part of the very fabric of this Valley. My first stop was at the Saratoga Museum where director Virginia Parker showed me the mock-up of the interior of a typical pioneer homestead. Parker pointed out that one of the earliest ranchers in the Saratoga area was the Walck Ranch which was homesteaded in 1887 by D...

  • Making a plan for disaster management

    Liz Wood|Mar 18, 2015

    When ranchers are in the midst of calving season, or cleaning ditches getting ready for the summer irrigation, they don’t have time to think about disaster management. That is where Kellie Chichester, with the University of Wyoming Extension Office in Albany County, comes in. Recently, Chichester was invited as a guest speaker at the Saratoga-Encampment-Rawlins Conservation District (SERCD) Winter Workshop to guide ranchers through the process of developing a disaster plan. Chichester p...

  • Where's the beef? - It's everywhere

    KayCee Alameda|Mar 18, 2015

    Did you know that beef cattle produce much more thanjust meat or the hide for a few leather coats? A 1200-pound market steer will yield approximately 650 pounds of meat, so nearly all of the remaining weight of the slaughtered beef animal is recovered for use in by-products. Beef by-products are something made from beef cattle besides meat. Beef by-products are used in your vehicle, medications, crafting supplies, makeup and your favorite candy. As we all know, beef cattle produce hamburger, steaks, roasts and ribs; but did you know that it...

  • Getting the water right

    Liz Wood|Mar 18, 2015

    When people think about water, most turn on a tap at their kitchen sink and think nothing of it. For the people who live in Wyoming, it is much more complicated. Water is a valuable commodity and it takes a group of people like the Upper North Platte Water Users Association (Water Users) and the Upper North Platte Valley Water Conservation Association to keep landowners and water users apprised of what is happening with their water and water rights. Jeb Steward, who is considered by many to be...

  • Carbon County Extension office has new range specialist

    Liz Wood|Mar 18, 2015

    Abby Perry began her new position as the range specialist at the University of Wyoming Carbon County Extension Office Feb. 16. Although her office is in Rawlins, the area she is responsible if far beyond Carbon County. She works with a group that serves Goshen County, Platte County, Albany County, Laramie County and Carbon County. With just a little over one month on the job, Perry has been busy meeting people. The position, which was vacated by Mae Smith last year, has been vacant for nearly a...

  • Grace in cow/calf raising

    Liz Wood|Mar 18, 2015

    As the sun rises over the Cow Creek, Jim Miller has already checked on the calves, made a few phone calls and is putting hay in the feeder for the heifers. Jim and his wife Shirley run a 300-head cow/calf operation. The steer calves are shipped to Kansas in the fall where they are eventually marketed to Japan. With calves getting shipped to Japan, Jim is meticulous in recording when the calves are born, tagged and inoculated. Jim said he feels fortunate to have found the niche market in Japan ea...

  • State races finish first run in Saratoga

    H.B. Lawson|Mar 11, 2015

    Full story

  • Back on track

    Mar 11, 2015

  • Saratoga Lions Club hosts state championships

    H.B. Lawson|Mar 4, 2015

    The Saratoga Lions Club is hosting the 35th annual Donald E. Erickson Memorial Chariot Races the state championships in Saratoga this year. The annual event is a Platte River Valley tradition that, according to organizer Joe Glode, dates back to the late 70s and early 80s when the coal mines started to shut down and members of the Saratoga Community were faced with the challenge to find something to liven up the community through the long winter months. Chariot racing has been a winter staple... Full story

  • Calcutta betting primer

    H.B. Lawson|Mar 4, 2015

    The Hotel Wolf will be hosting The Saratoga Lion Club annual Calcutta auction Friday night for the state championship races and the 35th Annual Donald E. Erickson Memorial Chariot races this weekend. The Calcutta style betting, which auctions teams off to the highest bidder, is the primary way the Lions Club is able to raise funds to help put on the event and other activities throughout the year. Joe Glode, one of the Lions Club organizers, has some good advice for those new to the unique style...

  • The echo of pounding hooves

    H.B. Lawson|Mar 4, 2015

    The future of chariot racing is looking pretty dim, John Williams, with the state racing committee, said. Most of the racers are old-timers. Williams, who has been racing for 14 years, said people say they are not chariot racing because there is no money it. “There is no money in other horse sports, but they are going great guns,” Williams said. With as many as 30 teams racing just a few years ago, the state championship races have only 19 teams qualifying. To qualify for the state races, com...

  • Trenton James Herring

    Feb 25, 2015

    Keith and Holly (Condict) Herring, of Chugiak, Alaska, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Trenton James, born at Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage, Alaska on Jan. 6, 2015 at 5:57 a.m. He was 6 pounds, 2 ounces and 18.75 inches long. He joins his 2-1/2- year-old sister, Sterling Kay. Grandparents are Wynn and Barbara Condict, of Saratoga, and Andy and Maxine Herring, of Rawlins. Great grandparents are Max and Joyce Harrington, of Wamsutter, and the late Win and Elsie...

  • An impressive season

    Liz Wood|Feb 25, 2015

    As February wanes, the high school basketball season winds down. Unfortunately, the Panthers’ season has already ended. This was my first season covering Panther basketball on a regular basis. It has been a real treat to watch and photograph these athletes this season. When I started covering basketball, I told the Lady Panther’s coach Scott Bokelman I knew very little about basketball. The only terms I knew were jump shot, layup and free throw. I had played basketball growing up, but never as... Full story

  • Clash of the Tigers

    Liz Wood|Feb 18, 2015


    Feb 18, 2015

    Reprint of this story from the February 17, 1905 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. Cold Wave Visited the North Platte Valley over Sunday The coldest cold snap that has struck Encampment and the North Platte valley for many a year paid a short visit Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The thermometer had a sinking spell Saturday afternoon, when it fell down about ten or twelve flights of registers and all efforts to revive it were in vain. B...

  • Errata

    Feb 11, 2015

    On page 9 of the Feb. 2 edition of the Saratoga Sun, Hunter Mason was incorrectly identified as Jared Mason. The staff at the Saratoga Sun apologizes for the error. In the Jan. 28 edition of the Saratoga Sun, the photos on page 5 in “Dads for Donuts” were attributed to Peggy Lorenzen. They were taken by Adelaide Myers. On page 8 of the Jan. 28 edition of the Saratoga Sun, the caption under th photo of Bob Herring serving up green chili said the photo was taken at the Chili and Bread cook-off. The photo was taken at the VFW chili feed. If you...

  • High cost of living, Sawmill to idle for winter, Firemen light up fundraiser and Superman makes a 'fly-by'

    Compiled by H.B. Lawson|Feb 11, 2015

    1 Years Ago: Living’s High Cost: On every side we are being hemmed in, and the cost of living is hemming in closer every day. Business nationally is on the toboggan and no end in sight. We are burdened with a “war tax” in a time of peace. It looks very much as tho’ influence and capital were just trying to see how much of a monkey they could make out of the Wilson administration. There is little doubt but what the speculators and some corporations were at the bottom of getting Uncle Sam to ship out all his flour, that he might specula...

  • May 14, 2014

  • Apr 30, 2014

  • Apr 9, 2014