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  • Editorial Cartoon

    Feb 23, 2022

  • Waxing poetic

    Feb 23, 2022

    SUPER BOWL HALFTIME “SHOW” Did you happen to see that halftime “Show”? At least they called it that. It did not make much sense to me. I thought it just fell flat. I did not understand it - that football halftime show. Those folks were hip-hoppin’ all around as if they had to go. Is that “rappin” now called singing? If it is, then I’m behind. It just didn’t make a bit of sense at least in my old mind. That poor gal’s dress was skimpy. Glad the weather there was warm ‘cause she surely would have perished in just a mild Wyoming storm. I thin...

  • Americans should never accept the Strongman

    Mike Armstrong|Feb 16, 2022

    One of the hardest things for me to do right now is read the news coming out of China. I cannot believe a country that was turning into a world partner has taken the opposite road. About a decade ago, I lived in China. Suzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzen were all my residences at one time and it afforded me the opportunity to see the Chinese people turn these cities into world class destinations. It was 2009 and my first time living in China was in Suzhou. It has a populaton of 8 million and...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Feb 16, 2022

  • What kind of political stew will occur in Wyoming in 2022?

    Bill Sniffin|Feb 9, 2022

    This year 2022 was, once upon a time, shaping up to be one of the most interesting political years in memory. The last big election year like this, back in 2018, was a doozy, with three governor candidates spending over $2 million each, plus we saw over 10,000 Democrat and Independent voters cross over on election day. Wow, what a series of events. It is beginning to look like the performance this year may fail to live up to the potential for drama we had earlier anticipated. For example, here are three races I was foreseeing this year: First,... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Feb 9, 2022

  • Eight years a father

    Joshua Wood|Feb 2, 2022

    Where has the time gone? In many ways, it feels like just yesterday my son, Jareth, was born. Tomorrow (Thursday) he’ll be 8 years old and I find myself both amazed at what a wonderful young person he is and afraid of how quickly the years will continue to slip by. What’ll be even harder, this year, is that I won’t be around for his actual birthday. Instead, I’ll be in Casper at the Wyoming Press Association Winter Convention. Living in Wyoming, I’ve often joked with people that I remember...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Feb 2, 2022

  • The world needs more Mr. Sotos

    Mike Armstrong|Jan 26, 2022

    In another life, much younger, I was a kindergarten English teacher in Taichung, Taiwan. It was an early job when I first arrived fresh from Hawaii. It laid the ground for me teaching English at hospitals and becoming a private teacher. It was an amazingly fun era for me; as I look back. Especially teaching kids. After living in Hawaii for two years, I came to island with only an English degree from the University of Maryland. Good luck was with me and within three months I found myself working...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jan 26, 2022

  • Farewell, Elva

    Joshua Wood|Jan 26, 2022

    “How’s the most beautiful woman in all the Valley?” That was how I would greet Elva Evans whenever I saw her around town. Whenever I’d say that, she’d get a big grin on her face and laugh which, in turn, would bring a smile to my face. I wasn’t always that way. When I first met Elva, I was in high school. I was at the grocery store with my mom and we were behind Elva at the cash register. Mom, even then already knowing so many people, introduced us. When I spoke, I thought Elva was going to me...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jan 19, 2022

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jan 12, 2022

  • The inspiration of the arts

    Mike Armstrong|Jan 5, 2022

    I find it funny how I have to go to kids’ concerts to remind myself how important the arts are to school programs, and to me. I was a lucky kid growing up around Washington D.C. because both sets of my folks liked to take me to plays and concerts even though, sometimes, I wasn’t really into going. Still, I saw Broadway shows which came to town and I even went to New York a few times. Culture was being ingrained into me whether I wanted it or not. My mother was always playing classical music in... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jan 5, 2022

  • Let 2022 Spark Joy

    Micky Jones|Dec 29, 2021

    What does the next year look like for you? Are you hoping to do the same old same thing or to walk into 2022 with a breath of fresh air? No matter what your goals are for the new year I hope you enjoy the little things in life as well as the big. One way to spark joy for some could be to focus on the really important stuff. Or perhaps to stop engaging in bad habits or negative situations. For some even stopping to smell the flowers or eat lunch can spark joy in their day. Discard the things in...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 29, 2021

  • Driving across Wyoming on Christmas Day

    Bill Sniffin|Dec 29, 2021

    It started out as a bona fide stupid and crazy idea. We drove from Lander to Cheyenne on Christmas Day. It is a 348-mile trip. But the young man working the Christmas Day shift at the Fast Lane at the corner in Shoshoni made my day by saying “God Bless You and Merry Christmas,” as we bought some coffees. Then there was the young gal named Marissa who helped me air up my tires at a convenience store in Wheatland. I could not think of a worse thing to happen on this day than to have a flat tire along that vast empty stretch on Interstate 25 fro...

  • Redistricting has us concerned

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Dec 22, 2021

    Growing, growing, gone? That seems to be the direction for House District 47 as the Wyoming Legislature, particularly the Joint Corporations Committee, continues their most recent redistricting efforts. What is currently the largest district in the state of Wyoming—12,188 square miles—appears to be on the chopping block as legislators attempt to go through their once-in-a-decade process of redistricting. We would like to first preface our concerns by stating we can appreciate the difficult task the legislators of the Joint Corporations Com... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 22, 2021

  • Commercial Christmases I have seen

    Mike Armstrong|Dec 15, 2021

    I was told the other day Christmas seems to get more commercial every year. Maybe it is true, but I am not sure I am the guy to hear that. Christmas means something in America in a way not all places embrace other than the gift giving. I come from a background where my father was really strong in making me understand it is the celebration of the birth of Christ, thus Christianity. It is probably one of the reasons I love having Nativity scenes set up throughout my home. My father let us enjoy... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 15, 2021

  • Finding the right gift

    Micky Jones|Dec 8, 2021

    Why do we give gifts? Every Christmas, birthday, anniversary and special occasion we carefully choose and offer gifts to our loved ones. It’s something we do naturally and most of us don’t think about its deeper implications. The giving of gifts may be one of the oldest of human activities that predates civilization and may go back to the origin of our species. Even in primitive cavemen culture, the giving of gifts was fairly common as it was used to show love and affection towards one ano...

  • Don't wait, vaccinate

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Dec 8, 2021

    Nearly two years since the global pandemic began, the newest variant of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been detected in the United States. We are still learning about omicron, the most recent variant first discovered in South Africa. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have classified it as a Variant of Concern. Due to its early detection, it is still unclear if this variant is more severe than the original coronavirus or if it’s more transmissible. According to both organizations, while there is c... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 8, 2021

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