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  • A Short Term Proposal

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Aug 8, 2024

    Next Tuesday, the Saratoga Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing on short term rentals in municipal limits. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, we believe it is important for Saratoga residents to attend and make their voices heard. For more than a year, the topic of short term rentals—or STRs—have been held in meetings of both the Saratoga Planning Commission and the Saratoga Town Council. A question often asked, at least in the planning commission meetings, is what the goal would be in instituting a short term ren...

  • Biden's withdrawal: Presidential character in action

    David Adler, Ph.D.|Aug 1, 2024

    The possibilities of the Office of the Presidency, the Framers of the Constitution knew, would depend in large measure on the character of its occupant. The Presidency was constrained by the terms of the Constitution and the doctrine of checks and balances, designed to temper the vaulting ambition of future chief executives who might imitate those in European countries that aggrandized power for their own interests. But the presidency was also empowered to perform the responsibilities of the...

  • Wyoming still misunderstands Gillette

    Jake Goodrick, Gillette News Record|Aug 1, 2024

    Wyoming misunderstands Gillette. That was apparently clear when the task force in charge of picking a site for a state shooting complex opted against the more site-ready, cost-effective plan in Campbell County for what amounts to the predictable, and in the eyes of the ones in power, more quintessentially Wyoming location of Cody. Gillette has a site picked out, with ample space, local buy-in and available infrastructure to support it. Cody has natural beauty, and a lot of question marks. More importantly, Park County has task force members...

  • Don't Get Too Cheesy

    Dee Dee Martz|Aug 1, 2024

    Our special this week is my delicious cheesecake bars, which are so sweet and creamy you won’t be able to eat just one. You might want to make a double, or triple, batch of these great treats so that they aren’t all gone in one sitting. Dee Dee’s Delicious Cheesecake Bars Ingredients Crust: - 2 tbsp. s melted Cheesecake Filling: - 16 oz. cream cheese, room temperature - 1 tsp lemon juice - 2 eggs - 1/2 c. sugar - 1/2 c. fresh blueberries - 1/2 c. fresh raspberries Directions Preheat the oven...

  • So who's the candidate now?

    Kaitlyn Campbell|Jul 25, 2024

    The current election season chaos continued in full force at the national stage as President Joe Biden announced he was ending his bid for reelection on July 21. The move, coming after weeks of calls to end his candidacy, was a huge upheaval for both parties. Republican nominee and former president Donald Trump quickly decried the move, saying the Republican party should be “reimbursed for fraud” for the money spent attacking Biden. For the Democrats, the party has been left with no primary can...

  • Training for thee, training for me

    Jul 25, 2024

    The News Letter Journal would like to applaud the Newcastle City Council for taking a step to ensure that the members of local boards possess the training and knowledge they need to appropriately spend taxpayer dollars and make decisions on behalf of the public. But we would be remiss if we didn’t share some concerns about the council’s decision at their July 1 meeting to require service providers and/or 501c (3) that receive funds from the city to complete the board training program that is now being required of many public boards across Wyo...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 25, 2024

    Editor, The unsung heroes in this Valley are the nurses and nurses aides at our hospital. What they do every hour of every day boggles my mind. They even have one ER nurse named Sam that could make a dead man smile. Then there is Laura Bucholz and her team that got this beautiful hospital built in this little ranch town in the first place. Beyond belief and timely for me. Thank you, Art Leys Saratoga, WY...

  • Fighting Obesity

    Richard Espinoza|Jul 18, 2024

    I have been fighting obesity off and on in my entire life and it is never easy. Staying in good health is a big challenge for many people. For those who are dealing with obesity or being overweight, understand it is not your fault. We think it is because people have a problem with overeating which causes excessive body weight. However, it goes way beyond controlling food portions. I have dealt with food addiction before and, at times, I felt helpless. Then I realized I was dealing with a...

  • Time To Tone It Down

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jul 18, 2024

    The news coming out of Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday felt like a scene out of a movie or what one would find in history books. A former president—and current presidential candidate—the target of an attempted assassination just days ahead of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. It didn’t take long for a photo of former president Donald Trump to circulate across the news and through social media. Surrounded by Secret Service agents, blood on his face and fist raised in the air before being whisked away. While the former presi...

  • Hospital, first responders shine on tragic day

    David Peck, Lovell Chronicle, July 13|Jul 18, 2024

    The planners and designers of North Big Horn Hospital’s expanded state of the art emergency room surely had in mind a scenario like that which unfolded a week ago when four young men were involved in a horrific incident where fireworks went off inside a moving vehicle on the Fourth of July, severely burning all four. Perhaps some might have wondered if the large, multifaceted space was really needed. Was it overbuilt for a small hospital? Four young men and their families would answer that question emphatically: It was absolutely needed. The n...

  • Celebrating independence

    Karla Pomeroy|Jul 11, 2024

    14 years ago our founding fathers declared their independence. I think in this time as we celebrate with parades, rodeos, barbecues and fireworks we must take time to read the Declaration of Independence and fully appreciate what those 13 colonies did back in 1776. The Declaration of Independence is too long to republish here. It lists a lengthy set of grievances against the King of Great Britain. The founding fathers wrote in part, “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it b...

  • A Little Parade Etiquette, Please

    Joshua Wood|Jul 11, 2024

    Saratoga, we really should hand it to ourselves. We know how to do Independence Day right. Why else would we be seeing more and more people coming to our small corner of Wyoming? The Saratoga Volunteer Fire Department pancake breakfast had a line snaking out of the firehall and down Spring Avenue. The 3rd Annual Independence Day 5K Run/Walk had nearly 150 participants this year, with many people signing up the day of the event. Finally, the Independence Day Parade was one of the largest I’ve s...

  • Are The Steaks Too High

    Owen Acord, Special to The Sun|Jul 4, 2024

    Steak is a wonderful thing. Done right it could be so good that you never forget it. We all have some story about the best steak that we ever had and those memories stick out in our mind. Steak has a very strong cultural identity in the United States and even more so Wyoming. A Wyoming steak is infamously known to be as rare as it gets. Everyone likes their steak a little different so it begs the question: who do you trust more in making your steak, a steakhouse or yourself? Steakhouses are typically hit and miss. Oftentimes, steaks are over co...

  • Bruschetta believe you'll love this chicken

    Dee Dee Martz|Jul 4, 2024

    Our Special this week is so easy to make. Creamy Bruschetta Chicken Lets get started preparing and enjoying this delicious delight - 1 lb boneless chicken breast cubed - 1 package Knorr Creamy Chicken Flavor rice - 2 Tablespoons Olive oil - 2 Garlic cloves diced - 1 dozen whole cherry tomatoes - 2 Tablespoons Basil spice - I block of cream cheese - 1 bag of fresh spinach - Heat oil in skillet and cook chicken thoroughly, 4 minutes; adding garlic during last 30 seconds. Remove from skillet; set...

  • Have a happy Fourth of July

    Jul 4, 2024

    The Fourth of July is just around the corner, and we just can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to enjoy fireworks, whether it is a show hosted by professionals or a private show with your family and friends. Fireworks technicians that put on public pyrotechnics are extensively prepared, and it is important for the public to remember that caution and safety are essential to enjoying this truly American holiday favorite in an appropriate way. Firework injuries are prominent, and fires can start all too easily under the right c...

  • Print Is Still Valid

    Kaitlyn Campbell|Jun 27, 2024

    One of the recent resolutions from the Wyoming Association of Municipalities (WAM) would give “local governments the choice of how and where to publish the required memorialization and notice under Wyoming law.” I don’t think this implementation is a good idea, for several reasons. Firstly, this phrasing gives no minimum requirement for where memorialization and notice should be published. If the goal is to allow greater reach of notice by allowing local governments to post notice online this...

  • My Time With Cowboy

    Owen Acord, Special to The Sun|Jun 27, 2024

    Cowboy Bill Wadsworth was an extraordinary man. He was a pillar of the community in the Valley and it is pretty rare to come across anyone who lives here who hasn’t at least interacted with him once. I really started getting to know him during my time working at the Bear Trap. He would always come down for a good soup night, get himself a bowl or two, and a quart of it to go. Every time I saw him, he had a smile on his face. I always loved it when he came in. He had a special way of making you feel like the most important person in the world wh...

  • Let's Clean Up

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jun 27, 2024

    Saratoga’s downtown can be a beautiful location as locals and visitors alike shop and eat among historic buildings under the backdrop of gorgeous mountain vistas. We say “can be” as there are times when littering detracts from that beauty. A prime example is the morning of June 21. We at the Saratoga Sun noticed a few beer cans thrown into the sewer drain and a lovely floral arrangement in front of Bridge Street Bargains destroyed. That morning, we grabbed a trash bag, dust pan and push broom and not only cleaned up this mess but walked along...

  • On Mental Health

    Richard Espinoza|Jun 20, 2024

    It's been one year since I graduated from Northern Arizona University. One of the important things I had to do was complete a graduation capstone project. My capstone thesis was “The Effects of Mental Health Among College Men And College Men Veterans.” In my capstone, I explained the symptoms and the signs of mental health issues. I spent four months writing my capstone and showing evidence for the claim. I also had to meet with my professor and peers weekly to give an update on my project. For...

  • I cherished my visit to grandson Leroy

    David Peck, Wyoming Editorial Roundup|Jun 13, 2024

    It melted my heart every time my little towheaded grandson Leroy came running toward me saying, “Papa!” followed by “Up!” I would scoop him up into my arms as he smiled broadly. It had been six months since I saw the little guy at Thanksgiving, and my visit to daughter Danielle and her family in Ohio over the weekend was special and very much needed. There are few things more wonderful than a 2-year-old grandchild. (Well, Leroy is almost 2, about 21 months old now.) Yes, toddlers can be cranky, finicky with their food and mercurial with th...

  • Youth Lead By Example

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jun 13, 2024

    Something amazing happened at the June 4 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council, something that gives us at the Saratoga Sun hope for the upcoming generations. Jaxon Owen, age 12, and Archer Burau, age 10, stood before the governing body to not only identify a problem, but provide a solution. While it came with some help from their parents, the fact that these young residents stood in front of the town council is impressive. In this day and age, there are adults who would rather make complaints on social media or at local coffee groups rather...

  • Get to know new writer Owen Acord

    Owen Acord|Jun 6, 2024

    My name is Owen Acord and I am a new summer writer for the Saratoga Sun. I chose to write for the Sun to dip my toes into the world of journalism before I go to the University of Wyoming in the fall to study it. I discovered that journalism is the career path I would like to pursue from a couple of different places. The first was my former job of waiting tables at the Bear Trap. The Bear Trap gets a lot of people from all over the country, and even from around the world. This gave me an opportunity to talk to a variety of people. I love that...

  • Safety tips for your summer

    Jun 6, 2024

    Summer is synonymous with relaxation and fun in the sun. Remembering these tips can help you enjoy summer as safely as possible. - Avoid heat-related illnesses: Hot summer days pose a significant threat if the proper measures aren’t taken to avoid heat-related illnesses. According to the National Safety Council, heat exhaustion, which occurs when the body loses excessive water and salt, and heat stroke, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes is marked by the body’s inability to control its temperature, can escalate rap...

  • Lessons learned from fifth graders

    Kaitlyn Campbell|May 30, 2024

    I am endlessly fascinated by the mechanics beyond rhetorical argumentation and how we convince others that we are in the right. I spent about four years of my life where competitive debate was my primary focus - one year in high school, and two and a half years in college. Participating on both high school and collegiate debate teams has given me the love of breaking down arguments, and my experience in the activity was at the forefront of my mind when I got to attend the Judicial Learning Day...

  • How local is more local?

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|May 30, 2024

    Who best represents what Saratoga is? This is the question we at the Saratoga Sun find ourselves asking following the May 21 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council in which they refused to fill a vacancy on the Carbon County Visitors’ Council Board of Directors. With a month to fill the vacancy, weeks of advertising and a deadline of May 31 a motion to appoint the sole applicant—McCall Burau—failed due to lack of a second. When Councilmember Kathy Beck, who made the motion, asked why there wasn’t a second, Councilmember Jerry Fluty explain...

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