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  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jan 16, 2019

  • I get around

    Mike Armstrong|Jan 9, 2019

    It is the beginning of January and winter is now here. I have to admit, I am not thrilled to deal with this time of year because of the snow. Not because I don’t enjoy winter sports, but because I live 40 miles away from my workplace. Let me tell you, there are times I feel like northern Carbon County is the Antarctic’s little brother. I don’t drive the most snow worthy car either. It gets great gas mileage, but once the roads get more than three inches, I am taking my life into my hands. It ha...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jan 9, 2019

  • The wisdom of children

    Joshua Wood|Jan 2, 2019

    “I will sail a friendly course, file a friendly chart On a sea of love and a thankful heart.” ~The Muppet Christmas Carol I had full intentions of writing a column that looked back on my year here at the Saratoga Sun, but as so often happens, life had other plans. This time, it was my son who provided a subject I couldn’t pass up. In this time of post-Christmas and post-New Year letdown, I hope this column provides something to lift your spirits. Christmas has come and gone with a flurry of to...

  • In defense of public defense

    Jan 2, 2019

    Editor, I would like to protest the upcoming changes with the Carbon County Public Defender’s office. The powers that be are proposing getting rid of administrative support staff in Rawlins thus making defendants call Laramie for assistance. As a longtime administrative assistant for a busy real estate agent I can not imagine what a disaster this is going to be. Waiting around for the lawyer to show up when, if there was a paralegal at the office you could get a quick question answered or that piece of paper signed and notarized. How are the f...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jan 2, 2019

  • The week between Christmas

    Keith McLendon|Dec 26, 2018

    Amid the week after Christmas, piles of wrapping in bags, shiny paper and boxes in trash with the tags. Sad little scissors sit broken and bent, from clamshell packaging--they don’t make a dent. The lights are still sparkly, still light up the town, but pretty soon work begins in taking them down. Kids run around ‘cause they’re still out of schools, having a good old time while acting the fools. But the tots are forlorn from here to Hoboken, Christmas is gone and their new toys are broke...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 26, 2018

  • This is a very important message ...

    Keith McLendon|Dec 19, 2018

    This is an important message. Please do not hang up the phone … *CLICK.* That “click” was me hanging up the phone. I am pretty sure you have received these annoying calls yourself. I have signed up for the government’s “Do Not Call” list (donotcall.gov) on several occasions now. That works about as well as you might think a top-notch government-run organization might run. Which is to say … “RING!” Excuse me. “No, I don’t need help with my student loan!” This said to the ether since the machine...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 19, 2018

  • A Hallmark-esque Christmas tale

    Joshua Wood|Dec 12, 2018

    It’s December and we all know what that means! Hallmark and Lifetime are subjecting us to their onslaught of holiday-themed movies until the day after Christmas. Last year, Hallmark released 33 movies and another 28 in 2016. Altogether, they have approximately 136 movies in their library. Lifetime has 44 similar movies. Netflix is starting to create their own line of Christmas movies as well, though I did enjoy “The Christmas Chronicles” with Kurt Russell as Santa Claus. With that in mind, I wou...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 12, 2018

  • Nickels and dimes in the sky

    Mike Armstrong|Dec 5, 2018

    It is the start of the holiday season and for many that means traveling by air to get to a desired destination. I don’t know about you, but I used to love to have the adventure of going on an airplane trip. When I was a tyke, because one set of my folks lived in Houston and the other set in D.C., my sister and I flew by ourselves at least half a dozen times. On those flights, I can remember getting to visit the pilot cabin and getting toy airplanes. I doubt either practice happens in this day a...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 5, 2018

  • See ya in the funny papers

    Keith McLendon|Nov 28, 2018

    I would like to say “thanks” to Stan Lee for creating so many of the comic book characters I grew up with. I am going to miss his funny Marvel movie cameos too. But this is not about Stan Lee. Bill Maher has wondered publicly about adults that think comic books are “sophisticated literature” and goes on about how basically the love of them has dulled America’s wits. Maybe. But not necessarily. Personally, I think Bill Maher is an overstuffed shirt (and that was the extremely nice version)....

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Nov 28, 2018

  • Death of a superhero

    Joshua Wood|Nov 21, 2018

    “As comics writers we had to have villains in our stories. And once World War II started, the Nazis gave us the greatest villains in the world to fight against. It was a slam dunk.” ~ Stan Lee *** What does it mean when you find yourself personally impacted by the death of someone you never met, but still feels like a member of your family? Though it was one of my dreams in life to one day meet Stan Lee, last Monday brought those dreams to a screeching halt as my social media feeds were flooded...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Nov 21, 2018

  • Spy der man ... and other stuff

    Keith McLendon|Nov 14, 2018

    This is the most stream-of-consciousness thing I have written in a while. I have had a lot of things swirling around my mind lately (elections, veteran day, Halloween, etc.) including writing a story about dressing as Spider Man. It was so darn ... well you'll see. A social media question Is social media killing social skills? I saw a girl recently walk by intensely scrutinizing her cell phone while heading somewhere at a furious pace. I said "Hi" the second time she walked by and she raised...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Nov 14, 2018

  • The positive friend

    Mike Armstrong|Nov 7, 2018

    A person I have known since my second year in high school just had her birthday on Halloween. Okay, actually it is on the 30th, but as often as we celebrated Halloween and her birthday, I often merge the two days. KC is special to me for many reasons, but there just isn’t the room in this column to share them all. Still, I have to try. She is the person that turned me on to one of my favorite all time rock bands. KC made herself the unofficial president of Aerosmith before “Toys in the Att...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Nov 7, 2018

  • Correcting misstatements

    Nov 7, 2018

    Editor, As I write this letter we don’t know who will be the next Mayor of Saratoga but felt I needed to respond to Lynda Healy’s letter in the October 31 edition of the Saratoga Sun. She stated that the previous Mayor (that be me) had entered into a lawsuit with Randy Stevens that even the insurance company would no longer honor. First off, the mayor doesn’t have the authority to enter into a lawsuit without council approval or under the advice of the town’s attorney. Secondly, her claim that the insurance company would no longer honor t...

  • See the new junkyard?

    Nov 7, 2018

    Editor, Has anyone but me noticed the new 7 vehicle junkyard at the corner of Rochester and 4th St. Both state statues as well as our own nuisance ordinance clearly specify a maximum of 4 unlicensed rigs on private property. The obvious reason is so Saratoga can be a more pleasant place to live. Obviously someone isn’t doing their job of enforcement. If the present city council, mayor, planning officer or police chief isn’t interested in enforcement why not just dump the existing nuisance ordinance we spent hours developing and rename Roc...

  • More than just voting (but vote too)

    Joshua Wood|Oct 31, 2018

    I was thinking a lot about this week’s column. Initially, with this edition of the newspaper coming out on Oct. 31, I thought about trying to write a spooky ghost story or examine why some of us love horror movies so much. Then I thought about writing something in regards to the recently arrested Florida man who mailed 12 packages to prominent politicians and activists. Instead, I have decided to focus on the importance of civics and voting with the general election being next Tuesday. Since s...

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