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  • Ways to give your home a holiday facelift

    State Point|Nov 25, 2015

    A seasonal home makeover doesn’t need to cost a fortune or be difficult to execute. Quick, easy and innovative ideas, can give your home the holiday flair needed to celebrate the season. “Seasonal décor updates should jive with your home’s style, while also adding something extra to the mix,” says Eric Cohler, who has been listed as a top international designer by House Beautiful and Elle Décor magazines. “Keep it easy though, so that when the season is over, you won’t end up with a lack of motivation to refresh, and a space that feels passé....

  • Ways to give back this holiday season

    State Point|Nov 25, 2015

    When making this year’s holiday gift list, consider how you might also give back to your local community. The holiday season is the perfect time of year to do this, when volunteer and donation opportunities increase. Here are a few ideas to give back in your community: The Gift of Literacy Only one-third of all students entering high school are proficient in reading, according to a National Assessment of Education Progress report. Brighten children’s smiles this holiday season while also giving them an opportunity to succeed at school and bey...

  • Christmas Tree Permits Offered by Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests

    Staff Report|Nov 25, 2015

    Permits to cut Christmas trees on the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests are now available at multiple locations in Wyoming. Each permit costs $10 and allows for the cutting of one tree on national forest system lands. There is a limit of five permits per household. Trees must be for personal use, not for resale. The permit must be clearly displayed around the stem of the tree before leaving the cutting area. New this year, the Every Kid in a Park (EKiP) initiative is offering one free...

  • Great holiday gifts for the handy DIY-ers in your life

    State Point|Nov 25, 2015

    The holiday season is the perfect time to ensure the handy guys and gals in your life are well-equipped for all their planned projects in the coming year -- whether that is building shelves, making home improvements or fixing up the car. Every DIY-er needs an up-to-date, comprehensive toolbox, as damaged or dull gear can pose a safety hazard, and the wrong implement for the job can slow down work and even be dangerous to the user and anyone nearby. When doing your gift shopping, consider opting for a few high quality tools. It can be tempting...

  • Keeping early warning in the air

    Liz Wood|Nov 11, 2015

    Curt Campbell was 17 years old when he joined the military. The Nuremberg trials were going on and he wanted to be a guard at those trials in 1948. The problem was the military wanted the guards to be 6 feet tall. Campbell was only 5 foot 7 inches. A couple of things were pushing him toward the military, Campbell said. His buddy's number was coming up to enter the draft. At 16, a judge told Campbell he had a terrible temper and asked him if he thought about using it somewhere useful - like the...

  • MP experiences differing places, culture

    Madeline Weiss|Nov 11, 2015

    "I sure have no regrets about my time spent there," said Jerry Paxton, representing District 47 in the Wyoming House of Representatives, about his time as a military policeman in Germany. Paxton served in the United States Army from 1965 to 1967. "My combat was more breaking up bar fights," he said of his experience overseas. His service was a result of the draft, and Paxton felt that the experience was overall very positive for the trajectory of the rest of his life. "It was a great experience...

  • Military service an intro to the real world

    Erik Gantt|Nov 11, 2015

    Riverside resident Ken Drain spent most of his career with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Federal Highways Administration (FHA), but it was his time in the Army and Army Reserve that provided his introduction to the "real world". In 1968, immediately after Drain graduated from Montana State University with a degree in civil engineering he contacted the draft board to see where he stood. The draft board informed Drain that there were only eight people on the draft list from his...

  • Despite cancers, no regrets

    Madeline Weiss|Nov 11, 2015

    Gerald Stanart served as a Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force, beginning in 1965. Like many others in the service at the time, Stanart was stationed in Vietnam for his time of service. Involved in mobile communications, Stanart recalled a time when his group had to get through an air base to get critical parts. "We took some fire going through town, but we expected that," Stanart said of the journey. They drove through the town so fast that the enemy forces were unable to take anyone...

  • On the Wall

    Madeline Weiss|Nov 11, 2015

    "I didn't know that I was part of history until my granddaughter came home from school, I said 'What are you studying?' She said 'The Berlin Wall,' and I said 'Hell, I was there." Loren "Teense" Willford, former representative for Wyoming House District 47, served in the United States Army eighth infantry, fourth division, beginning in 1961. Willford was a motor sergeant and part of his job was to patrol the Berlin Wall. "Wherever there were problems, we would try to solve the problem. Willford...

  • Looking to lead

    Erik Gantt|Nov 11, 2015

    Since his graduation from the Naval Academy and commissioning in the US Navy, Saratoga High School graduate Wyatt Hill has been spending time in the air learning to command naval flights. Hill hopes to be in the back seat of an F-18 as a Naval Flight Leader (NFL) by the end of his training. Currently, the 23-year old, is completing his time in the T-6 Texan II, a single prop, low altitude plane used for primary and intermediate Naval Flight Officer (NFO) training. When asked why he joined the...

  • 2015 Saratoga Sun Fair Scrapbook

    Sep 9, 2015

    Big winners at Fair Grand Champion Steer (County) Kamry Knotwell Supreme Champion Breeding Heifer (County) Konnar Knotwell Reserve Champion Hog (County) Josiah Mata Supreme Overall Breeding Gilt (County) Hunter Mason Senior Showmanship - Market Hog (County) Hunter Mason Fabric and Fashion Construction (County) Ashlynn Johnson - Senior Divison Mikiaya Johnson - Junior Division...

  • Knotwells know champion cattle

    Erik Gantt|Sep 9, 2015

    It turns out that fair is a lot of work for Encampment's Konnar (16) and Kamry (13) Knotwell. Starting in early June the sisters began a program with their steers and heifers of controlled feeding to get them to a target weight, washing, combing and drying their hair with fans. This program continued all the way through state fair. The strict program of feeding and coat maintenance paid off with Konnar taking Supreme Champion Breeding Heifer and a division Reserve Champion Market Steer. Kamry's...

  • The unexpected judge

    Erik Gantt|Sep 9, 2015

    When the scheduled judge for the steer show at the Carbon County fair did not show the organizers were lucky to have Corson Kerbs back in the pens. Corson, now 22, showed at the fair from age 8 to 20 when he left for Butler Community College. Corson followed in his sister Kaylee's footsteps, and the pair were competitive at fair throughout the 2000s. Back in his youth Corson said he won three steer shows and a couple of market lamb shows at the Carbon County Fair. Coroson is back from school...

  • 2015 Carbon County Fair Results

    Sep 9, 2015

    FFA Market Beef-Steer 1st place Brett Miller Encampment FFA Gage Bartlett Encampment FFA Grant Bartlett BEVO Ashlynn Johnson Encampment FFA KeeGan Johnson Encampment FFA Kelton Johnson Encampment FFA Makiaya Johnson Encampment FFA Kamry Knotwell BEVO Bailey Miller Encampment FFA Chaze Wiant Saratoga FFA 2nd place Aubrey Berger Saratoga FFA Aaron Kerbs Saratoga FFA Daniel Kerbs Saratoga FFA Gavin Bartlett BEVO Grady Bartlett BEVO Ryley Henrie BEVO Konnar Knotwell BEVO 3rd Place Hailey Barkhurst Platte Valley Pride Shelby Henrie BEVO Wyatt Cox...

  • A fond farewell

    Erik Gantt|Sep 9, 2015

    Now that he is in college, Hunter Mason said he will not have time to show animals at fair, but he finished his last county fair in style. Mason took home Supreme Overall Breeding Gilt and the ribbon for Senior Showmanship for his market hog at this year Carbon County Fair. It was Mason’s ninth year showing at the fair. In the past he has won ribbons twice for Reserve Champion Market Hog and once for Reserve Champion Breeding Gilt. Mason said that hogs are his favorite animals to work with a...

  • Savannah Suttee named princess-in-waiting

    Madeline Weiss|Sep 9, 2015

    Savannah Suttee, of Encampment, was named princess-in-waiting for the 2015 Carbon County Fair. In addition to this title, she showed animals at the fair and competed in barrel racing. Suttee, 10, won barrel racing and pole bending, she said. "It's taken everybody on the queen committee two years to get it," Suttee said of last year's attempt. Suttee said she enjoys everything she does at fair and hopes to compete for titles like this in the future. "I showed two sheep this year, and two of my sh...

  • Johnson girls sew up win at county, state fair

    Liz Wood|Sep 9, 2015

    When it comes to sewing Ashlynn (15) and Makiaya Johnson (13) had one of the best teachers possible – their grandmother Roxana Johnson. Sadly, their grandmother passed away two years ago, but they are keeping on the tradition of sewing and using wool in the projects. "Our grandmother wanted to pass sewing down to us," Makiaya said, "that is why we sew." Both girls won purple ribbons at the Carbon County Fair for their projects. Ashlynn participates in the senior division, while Makiaya c...

  • Reflections from the Grand Encampment Herald

    Apr 29, 2015

    Reprint of this story from the April 28, 1905 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. U. P. Freight Caught West of Edson Tunnel - Traffic Delayed - Man Killed Saturday afternoon shortly before 3 o’clock a disastrous rock slide occurred in the deep railroad cut on the Union Pacific one-quarter of a mile west of Edson tunnel, striking in its descent the engine and ten cars of east bound freight train No. 52. Killed - S. H. Kreider, a tra...

  • Derby hat contest coming

    Sue Howe|Apr 29, 2015

    There were six here to play Bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Grace Johnston, Berneil McCord and Sue Howe. Sue Howe and Lila Worden shared a $2 round, as did Grace Johnston and Nadene Kerbs share a $2 round. Kathy Hennek won the $5 blackout round. We have decided we are going to have a Kentucky Derby Hat contest. It will be held on Friday, May 1. So hopefully you will all participate with us and have some fun. There will be prizes,so get to thinking about a hat to wear. Men can participate as well. I do have the paperwork for the...

  • Staying active

    Tom Mansfield|Apr 29, 2015

    On Sunday afternoon, five residents played dominoes with Russell Cox winning. On Tuesday morning, five residents played Yahtzee with Pat Rust winning. On Wednesday afternoon, 13 residents played Bingo, and Friday afternoon, 13 resident played Bingo. Pat Rust, Carol Higby, Nadine Caleb, Marion Lansdown, and Kenny Hoagland won Four Corners. Kenny Hoagland and Dennis Ratcliffe won Blackouts. Our volunteers were Lila Worden, Sue Bartlett, Joy Hamilton, Elder Palmer, and Elder McConneghey. On Thursday afternoon, residents played Uno. On Saturday...

  • Successful birthday dinner

    Sue Howe|Apr 22, 2015

    There were nine here to play bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Grace Johnston, Berneil McCord, Betty Dean, and Carl Kerbs. Betty Dean and Grace Johnston shared two $2 rounds. Sue Howe won the $4 blackout round. There were five here for Bridge Monday. First place went to Joni Johnson, second place went to Mary Sjoden. We had our birthday dinner Friday. We had a pretty good turnout. Dick Perue was the only one here for the birthday table so it was not hard to figure out who won the birthday money. Teense made it back just in time to...

  • Seniors enjoying activities

    Tom Mansfield|Apr 22, 2015

    At Deseret Health and Rehab, quality of life is an important concern. The facility’s Activity program is based on residents’ interest and allows residents to achieve a greater level of self-esteem which enables them to perform their Activities of Daily Living at a higher level. Further, it provides residents with continuing contact with the community because of the many volunteers that assist residents as they enjoy activities at the facility. Games provide laughter and socialization during the week. On Sunday afternoon, five residents pla...

  • Encampment fire fighters up to snuff

    Apr 15, 2015

    Reprint of this story from the April 18, 1902 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. LOCAL FIREFIGHTERS The Department is Organized and Sufficient Fire Protection is Assured The Grand Encampment fire department met Monday evening at the office of Davis & Ashley for permanent organization. Nearly all the volunteers were present and much interest was manifested. Jack Ball was elected chief of the department, Ad Ball assistant, Charles C...

  • Quiet week at the center

    Sue Howe|Apr 15, 2015

    There were seven here to play bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollars winners were Nadene Kerbs, Lila Worden Madaline Forbes, Kathy Hennek, and Carl Kerbs. Berneil McCord and Madaline Forbes shared a $2 round. Madaline Forbes won the $4 blackout round. There were five here for Bridge Monday. First place went to Mary Sjoden. Second place went to Sheila Johnson. It has been a very quiet week. We are glad Nadine Caleb is back on the mend. We always miss her here when she doesn’t come two or three times a week. We also want to let Dick Wiant know we miss h...

  • Pizza and movie changed to May 2

    Ronda Krouch|Apr 15, 2015

    Playing Dominoes at the Sagebrush Senior Center last week were Madeline and Bill Telfer, Betty Merrill, Phil Fleming, Laura Rettelle, Dick Blake, Bob & Lois Thompson, Jack Riddick and Sheila and Joe Remick The coffee group included Laura Rettelle, Karen Dibbern, Patty Herring, Connie Beckham, Dodey Brown, Arliegh Simmons, Ellie Behrmann, Linda York and Mary Priquet. Playing Bridge were Kay Fleming, Linda Hammer, Sheila Johnson and Rosemary Craighead Working on the quilt last week were Nancy Lynch, Lila Walbye, Kay Fleming, Sandy Miller, Jo...

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