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  • No pain, no gain

    Joshua Wood|Sep 25, 2019

    Change is difficult. It can be painful most of the time and, when moving forward, mistakes are going to be made. While this is something that I have been aware of in the past, it has been made very clear to me in the past few weeks. No newspaper is without its errors. Look hard enough and you will find grammatical mistakes and misplaced punctuation. History is littered with times in which newspapers got something wrong. Take, for example, when the Chicago Daily Tribune ran the headline “Dewey D...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 25, 2019

  • Don't use the word Communist lightly

    Sep 18, 2019

    This week’s column was going to be about my constant battle with the wildlife attacking my gardens. Not really a new subject, but the past couple weeks have made me uneasy to the point that my column is not going to about the battle of the gardens. I have 19 different gardens—no wonder the deer think of my place as a restaurant. This one is about China. First, let me make this clear; this is my personal opinion, not of the newspaper I work for. Sometimes readers don’t make the differentiation. Second, let me put forth I am not a real fan of Do...

  • The politics of comic books

    Sep 11, 2019

    “The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude.” ~ George Orwell This year marks the 80th anniversary for Marvel Comics and, in celebration of eight decades, it has put together a special 1000th issue. As part of that issue, Marvel asked for submissions from famed comic book writers and artists. Recently, however, the company has been getting into some hot water over it’s political stance or, rather, it’s attempt to maintain an apolitical stance. One of the biggest problems about this is that it...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 11, 2019

  • It takes a Frenchman

    Mike Armstrong|Sep 4, 2019

    I have made no secret of my love for Carbon County in the summe. I really think it is one of the greatest places in the world during this time. It is also pretty cool when a person from an entirely different culture reinforces your beliefs. Last week an excellent friend from France came to visit me on his world tour. Where The Friendship Began I met Didier several decades ago in Taichung, Taiwan. He had been in the city (it is the third largest in Taiwan) about a year before I came. When I met...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 4, 2019

  • Accurate representation

    Joshua Wood|Aug 28, 2019

    When it comes to the governing body of a town, those sitting on the town council should serve as an accurate representation of the citizens. One may argue that this is not always the case. I think it’s safe to say that, with recent developments, this statement currently holds true. Ever since the formation of the Healthcare Sustainability project subcommittee, opinions have been divided on the announcement of a critical access hospital being pursued. The concern is whether or not the hospital wo...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 28, 2019

  • Bridge Street Bargains in need

    Aug 28, 2019

    Dear Editor, Bridge Street Bargains is in need of volunteers in order to continue our service to the community. We are a nonprofit thrift store and the money earned is returned to the community. Since September 2015, we have given approximately $70,000 to nonprofit organizations in our valley. Anyone is welcome to join our team and we would love to have you. Hours are flexible and the volunteer establishes their own hours. So, come in and talk to us. We understand everyone is busy but if you can spare a couple hours a week, it would be a great...

  • Drop Bears and Jackelopes

    Mike Armstrong|Aug 21, 2019

    I am loving this time of year. Wyoming in the summer can’t be beat and I revel in living here. Winter and wind be damned, now that summer is here. I am blown away every time I enter the town of Elk Mountain as the summer progresses. It is lovely. I go there almost every week, so I have seen the fields outside the town get greener and more lush, with horses languishing near the creeks as the summer rolls on. The Valley has so many awesome places to visit during this time of year, I never r...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 21, 2019

  • Kindergarten coping

    Aug 14, 2019

    Next week, the day that every parent dreams for and every child dreads for three months will finally arrive. The first day of school. When I was younger, I always dreaded the first day of school. There was really no particular reason for it other than the fact that summer was coming to an end and gone were my late nights of playing video games and watching horror movies. For much of my teenage years, I was never what one would call a morning person. I would reluctantly drag myself out of bed and, like the shambling terrors of the movies I...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 14, 2019

  • No easy task

    Aug 14, 2019

    To the Saratoga Sun Staff, Anyone who has worked in the newspaper business knows it is hard work getting a newspaper out when everything goes right, and it rarely goes right. I am impressed with how the team came together and published the paper two days after losing their leader, Keith McLendon. This says a lot about his team and the way he led it. That was not an easy task. You should be proud of yourselves. I know Keith would have been. Good job, Liz Wood Saratoga...

  • Benefits of Brush Creek

    Aug 14, 2019

    Dear Editor, The past couple of weeks you have run letters from readers who feel Brush Creek is changing the valley in a way that they don’t approve of. I would make the opposite argument. I would start by the obvious and that is that they are targeting a clientele that no one else in the valley targets, and they are doing it successfully. They are obviously providing them with an experience that they find attractive and are bringing a national awareness to their facility. The fact that they continue to grow and attract a different clientele is...

  • Thank you White family and Brush Creek Ranch

    Aug 14, 2019

    Dear Editor, We want to express my appreciation to Brush Creek Ranch and the White’s for their investment in Wyoming. We believe that our state benefits in many ways from Brush Creek and it’s employees and guests. Many of the employees of Brush Creek Ranch live in our communities and thus contribute to the overall success of our region. They buy homes, pay taxes, shop in our stores, eat in our restaurants, support our community center, and have children enrolled in our schools. We realize that most of the guests of Brush Creek Ranch probably do...

  • Rest in Peace

    Mike Armstrong|Aug 7, 2019

    “This isn’t just a loss to Saratoga and its community,” Saratoga resident Wanda Snell said shaking her head with eyes misting up. “This is a loss for Carbon County.” Wanda was talking to me on the day after Keith McLendon, my buddy (20 years) and boss, had been pronounced dead in a Casper hospital on July 28. It was a Monday and I had just gone into the office, dropped off my camera and recorder on my desk, and headed to the coffee machine. As I started to get my mug, I realized I couldn’t...

  • Fondly remembered

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Aug 7, 2019

    We lost a fine soul last weekend. Keith McLendon was more than an employee at a newspaper. He was a staunch supporter of the community and an advocate for his employees. Keith won numerous awards for his service and artistic abilities, but it was not the awards he pursued, it was verification that he was doing a good job on your behalf. He may have ruffled a few feathers along the way...it comes with the territory. He always had what was best for citizens of the valley in mind. Keith was one of the most entertaining guys to sit with and have a...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 7, 2019

  • Until we meet again

    Joshua Wood|Jul 31, 2019

    The Saratoga Sun lost a member of the family early Sunday morning and we are all grieving. For the foreseeable future, things will be in a little bit of chaos as we struggle with how to move forward. There are no puns today. No jokes. That, I think, is the hardest part about all of this. For nearly 10 years, and it would have been 10 years on August 9, the puns and jokes of Keith McLendon filled the newsroom. They also were printed in the pages of this paper. Sometimes his humor got a few...

  • Yet another opinion on Brush Creek

    Jul 31, 2019

    I just read the letter from Mr. Carl Beach. I have been coming to Saratoga for a number of years and have always enjoyed the area. 3 years ago I decided to retire and make Saratoga home. I have been watching Brush Creek buy up more and more land for the use of the 1% as Mr. Beach stated. I do agree that the vistors of Brush Creek do not care about the locals or the history of carbon county. I now feel like a prisoner, I can’t enjoy the valley as I did years ago. I did see a group of kids with the Brush Creek camp at the Encampment museum the o...

  • Loving Saratoga

    Jul 31, 2019

    Dear Editor, I just wanted to let you and your town know that I love coming to Saratoga. I happened upon the hot springs by accident and that was the icing on the cake! I usually camp at Ryan Park in one of the Brush Creek campgrounds and also at the lake for a few days. I have made a few friends at the hot springs, early in the morning. I’ve learned a lot about Saratoga from them. Thanks, Dick Perue, Dale and Lori, Ken, Clyde, Marilyn (that has moved away) and Steve for giving me some good company and sharing with me some of the town’s his...

  • A yardstick of yardwork

    Keith McLendon|Jul 24, 2019

    Lawn mowing began in stone age times as dinosaurs were strapped to carts to munch on the greenery around stone dwellings. I know this because I saw it in a documentary called “The Flintstones.” Okay, I can see how you might not believe my reference there. Some scientists believe that the need for humans to encircle themselves with turf grass is a trait ingrained from our ancestors. These scholars point to the low turf grasses of Africa which allowed early man to better spy approaching dan...

  • A Saratoga disaster

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jul 17, 2019

    On Friday, the Saratoga Care Center held its annual federally mandated disaster drill which involved the complete evacuation of the facility, a bomb going off, two woundings, a fatality and a hostage. At last year’s drill, members of the Saratoga Police and Fire Departments showed up along with a SCWEMS ambulance crew. That ambulance crew included, now, mayor of Saratoga John Zeiger. Mr. Zeiger was also the Carbon County Emergency Coordinator at the time and, in that capacity, has run or assisted in these types of disaster simulations. He is w...

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