Opinion / Letter To The Editor

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  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 25, 2024

    Editor, The unsung heroes in this Valley are the nurses and nurses aides at our hospital. What they do every hour of every day boggles my mind. They even have one ER nurse named Sam that could make a dead man smile. Then there is Laura Bucholz and her team that got this beautiful hospital built in this little ranch town in the first place. Beyond belief and timely for me. Thank you, Art Leys Saratoga, WY...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jun 22, 2023

    Dear Editor: Has Hobo Pool been sold? If the “Private Property, KEEP OUT” and “No Trespassing” signs posted on the four hog wire fence barricades blocking access to the free flowing mineral hot springs are official and accurate, the “publicly-owned, open and free forever”, Hobo Pool has either been sold, given away or somehow ended up in private hands. None of the signs indicate by whose authority the barriers were erected. (See photos). The barriers and signs have been up for a couple of weeks, with no effort by the town to open the healing...

  • Our Local Celebrity

    Mar 9, 2023

    Editor, He’s nailed it again. Each new book CJ Box publishes is eagerly awaited by Wyoming, especially those living in Carbon County. From cub reporter onward we have watched him make his mark.       His latest book in the Joe Pickett series does not disappoint. He updates us on the exploits of not only Joe, but also his family.       I’m eagerly await the tidbits he slips into his books about locals and politics in the state.       Now, he is cagey, but I think he is a moderate Republican, conservative, but middle of the road...just saying. H...

  • A History of Public Lands

    Mar 2, 2023

    Dear Editor,  The right to access public lands was codified into law in 1885. The Federal Unlawful Inclosures act.43 U.S.D.A. was passed to stop private landowners from inclosing public lands for their exclusive use. The act prohibits the maintenance, erection, construction, or control of an enclosure to prevent access to public lands. From its enactment, it has been contested, ignored and state laws passes to undermine it.       Throughout the years, this law have been upheld in the courts.In the following cases illegality of enclosure and...

  • Says science isn't settled

    Jul 7, 2022

    Dear Editor, Thank you for “A Note From the Intern” piece on climate change. I agree that the science isn’t settled and offer this rebuttal to the idea that humans are causing major climate change because of industrial activity. The theory blames Greenhouse Gases, CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide and water vapor. CO2 has risen to roughly 400 parts per million molecules in atmosphere or 4 in 10,000 molecules. Methane and Nitrous Oxide are nearly undetectable. Contract that with water vapor—ranging from invisible density at low relative humidit...

  • Thanks for the donuts

    Jun 30, 2022

    Dear Editor, Before social media, the best way to for organizations to promote local events was through posters hung in the windows of businesses. Fred Williams volunteered to deliver these posters on his daily round about town. One day, Freddie and I were visiting, and he said, “Thanks for the donuts.” I was left wondering what he meant. A few days later, it dawned on me. Years ago, I asked Freddy to deliver some posters for Soroptimist. I was so grateful, I bought Freddie a gift certificate to the donut shop so he could get a donut with his...

  • Fountain of Youth located

    Jun 30, 2022

    To the Editor of the Saratoga Sun, We recently visited your lovely valley and were so pleased to find two museums of such depth. We are both history fiends and visit every museum and historical site we can. Both the Saratoga Museum and the GEM were quite impressive especially considering how small the population is. We are full time RVers and visit many small towns across the country. It never ceases to amaze us at the enthusiasm and energy of the seniors in these little villages. Maybe it’s the small town attitude, the air or in the water, b...

  • Questions monument

    May 19, 2022

    Editor, I recently read an article from your paper regarding the explosions at Number 1 mine in Hanna in 1903 and 1908. I couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry at the mention of donkeys pulling the loaded mine carts out of the mine. Perhaps you should educate Messrs Armstrong and Leathers about the different between donkeys and mules. Please do not use the term quadruped since that may add even more confusion. As a founding member of the Hanna Historical Society and a person who lost family members in the 1908 explosion I have to ask why the...

  • Calling for responsible gun ownership

    May 12, 2022

    Editor, Gun ownership has always been a given in Wyoming. Both political parties support it. Hunter safety classes are in our schools and children are raised hunting for food and recreation. Many of us have hunted and owned guns all our lives. But there is a counter culture that has emerged that raises the hair on the back of my neck. It has nothing to do with personal protection or recreational use of guns. It is a predatory, terrorist movement that seeks to plunge us into a civil war. Their propaganda is pervasive across Social Media. And...

  • Wyo Laffs Apologizes

    Mar 24, 2022

    Dear Saratoga Chamber of Commerce and citizens of Saratoga, Wyo Laffs was hired to be the entertainment at your annual banquet on Thursday March 10th. During Don’s performance many of your members were offended by his jokes. This was your night to spotlight the best of Saratoga businesses and we took that away from you. We would like to sincerely apologize for this. The material that was presented was due to a miscommunication, which we accept full responsibility for, we are to blame. Don has 2 sets, one adult set which he performs in bars, a...

  • The dangers of tribalism

    Mar 17, 2022

    Editor, World peace remains elusive, thus raising the question of whether it is possible. Even peace within our country is in question. For tribalism is continuing to tear us apart. Unless we learn to view and treat each other each other with respect, it will continue to threaten our existence as a human race. You could argue that we have existed with it for centuriesand you would be right. But we have become a global community, interconnected and dependent upon one another. All conflicts and environmental crisis’s now have the ability to d...

  • Waxing poetic

    Feb 23, 2022

    SUPER BOWL HALFTIME “SHOW” Did you happen to see that halftime “Show”? At least they called it that. It did not make much sense to me. I thought it just fell flat. I did not understand it - that football halftime show. Those folks were hip-hoppin’ all around as if they had to go. Is that “rappin” now called singing? If it is, then I’m behind. It just didn’t make a bit of sense at least in my old mind. That poor gal’s dress was skimpy. Glad the weather there was warm ‘cause she surely would have perished in just a mild Wyoming storm. I thin...

  • Against Critical Race Theory

    Nov 3, 2021

    Editor, I commend the Carbon County School District No. 2 Board of Trustees for unanimously adopting a resolution addressing the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Your resolution takes aggressive pro-active action against a divisive, destructive theory that should not be promoted in a public school classroom. Thank you, Mark Jones Saratoga, Wyoming...

  • For Critical Race Theory

    Nov 3, 2021

    Dear Editor, As long as I can remember, truth has been feared.. But, our educational system is the cornerstone of our country and it is important that we teach our children the facts. With few exceptions teachers have been very diligent about doing this without injecting personal bias or belief. Those who don’t rarely keep their jobs. Perhaps it is time to trust them while setting careful parameters. While I fully support parents weighing in on curriculum, I am appalled that it happens because of misinformation from media and alarmists. Back i...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sep 1, 2021

    Editor, It is frustrating to read your article concerning the Saratoga Town Council’s concern for finding housing for the recruits for the police department. As the Sun pointed out in a June article, the master plan of 2016 listed affordable housing to be an issue that needs to be addressed. At the June planning commission meeting the need for the town to address the housing issue was raised, and the body language of the Mayor told of his disgust at the fact the issue was raised. Only now has the town council even addressed the need of a...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 4, 2021

    Dear Editor, This letter is to inform the town of Riverside that, as of July 30, 2021, I will no longer serve on the town council as a council member. My resignation is due to several things that have been done that I did not agree with and, unfortunately, I anticipate procedures concerning legal obligations will not change. As a write-in, I agreed to serve the people of Riverside. The following statements highlight some of the things that steered my resignation. I feel that the way some of the town council members read and/or interpret the...

  • More wind energy talk

    May 12, 2021

    Dear Editor, Our county is 20 years late to address some basic issues affecting quality of life for our citizens and visitors alike. We are about to get run-over by the big Green New Deal Electric Microbus. The lemmings following politically correct mandates threaten to change our lives forever. Wind turbines are industrial activity. They should be zoned that way. Carbon Power & Light directors should lead rural coops out of Tri-State Generation. I puke every time I hear their ads. Texas Deep Freeze is a perfect example of what lies in store...

  • Former publisher offers advice

    Apr 21, 2021

    Okay, Sun editor, you asked for it and I’m ready to give it to you. (see “Against the Grain” by Josh Wood on page 4 of April 15, 2021 issue of the Saratoga Sun) Right off, I want to compliment you on last week’s column, it’s the best you’ve written. Short, concise, to the point, informative and best of all you ask for reader input. Here are some suggestions if I—Dick Perue, former editor, publisher, printer and janitor of “The Saratoga Sun”—was once again running the award-winning weekly newspaper. Go to tab-size paper with four pages of color...

  • Health fairs support local groups

    Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Editor, For the past 20+ years, the Valley Service Organization and the Sorority in Encampment, (Xi Beta Delta), has hosted the yearly Wyoming Health Fair/Blood Draw. It is our pleasure to provide low cost services again this year. In 2020 we had to cancel because of Covid. We realize how important it is to have these tests so that each of us may stay abreast of our own health. We have welcomed everyone from Carbon County and even visitors from the different communities. The results of your tests are provided directly to you as well as...

  • Not so green energy?

    Mar 3, 2021

    Dear Editor, The arctic air mass that descended on Texas vividly illustrated the future of our country with the renewed push by leftists to cripple our capitalist economies. Subsidized renewable energy investments embraced by electricity generating utility companies are caused by buying into the fallacy of “green energy”. That causes the reliable backup generation caseload of gas, nuclear and coal to be severely neglected or even abandoned. How much of the pain and destruction could have been prevented by minimal common sense? Arctic cold fro...

  • Chamber kudos

    Jan 20, 2021

    Dear Editor, It has been six years since I attended an ice fishing derby. This year I volunteered to help with registration Saturday morning. With Stacy Crimmins being the director for so many years, you expect to see a few glitches for a first timer. Leanna Jones was a true champion. With all of the events being cancelled in recent months COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on her first year as CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. I have only met Leanna a few times, but I have been impressed with her professionalism. Saturday, she was busy registering peopl...

  • Reader in support of masks

    Dec 9, 2020

    Dear Editor, WE ARE SUCH A SELFISH PEOPLE! I am ashamed. Get smart people. The facts about Covid are facts. The science and health people do know what they are saying. Quit listening to the drivel that must be out there from what the youth had to say in this Wednesday’s paper. (And the Carbon County Republican Party) Do your part so that all of us can get back to ball games and weddings and family dinners. Your failure to do your part is wrecking our country financially and causing so many to mourn the loss of someone they love. Some have l...

  • Museums are valued

    Nov 11, 2020

    Editor, The overwhelming victory of the Saratoga-Ryan Park Museum District in the recent general election is a victory for all museums in Carbon County. What this win for the Saratoga Museum tells us is that people in our communities value and cherish their museums. Furthermore, the tax that the Saratoga Museum will receive will go far in creating financial stability for their museum and when one museum strengthens all museums benefit working together. All of this being said, I would like to remind you all that the museums in Elk Mountain,...

  • Thankful for support

    Nov 11, 2020

    Dear Editor, On behalf of the newly formed Saratoga-Ryan Park Museum District, I want to thank everyone who worked to pass the ballot measure that will help fund the preservation of our shared heritage. There are so many people who were involved in the process and what unites us all is a love of our communities’ history and a desire to preserve that history. Thank you to all those who gathered the required number of signatures, those landowners who signed the petitions to request the issue be placed on the ballot, those who formed, managed a...

  • Below the Saratoga standard

    Oct 28, 2020

    Editor, I am compelled to write this letter based on the actions of thugs that have decided to embark on mischief here in Saratoga. I believe the citizens of Saratoga have a standard of acceptable behavior that has been challenged. If you are one of the cowards that has trespassed and stolen political signs or has decided to deface the portable toilets at Veterans Island Park with graffiti, then you have fallen short of that standard. If you were involved in either of the acts of stealing or vandalizing other people’s property, then you are a...

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