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  • More than just voting (but vote too)

    Joshua Wood|Oct 31, 2018

    I was thinking a lot about this week’s column. Initially, with this edition of the newspaper coming out on Oct. 31, I thought about trying to write a spooky ghost story or examine why some of us love horror movies so much. Then I thought about writing something in regards to the recently arrested Florida man who mailed 12 packages to prominent politicians and activists. Instead, I have decided to focus on the importance of civics and voting with the general election being next Tuesday. Since s...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Oct 31, 2018

  • A look back at Saratoga straits

    Oct 31, 2018

    Editor, Election time is November 6th. I am writing to remind everyone how the dismal state Saratoga’s financial affairs came to be. The previous mayor had entered into a lawsuit with Randy Stevens that even the insurance company would no longer honor and left Saratoga financially vulnerable. Over a quarter million dollars was spent out of the reserves that I know of for sure. The current Mayor and Council are still paying on the remnants of this. The town is also financially responsible (court ordered) should that $70,000 wall ever fail c...

  • Never not working

    Oct 24, 2018

    I am never not working. That is not to say that I am always working—the fact is that I am as lazy as I can get away with. The amount I can get away with isn’t exactly at “independently wealthy” levels—and that’s enough said about that. We’re not allowed to whine in Wyoming, right? A Double Negative makes a Positive? But it is true I am never not working. I have been handing out candy to trick or treaters when a fire started up. If you are me that means drop your sweets, grab your camera and get to the flames. I have been taking in an evening to...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Oct 24, 2018

  • Draw your own conclusions

    Oct 24, 2018

    Dear Editor, I was very upset approximately one year ago when our local National Forest Service (NFS) Director was involuntarily transferred a thousand miles from her home and employment in Saratoga. She had no warning nor explanation and placed under a professional directive to stay silent. The decision was made by the NFS Regional Forester supervisor of Denver, Colo., an unusual decision that employees spanning 25 years of experience had never seen before. This forced transfer surprised everyone as all her evaluations had been very good. As...

  • The columnist before me

    Mike Armstrong|Oct 17, 2018

    When my Aunt Sylvia died a few months back, down in Alabama, I wrote of my sadness in her departure in a column not long after. An interesting twist of losing one aunt was reconnecting with my other, living, aunt and the closeness that cropped up. Aunt Vicki is the much younger sister of my mother and Aunt Sylvia. She really didn’t live with either when they lived at home. Both had left the nest when she was a very young child due to the 15-16 year age difference. My best memories of Aunt V...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Oct 17, 2018

  • Powerful pennies

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Oct 10, 2018

    It’s hard to advocate for a tax. Much less two. However, we at the Saratoga Sun feel that both the One Percent Sales and Use Tax (also known as the 5th Penny Tax) and the Two Percent Lodging Tax should overwhelmingly be passed once again. Fifth Penny It is not often a state with a small population has an opportunity to fund infrastructure improvement or vital services with a good portion of out-of-state monies. Roughly a third of the One Percent Sales and Use Tax is paid by visitors to Carbon County. Honestly, this sales tax goes largely u...

  • Keep Kaiser

    Oct 10, 2018

    Dear Editor, It has come to my attention that the Saratoga City Council is planning NOT to renew the lease on the Platte Valley Medical Clinic building to Dr. Kaiser, and, instead is turning it over to HMS to run. Though I am not a Saratoga resident, I have a vested interest in keeping Dr. Kaiser in his professional position at the clinic. I, and others in Rawlins, have willingly and gratefully driven over to Saratoga from Rawlins to receive excellent health services from the doctors at the clinic; first Dr. Norton, then Dr. Bartholomew and...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Oct 10, 2018

  • Confessions of a coffee addict

    Joshua Wood|Oct 3, 2018

    “Even bad coffee is better than no coffee at all.” ~ David Lynch Coffee is a reporter’s best friend. Freshly-brewed coffee, hot out of the pot and steaming from the mug is best. Nearly day-old coffee that’s been heated up in the microwave will suffice in a pinch. I’ve recently noticed that stores are beginning to sell edible coffee cubes for people too busy to make coffee. I don’t think I’m that far just yet and if I am, someone please tell me. Now that I mention it, though, I am curious as to w...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Oct 3, 2018

  • An apology with hope for a bright future for the clinic

    Oct 3, 2018

    Dear Editor, In regard to my employment at the Platte Valley Medical Clinic: Change is hard. For everyone. For those with significant medical needs it is particularly difficult to establish care with a new and unknown provider. Or in a new and unknown health care system. Having worked in nursing for the past 27 years, I have come to understand that change is the norm in health care. It is a constant that cannot be avoided. But it can be managed in ways that are helpful to those most impacted. Or, it can be mismanaged with the most important...

  • A word from a town idiot

    Sep 26, 2018

    Reporters have to become an instant “expert” on a wide range of topics. We are required to break down complex issues in a manner you, the reader, can easily digest while not leaving out any pertinent information. It’s why I consider myself an idiot. Sometimes this attitude helps. I don’t always understand a story going into it, but know I have to give you a complete and unbiased accounting of unfolding events. This lack of understanding forces me to look into things, ask questions and do research. Several of these stories have occurred lately....

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 26, 2018

  • Patriotism was defined by John McCain

    Mike Armstrong|Sep 19, 2018

    When I was pretty young, my stepbrother got his draft notice and my stepmother was freaked. She was even talking about sending him to Canada. The Vietnam War was going on and she didn’t want her child going off to that war. My father served in the Korean War as a jet fighter pilot and didn’t talk about his time over there much. I know he wasn’t wild about bombing bridges from one conversation we had when I was older. Still, he wasn’t happy about the talk of his stepson going to Canada to avoi...

  • Lodging tax of value to the Valley

    Sep 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, The Saratoga/Chamber of Commerce has benefited from the 2 percent lodging tax administered by the Carbon County Visitors Council’s marketing grant program: Last year, over 180 visitor and relocation packets were sent by the chamber. The $6 postage cost per packet was reimbursed by the CCVC. Marketing and advertising costs of $8000 were reimbursed by the CCVC for the Steinley Cup Brewfest, Saratoga Lake Ice Fishing Derby and Encampment’s Copper Days Festival. The estimated impact of the 1,600 people attending these three events is...

  • Down by the old live stream

    Joshua Wood|Sep 12, 2018

    “He’s working the retail politics hard, cracking wise at every picnic and barbecue from Cody to Cheyenne and engaging in the occasional barroom debate, including one at the Bear Trap Cafe & Bar in Riverside, where he went mano a mano with two Democrats and a painting of Liz Cheney propped up in a chair, live-streamed on video by the local newspaper.” ~ GQ Magazine “The Pro-Environment Republican Trying to Take Down Liz Cheney” To be honest, I had no idea that the Saratoga Sun was going to...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 12, 2018

  • The ideal doctor

    Sep 12, 2018

    Dear Editor, “The ideal is full time doc (doctor), that’s the ideal” said Rude, Director of Health Management Services (HMS). Sooo if that is the ideal, why would Saratoga want to hire HMS to provide less than the ideal when Saratoga CURRENTLY HAS THE IDEAL DOCTOR. So what will you get from HMS? Rude said, “If a provider, doctor provider, is available to cover the time and if the patient load can justify the expense of a doctor to cover the time and we can break even and make profit, then I’m absolutely good with that.” A possible translation...

  • Congrats, conveying and convention

    Sep 12, 2018

    Dear Editor, My congratulations to the UPRSWDD (Platte Valley Landfill District) for winning the Wyoming Solid Waste and Recycling Association (WSWRA) award for recycling for populations under 5,000 for 2018. Congratulations also goes to the citizens and businesses of this landfill district for making this award possible with their support of our recycling efforts in Saratoga and Encampment over the last 10 years. We have come a long way in 20 years, from no recycling at all in 1995 when I arrived here, to a new recycling building equipped...

  • Stating terms and towning around

    Keith McLendon|Sep 5, 2018

    I have had a thought about what people who reside in Wyoming call themselves for some time now. The term that is officially used (I guess) is Wyomingite. Wyomingite? There is a Cure Wyomingite sounds like something you get a shot for: “So what is it Doc?” “You’ve got Wyomingites. Fortunately a lengthy course of penicillin will cure it.” Ewww. Call me crazy (go ahead, I’ve heard it before—lots) but I think we should be Wyomingonians. It’s a little trickier to say initially but way more “bounc...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 5, 2018

  • A high employment rate

    Mike Armstrong|Aug 29, 2018

    My father had two employers his entire work career. The government—I include his years with NASA and the Air Force as one—and General Electric (GE). When he retired, he was more or less set for the rest of his years. My father loved the space industry. At GE he was basically the company’s liaison to NASA. He passed way too early, but I have never doubted he left this world a fulfilled man concerning his work He was an excellent example for me to emulate in his work ethic, but the apple fell far...

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