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  • Hanna fire brings perspective

    Mike Armstrong|Sep 9, 2020

    I thought it would be clever to write my thoughts on Saturday as I waited to see if I was going to have to be evacuated due to the 316 fire and the potential of losing pretty much everything I owned. I can’t tell you how interesting the story was because when the order came that the town was under a mandatory evacuation, I shutdown my computer without saving the document. When you are in a hurry, you do careless things. Ironically, I was at the first fire that started on the railroad tracks a... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 9, 2020

  • The danger of tribal politics

    Sep 9, 2020

    Editor, An American historian once defined our national politics as the “systematic organization of hatreds.” Although this observation was made years ago, it is just as true today. In 2020, who you hate is who you are. Our parties today are largely driven by “tribal politics”, by what they are against, rather than what they are for. Political scientists call this phenomenon negative partisanship, and its dominance was on full display at both the Democratic and Republican conventions. The type of partisanship on display by both parties was fil...

  • Representation Matters

    Joshua Wood|Sep 2, 2020

    “Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers.” ~ T’Challa “Black Panther” On August 28, the actor Chadwick Boseman passed away at the age of 43 after a four year battle with colon cancer. Something that was amazing, to me, was that he had been struggling with this disease all while filming and it didn’t even leak to the public.... Full story

  • Credit where it's due

    Sep 2, 2020

    To the Editor: The staff of the Carbon County Museum have been following Mike Armstrong’s recent series of articles about the county’s museums and historical sites with great interest. It is wonderful that someone is taking the time to call attention to the hardworking people who founded these institutions and have kept them open to the public. I would, however, like to note a few inaccuracies in his recent article on Carbon (August 19), to ensure that the proper information is shared. First, he misspelled the name of Palma Jack twice. Pal...

  • Defund welfare

    Sep 2, 2020

    Editor, I’m all for defunding! Defunding welfare so you can’t riot, burn, loot, steal assault and throw urine, feces, rocks and explosives at police when you have to work for a living. Wake up, America. Left unchecked, these lovelies will soon be visiting your neighborhood (their words, not mine). Art Leys Saratoga, Wyoming...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 2, 2020

  • Four women in headlines after Wyoming primary elections

    Bill Sniffin|Aug 26, 2020

    National history concerning women was made in Wyoming last Tuesday – and it occurred on the 100th anniversary of national suffrage for women. You just cannot make this up. The four major party candidates for U. S. Senator and U. S. Representative will all be women in the general election on Nov. 3. This is simply amazing. The election also marked a historic statewide election when a number of prominent Republicans were knocked off by their more conservative counterparts. But first, back to the women: One of the women brings another amazing s... Full story

  • Regrets projection

    Aug 26, 2020

    Dear Editor, Since elected to serve on the Saratoga Town Council, I have strived to encourage public discourse and to promote civic engagement. I believe our best council meetings are the ones when the room is full, when citizens are vocal, when ideas are exchanged, when tough questions are asked and when rigorous debate unfolds about issues that matter to the residents of Saratoga. For some time now, much of that conversation has been about the Town’s finances. Understandably, this has been an important topic to everyone who cares about the f...

  • Move forward

    Aug 26, 2020

    Dear Editor, There is an old expression that says if you are in a hole and want to get out quit digging. The controversy in the City Council of the “missing” $3.7 million is without question a hole. But it is not a hole that is likely to be filled because, from all appearances, it appears to be money that was spent but not properly accounted for. It seems to be something of a waste of energy, irrespective of the strong emotions involved on both sides of the discussion, to spend all your time on the past without doing something about the fut...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 26, 2020

  • Signed, sealed … delivered?

    Joshua Wood|Aug 19, 2020

    For many, the post office is simply another stop in the continual errands that are to be run throughout the day. Others, meanwhile, treat it as a sort of community gathering spot where they talk with friends and acquaintances while checking their mail. The importance that the United States Postal Service plays in our daily lives is not one that is often felt until we reach those moments when the mail stops coming. In mostly rural Wyoming, a blizzard can shut down the interstate for days at a tim... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 19, 2020

  • Appreciate the roads

    Mike Armstrong|Aug 12, 2020

    Going to work the other day, I had to stop for road work a couple miles outside of Hanna and then, again, in between Walcott Junction and Saratoga. I was a little annoyed because I wanted to get to work and these delays lasted about 10 minutes a piece. Road work is one of those summer events that happen all over the state. Interstate 80 usually has several different areas being worked on between Laramie and Rawlins I seem to hit every year. I have learned, in the summer time, it is better for...

  • Teubner bows out

    Aug 12, 2020

    Editor, I write this today with a heavy heart to share a decision that has not been easy for me to make but, I find it necessary to withdraw my name for the Saratoga Town Council election. I have heard from so many Saratoga residents who have given support not only verbally but also with their vote and for that I am incredibly grateful. There are still 4 candidates to choose from: Creed James, Danny Burau, Ben Spaulding, and Tasha Worthington. It is our duty as Americans to do research and voice our opinions by voting. Our community is in dire...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 12, 2020

  • Each week a victory

    Joshua Wood|Aug 5, 2020

    “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” ~ John Lennon Well, here we are. The first issue of Volume No. 134. Here at the Saratoga Sun, this new volume means closing a chapter on what was a very somber start to Volume 133. Our July 31, 2019 paper bore terrible news on the front page for our small family in the office and our August 7, 2019 paper had a page dedicated to someone we weren’t ready to say goodbye to. Keith McLendon will always be sorely missed by his fam... Full story

  • Where credit is due

    Aug 5, 2020

    Dear Editor, Thanks for publishing histories of area museums in Carbon County. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. Although I appreciate the article concerning founding of the Saratoga Historical & Cultural Assn. and Saratoga Museum, the piece gave me WAY MORE credit than I deserve. Yes, I was one of the founding members, but played only a modest part–mostly with newspaper articles, editorials and donated advertising–in establishing the organization and museum. The real credit has...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 5, 2020

  • Museum invite

    Aug 5, 2020

    To the Editor, I very much enjoyed Mike Armstrong’s article in the Sun (July 29) concerning the museums of Carbon County. I was dismayed, however, to read Dick Perue’s comments concerning his reluctance to make contributions to the Carbon County Museum. Perhaps Mr. Perue is unaware of the fact that, in the past two years, we here at the CCM have professionalized the place as never before. My newly-hired staff is highly trained; we very much value every object and gift that we receive from our contributors. I welcome Mr. Perue to visit us any...

  • Want change? Run for office

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jul 29, 2020

    The date of the 2020 Primary Election draws ever closer and, soon, voters will be going to the ballot to make their choice on who they want to move forward to the General Election to represent them. While there are plenty of choices on the national level—a total of 16 people are running for United States Senate between both Democratic and Republican candidates—the options are far more slim the closer one gets to local government with a few exceptions. In Encampment, three people are running for town council and, in Saratoga, that number has... Full story

  • The world has enough 7-11s

    Mike Armstrong|Jul 29, 2020

    I was crushed a couple of weeks ago when someone sent me a picture on Facebook of the building that housed my restaurant in Taichung, Taiwan. This beautiful Mediterranean style building, which was home to one of the coolest places to get a taste of Western culture in this city of 3 million, is now a 7-11. I almost cried. Really. There were a bunch of postings from friends and customers who recalled different memories of this awesome place. Of course memories flooded back to me, too. It hit home,... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jul 29, 2020

  • The repetition of history

    Joshua Wood|Jul 22, 2020

    “You are a light. You are the light. Never let anyone—any person or any force—dampen, dim or diminish your light. Study the path of others to make your way easier and more abundant.” ~ John Lewis Late Friday evening, Representative John Lewis passed away at the age of 80. Lewis had served in the House of Representatives from 1987 until his death on July 17, but had made a great many contributions to the country even before then. Lewis was one of the original thirteen Freedom Riders. He helped... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jul 22, 2020

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