Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Sorted by date Results 26 - 50 of 97
SUPER BOWL HALFTIME “SHOW” Did you happen to see that halftime “Show”? At least they called it that. It did not make much sense to me. I thought it just fell flat. I did not understand it - that football halftime show. Those folks were hip-hoppin’ all around as if they had to go. Is that “rappin” now called singing? If it is, then I’m behind. It just didn’t make a bit of sense at least in my old mind. That poor gal’s dress was skimpy. Glad the weather there was warm ‘cause she surely would have perished in just a mild Wyomin...
Editor, I commend the Carbon County School District No. 2 Board of Trustees for unanimously adopting a resolution addressing the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Your resolution takes aggressive pro-active action against a divisive, destructive theory that should not be promoted in a public school classroom. Thank you, Mark Jones Saratoga, Wyoming...
Dear Editor, As long as I can remember, truth has been feared.. But, our educational system is the cornerstone of our country and it is important that we teach our children the facts. With few exceptions teachers have been very diligent about doing this without injecting personal bias or belief. Those who don’t rarely keep their jobs. Perhaps it is time to trust them while setting careful parameters. While I fully support parents weighing in on curriculum, I am appalled that it happens because of misinformation from media a...
Editor, It is frustrating to read your article concerning the Saratoga Town Council’s concern for finding housing for the recruits for the police department. As the Sun pointed out in a June article, the master plan of 2016 listed affordable housing to be an issue that needs to be addressed. At the June planning commission meeting the need for the town to address the housing issue was raised, and the body language of the Mayor told of his disgust at the fact the issue was raised. Only now has the town council even a...
Dear Editor, This letter is to inform the town of Riverside that, as of July 30, 2021, I will no longer serve on the town council as a council member. My resignation is due to several things that have been done that I did not agree with and, unfortunately, I anticipate procedures concerning legal obligations will not change. As a write-in, I agreed to serve the people of Riverside. The following statements highlight some of the things that steered my resignation. I feel that the way some of the town council members read...
Dear Editor, Our county is 20 years late to address some basic issues affecting quality of life for our citizens and visitors alike. We are about to get run-over by the big Green New Deal Electric Microbus. The lemmings following politically correct mandates threaten to change our lives forever. Wind turbines are industrial activity. They should be zoned that way. Carbon Power & Light directors should lead rural coops out of Tri-State Generation. I puke every time I hear their ads. Texas Deep Freeze is a perfect example of...
Okay, Sun editor, you asked for it and I’m ready to give it to you. (see “Against the Grain” by Josh Wood on page 4 of April 15, 2021 issue of the Saratoga Sun) Right off, I want to compliment you on last week’s column, it’s the best you’ve written. Short, concise, to the point, informative and best of all you ask for reader input. Here are some suggestions if I—Dick Perue, former editor, publisher, printer and janitor of “The Saratoga Sun”—was once again running the award-winning weekly newspaper. Go to tab-size paper with...
Dear Editor, For the past 20+ years, the Valley Service Organization and the Sorority in Encampment, (Xi Beta Delta), has hosted the yearly Wyoming Health Fair/Blood Draw. It is our pleasure to provide low cost services again this year. In 2020 we had to cancel because of Covid. We realize how important it is to have these tests so that each of us may stay abreast of our own health. We have welcomed everyone from Carbon County and even visitors from the different communities. The results of your tests are provided directly...
Dear Editor, The arctic air mass that descended on Texas vividly illustrated the future of our country with the renewed push by leftists to cripple our capitalist economies. Subsidized renewable energy investments embraced by electricity generating utility companies are caused by buying into the fallacy of “green energy”. That causes the reliable backup generation caseload of gas, nuclear and coal to be severely neglected or even abandoned. How much of the pain and destruction could have been prevented by minimal common sen...
Dear Editor, It has been six years since I attended an ice fishing derby. This year I volunteered to help with registration Saturday morning. With Stacy Crimmins being the director for so many years, you expect to see a few glitches for a first timer. Leanna Jones was a true champion. With all of the events being cancelled in recent months COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on her first year as CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. I have only met Leanna a few times, but I have been impressed with her professionalism. Saturday, she was bus...
Dear Editor, WE ARE SUCH A SELFISH PEOPLE! I am ashamed. Get smart people. The facts about Covid are facts. The science and health people do know what they are saying. Quit listening to the drivel that must be out there from what the youth had to say in this Wednesday’s paper. (And the Carbon County Republican Party) Do your part so that all of us can get back to ball games and weddings and family dinners. Your failure to do your part is wrecking our country financially and causing so many to mourn the loss of someone they l...
Editor, The overwhelming victory of the Saratoga-Ryan Park Museum District in the recent general election is a victory for all museums in Carbon County. What this win for the Saratoga Museum tells us is that people in our communities value and cherish their museums. Furthermore, the tax that the Saratoga Museum will receive will go far in creating financial stability for their museum and when one museum strengthens all museums benefit working together. All of this being said, I would like to remind you all that the museums...
Dear Editor, On behalf of the newly formed Saratoga-Ryan Park Museum District, I want to thank everyone who worked to pass the ballot measure that will help fund the preservation of our shared heritage. There are so many people who were involved in the process and what unites us all is a love of our communities’ history and a desire to preserve that history. Thank you to all those who gathered the required number of signatures, those landowners who signed the petitions to request the issue be placed on the ballot, those w...
Editor, As I run my hand through the wool chaps, I imagine cow punching during the winter months in 1890. Seeing the beaver pelt, I wonder if trading amongst Native Americans and town folk always went well for the Mountain Men. Exploring the Rudefeha mine, approaching the tram towers, the random wagon wheel you stumble upon, leaves me astounded with these historical pioneers and their successes. This day; in CCSD 2 we have five historical museums which are accurately geologically represented within this district. Each museum...
Editor, I am compelled to write this letter based on the actions of thugs that have decided to embark on mischief here in Saratoga. I believe the citizens of Saratoga have a standard of acceptable behavior that has been challenged. If you are one of the cowards that has trespassed and stolen political signs or has decided to deface the portable toilets at Veterans Island Park with graffiti, then you have fallen short of that standard. If you were involved in either of the acts of stealing or vandalizing other people’s p...
Editor, The ongoing restrictions regarding indoor attendance numbers mandated by Governor Gordon, on the advice of Dr. Alexia Harrist-WY State Health Officer, obviously affects state-wide public school sporting events. These mandates are adopted by the Wyoming High School Activities Association which, in turn, local school districts are required to abide by if they want to participate in sports. The correlation between unlawful mandates–meaning they were never legislated by a governing body elected by the people–and usi...
Dear Editor, Dr. Osborne did have the remains of “Big Nose George” Parrot, one the two outlaws who killed Robert Widdowfield and Tip Vincent. Parrot’s remains were stored in a barrel. Some of the skin of Parrot was used to make a pair of shoes and a small patch. Dr. Osborne gave one of the items to James Fisher, a relative of Widdowfield. James gave it to his son Richard who left it in a trunk at the ranch for his son, also named Richard, my husband. Many folk passed through the ranch including employees tending sheep, hunte...
Editor, I’m all for defunding! Defunding welfare so you can’t riot, burn, loot, steal assault and throw urine, feces, rocks and explosives at police when you have to work for a living. Wake up, America. Left unchecked, these lovelies will soon be visiting your neighborhood (their words, not mine). Art Leys Saratoga, Wyoming...
To the Editor: The staff of the Carbon County Museum have been following Mike Armstrong’s recent series of articles about the county’s museums and historical sites with great interest. It is wonderful that someone is taking the time to call attention to the hardworking people who founded these institutions and have kept them open to the public. I would, however, like to note a few inaccuracies in his recent article on Carbon (August 19), to ensure that the proper information is shared. First, he misspelled the name of Pal...
Dear Editor, There is an old expression that says if you are in a hole and want to get out quit digging. The controversy in the City Council of the “missing” $3.7 million is without question a hole. But it is not a hole that is likely to be filled because, from all appearances, it appears to be money that was spent but not properly accounted for. It seems to be something of a waste of energy, irrespective of the strong emotions involved on both sides of the discussion, to spend all your time on the past without doing som...
Dear Editor, Since elected to serve on the Saratoga Town Council, I have strived to encourage public discourse and to promote civic engagement. I believe our best council meetings are the ones when the room is full, when citizens are vocal, when ideas are exchanged, when tough questions are asked and when rigorous debate unfolds about issues that matter to the residents of Saratoga. For some time now, much of that conversation has been about the Town’s finances. Understandably, this has been an important topic to everyone w...
Editor, I write this today with a heavy heart to share a decision that has not been easy for me to make but, I find it necessary to withdraw my name for the Saratoga Town Council election. I have heard from so many Saratoga residents who have given support not only verbally but also with their vote and for that I am incredibly grateful. There are still 4 candidates to choose from: Creed James, Danny Burau, Ben Spaulding, and Tasha Worthington. It is our duty as Americans to do research and voice our opinions by voting. Our...
Dear Editor, Thanks for publishing histories of area museums in Carbon County. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. Although I appreciate the article concerning founding of the Saratoga Historical & Cultural Assn. and Saratoga Museum, the piece gave me WAY MORE credit than I deserve. Yes, I was one of the founding members, but played only a modest part–mostly with newspaper articles, editorials and donated advertising–in establishing the organization and museum. The...
To the Editor, I very much enjoyed Mike Armstrong’s article in the Sun (July 29) concerning the museums of Carbon County. I was dismayed, however, to read Dick Perue’s comments concerning his reluctance to make contributions to the Carbon County Museum. Perhaps Mr. Perue is unaware of the fact that, in the past two years, we here at the CCM have professionalized the place as never before. My newly-hired staff is highly trained; we very much value every object and gift that we receive from our contributors. I welcome Mr. Per...
Editor, Open Letter to Jim Copeland, Superintendent of School District #2. Recent orders requiring students to wear masks has been circulating and as a concerned citizen of this Valley, here are scientific studies showing the extreme adverse effects of mask wearing, especially by children. To wear a mask or not is a highly emotional subject, so I am not giving my opinion, I am quoting scientific data to remove the emotional aspect. These articles were taken from This is an organization created...