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  • Finding common decency

    Joshua Wood|Dec 1, 2021

    When I get the time, I like to listen to podcasts. In years prior, when I had a longer commute to work, it was something I did on a regular basis in my car. Now, I try to do it when I’m driving to pick up my son from my mother-in-law’s house after school or when I’m driving somewhere for the newspaper. The podcasts range from daily news updates to Wyoming missing person and murders cases (“Dead and Gone in Wyoming”, seriously check it out) to sleep podcasts I listen to at night. One of the po...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 1, 2021

  • Wyoming themed Christmas gifts

    Bill Sniffin|Dec 1, 2021

    The experts said shop early this year for Christmas, so in that spirit we offer our annual list of Wyoming-themed gifts. But we do not have to worry about supply chains or products being stranded off some California port – these gifts are available here in our own back yard. Plus buying local helps the Wyoming economy in the best way possible. I love doing this because it also gives a boost to our Wyoming artists, craftsmen, and retailers. We are really recycling our own money in the best way possible. Pete Illoway of Cheyenne suggests folks ch...

  • Finding new memories

    Mike Armstrong|Nov 24, 2021

    Last weekend I went to see my step-dad, who is in assisted living. They had just lifted the ban on visitors at the rehabilitation nursing center he lives at in Fort Collins. Earlier in the week my sister was informed his health was declining. Stuart is now in a wheelchair and has been getting a bit frail recently according to the staff. COVID-19 precautions have really limited my ability to visit. I am fortunate, when the message came in about his health, my co-workers, Josh and Dana,...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Nov 24, 2021

  • Be the change for the Holidays

    Micky Jones|Nov 17, 2021

    With many holidays quickly upon us, it seems time to gather those closest to us and begin preparations for celebrations. Celebrations can mean a variety of things; gathering at a relative’s home, hosting friends or enjoying the time off with plenty of goodies. It can be a time of so much fun and joy for many. Spreading joy is a huge part of these seasons, from gift giving to gathering with friends and family. It can also be a time of stress and sadness even for the happiest of folks. D...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Nov 17, 2021

  • Against Critical Race Theory

    Nov 3, 2021

    Editor, I commend the Carbon County School District No. 2 Board of Trustees for unanimously adopting a resolution addressing the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Your resolution takes aggressive pro-active action against a divisive, destructive theory that should not be promoted in a public school classroom. Thank you, Mark Jones Saratoga, Wyoming...

  • For Critical Race Theory

    Nov 3, 2021

    Dear Editor, As long as I can remember, truth has been feared.. But, our educational system is the cornerstone of our country and it is important that we teach our children the facts. With few exceptions teachers have been very diligent about doing this without injecting personal bias or belief. Those who don’t rarely keep their jobs. Perhaps it is time to trust them while setting careful parameters. While I fully support parents weighing in on curriculum, I am appalled that it happens because of misinformation from media and alarmists. Back i...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Nov 3, 2021

  • It is time for movies

    Mike Armstrong|Oct 27, 2021

    I have always enjoyed Western movies, for the most part, but I have to admit, in recent weeks I have become almost addicted to them. It started when I bought two different collections. One was a James Stewart bundle, all Westerns. I guess I have always associated him with “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “Philadelphia Story” so I didn’t realize he had done quite a few Westerns. I bought the set because it had the movie “Rare Breed”. I was pretty young when it came out but I had some vague memory fr...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Oct 27, 2021

  • Walking the talk

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Oct 20, 2021

    It isn’t a secret how busy the intersection of 1st Street and Bridge Avenue in Saratoga is on any given day. Wyoming Highway 130, which becomes 1st Street once it enters town limits, is the route to the Snowy Range, the Sierra Madres and Northern Colorado. For that reason, vehicles of all shapes and sizes—from sedans to recreational vehicles to semi-trucks—make their way through the center of town. This, however, also creates a safety issue. We at the Saratoga Sun would like to commend Councilmember Jon Nelson for speaking with the Wyomi...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Oct 20, 2021

  • An answer is needed for housing

    Joshua Wood|Oct 20, 2021

    If there’s one thing I can agree with the Saratoga Town Council on when it comes to the issue of income-based housing, it’s there is no quick or easy answer. To be honest, I don’t think anyone expects there to be a quick or easy answer. It’s probably why it was listed as a concern in the 2016 Saratoga Master Plan which, as Pastor Steve Niccolls put it during the October 5 council meeting, is collecting dust at town hall. A number of goals were presented in the document to address the forecas...

  • Who is the Heart of The Valley

    Micky Jones|Oct 13, 2021

    The past few weeks I have been privileged to meet so many interesting people in the Platte Valley. From people who have lived their entire lives here to people born in countries overseas who have found the Valley somehow. Every community, no matter what size it is or how long it’s been around, has its influential people. The ones here just feel extra special. Many folks have hidden talents here, not to mention hearts of gold. There are volunteer opportunities always available for many causes o...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Oct 13, 2021

  • The Purity of a Community

    Mike Armstrong|Oct 6, 2021

    It is sometimes hard for me not to miss the life I had overseas because, often, it was a lot of fun. At one point I was writing for a magazine where my job was going to different nightclubs in Taipei reviewing their “Ladies Night.” My work at the magazine was part-time because I lived in Taichung, a three to four hour bus ride away. Back then the train was not much faster. although that has changed. Using the ‘Bullet Train’, a person can be in Taipei from Taichung in an hour-and-half. The oth...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Oct 6, 2021

  • Be careful what you wish for

    Joshua Wood|Sep 29, 2021

    “There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They’re spying on me through my phone’ anymore. Eventually, it will be ‘My phone is spying on me’.” ~ Philip K. Dick Growing up, I often thought about how I wanted to live in a world inspired by science fiction. I suppose I should have been a little more specific on what science fiction future I was hoping for. The ideal was to be in a future similar to that presented in “Star Trek”, Gene Roddenberry’s brainchild which has spawned numerous televisions...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 29, 2021

  • Don't let crowds stop you from visiting Yellowstone

    Bill Sniffin|Sep 22, 2021

    (Part 1 of 2 parts) In Yellowstone, the voice of authority is a young gal with a bullhorn telling people to move along. We ran into them on three occasions during our 11-hour drive through the park Friday, Sept. 17. The first two times, the gals had gotten the traffic moving by the time we got to the offending place. The third time, we stopped and rolled down our window, and asked: “What’s going on?” “There’s nothing here. Get out of here!” said the seemingly pleasant looking but serious traffic mover. Okay, okay. And away we went. We have been...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 22, 2021

  • Friends and Fun make the Valley

    Micky Jones|Sep 15, 2021

    Attending a Polka Dance may not be what one thinks of as an exciting time. The Platte Valley Arts Council truly made it an event Saturday night. Though it wouldn’t be considered a high turnout the band and the crowd really had some chemistry. A drinking game certainly isn’t what I expected out of the night, neither was being welcomed with open arms by everyone I encountered. The folks in our little Valley really have a way of making everyone feel so welcome no matter who you are or where you...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Sep 15, 2021

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