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  • A different view of Brush Creek

    Jul 17, 2019

    Dear editor, I am appalled at the lack of critical insight and awareness on display in the July 3rd column “Saratoga is famous too” by Joshua Wood. Without a hint of sarcasm or irony, Wood has reaped praise on a company that continues to recklessly gobble up our previously locally owned land in the name of corporate profit and status-sharing among the elite of our nation. Brush Creek Ranch has never been a “win” for our community, no matter how much publicity it brings, because of the exact nature of the tourism Wood shamelessly describ...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jul 17, 2019

  • It is great to live in America

    Mike Armstrong|Jul 10, 2019

    As the 4th of July rolls by, this is one of my favorite times to be in Wyoming. For that matter, the United States. But honestly, the 4th of July feels special, like it should, celebrating in small town Wyoming. Does it really get any better than celebrating America’s birthday with neighbors and friends in a state that understands the pioneer spirit and what the United States has accomplished since its independence? I truly love celebrating America’s birthday in Carbon County more than any pla... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jul 10, 2019

  • Fee use explained

    Jul 10, 2019

    Dear Editor, The letter from Jake and Nicky Shoales of Spokane, Washington—re: their experience at the “city” supported hot springs, while wonderful, reported no working water fountains plus slippery steps. Neither condition reflects well on the Town’s repair and maintenance nor its concern for the health and safety of residents and visitors. The Shoales suggested that landing fees be established for corporate jets and used to fund needed repair and maintenance. Obviously they were not aware that landing fees are already collected for transient...

  • Saratoga is famous too!

    Joshua Wood|Jul 3, 2019

    Saratoga is in the national news, again! Okay, technically it’s Brush Creek Ranch, but I think we can still count this as a win. It turns out that Karlie Kloss—I have no idea who she was until I did a Google search to be honest—and Joshua Kushner—brother of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner—recently visited the luxury ranch for a 2nd celebration of their wedding. Among those other famous faces joining them were Orlando Bloom, Katy Perry and Mila Kunis. This isn’t the first time famous people have... Full story

  • Unslaked and slippery

    Jul 3, 2019

    Editor, On our recent travels through the wonder-filled state of Wyoming, we stopped in Saratoga to enjoy the hot springs. It is truly a wonderful concept that a city supports a hot springs for residents and travelers alike to enjoy at no charge. After soaking in the waters for awhile, I was thirsty and wanted a drink of water. But the water fountains do not work. And the steps are bit slippery. I understand cities can be strapped for cash to keep up maintenance of their recreational facilities. Still, it would be nice to have a cool drink of...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jul 3, 2019

  • An ounce of prevention ...

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jun 26, 2019

    Chances are, by the time this editorial is being read, Saratoga will be “in the clear” as far as threat of flooding. With the alternating of warm and cool weather, the amount of run-off from the mountains into the North Platte River has been fairly regulated. Despite that there was still some risk of flooding for the area. Over the weekend of June 14, the smokebusters from the Newcastle Honor Conservation Camp came to the Valley and filled over 9,000 sandbags. This, combined with the 2,000 sandbags that were already filled, came to a total of... Full story

  • Healthcare proposal questions

    Jun 26, 2019

    Dear Editor, I have been following the debate regarding healthcare in Saratoga with great interest. After studying the proposals to date, I am convinced that we are headed in the wrong direction. There is a medical emergency in rural America. More than 100 of the country rural hospitals have gone broke, then closed in the last decade turning some of the most rural parts of the United States into what experts now call “health hazard zones.” Looking at the information on Saratoga’s situation I believe that we are on the verge of becoming the l...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jun 26, 2019

  • The spring in Wyoming's step

    Keith McLendon|Jun 19, 2019

    There are a few sure signs of springtime in Wyoming. Of course, with the oddly winterlike conditions we have had (interspersed with rare spots of sunshine) lately, it is kind of hard to believe spring is actually here. Smaller roads turn from straight-out-icy hells to industrial-strength mud and larger roadways develop horrible cases of road cone acne. Trees begin to grow leaves just as telephone and light poles start to sprout their own foliage—garage sale signs. Prairie dogs fire up for t...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jun 19, 2019

  • A party for the generations

    Mike Armstrong|Jun 12, 2019

    This being the time where many students are graduating from high school and college, I guess I have some words of advice for a person who has been around for a bit. Recently I was invited to a cocktail party by a friend I have known for over five years. Dan worked in my kitchen in a restaurant I founded in Laramie a few years back while he was working on his accounting degree. He loves the cocktail culture as much as I do and it is fitting he now works for the state liquor commission. Also invit... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jun 12, 2019

  • Gossip, no. Meetings, yes

    Jun 12, 2019

    Editor, I went to the Town Council meeting at the Community Center last week. I am appalled and frightened with the division in our community over the Clinic. If you are a pot stirrer please sign your name to your verbiage and argue with whoever in private. Many people in our valley do not read the paper or listen to the radio—they listen to the inconsistent and sometimes untruthful and sometimes ignorant Facebook or web pages. Find out all sides—talk to the people involved—before stirring the pot and spreading gossip. We need our clini...

  • Columns, editorials and news are not the same

    Joshua Wood|Jun 5, 2019

    Newspapers have a long history of being watchdogs for government, whether it is the White House or Town Hall. To be able to serve in that capacity, the readers of any newspaper should be able to trust what is being published. For a newspaper to do either of these things, it should not only ensure that there is a clear distinction between opinion and news, but report factually and objectively. When a newspaper fails to make clear the distinction between opinion and fact, it fails to meet the...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jun 5, 2019

  • Hospital a boondoggle?

    Jun 5, 2019

    Dear Editor, I have been trying to keep up with the banter regarding the project. From what I have surmised from all of it is that this is a big boondoggle where a big fancy new complex will be built in Saratoga. From my understanding, it will be built with money acquired from grants and other funding. It sounds nice. However, after it is completed, where, realistically, will the money come from to pay the bills to maintain the complex? What we need in Saratoga is the same medical center now standing. It is in good shape and ‘big enough.’ To...

  • Healthcare a concern for the entire Valley

    Jun 5, 2019

    Editor, When issues surrounding the Platte Valley Medical Clinic began publicly last fall, I attended a Saratoga town meeting and I was dismayed to learn most all the discussions and possible solutions were being strictly discussed by the Saratoga council, not including the rest of the Platte Valley communities. I spoke after the meeting with, then, Councilman Faust, and impressed upon him the need for the rest of the valley towns to be included in working on a solution, as the Platte Valley...

  • I call shenanigans

    Keith McLendon|May 29, 2019

    I want to apologize for the paper being late last week. Apparently the delivery driver felt it was unsafe for him to bring us our papers in a timely manner. Don’t worry. I let the organization we have contracted with to both print and deliver our papers know that this was unacceptable. Of course, this apology comes in a paper a day late by design. Hopefully, the Memorial Day photo spread on the front page spread is worth the delay to you, our readers. It has been said lately that I am ...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    May 29, 2019

  • There is no substitute for a sister

    Mike Armstrong|May 22, 2019

    I have always said that my parents may not have lasted very long together (about five years), but they created one of my best friends when my sister was born. I don’t think I realized it when she first came home. The story goes that, when they brought her home from the hospital, I threw a tantrum. Guess I liked being the only child or something. I was a year and half, so I am not positive why I was so freaked out. Anyway, apparently they put this swaddling babe on the couch and I cautiously star... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    May 22, 2019

  • Making time for meetings

    Joshua Wood|May 15, 2019

    A common frustration, expressed from town to town, is the inconvenient scheduling of public meetings. Whether on social media, over lunch or in conversation at the post office, the complaint is almost always the same: I would make that meeting if it didn’t already have something going on. I get it. What’s more, my family gets it. At the Saratoga Sun, we cover six communities and five schools with only two reporters and one editor. Our schedules are filled with meetings. Just in Saratoga we hav... Full story

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