
Sorted by date  Results 764 - 788 of 1447

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  • Plastics shouldn't be buried

    Aug 29, 2018

    Editor: It is official. Plastic bottles along with glass are no longer being recycled at the Saratoga landfill/transfer station. At the August 1st monthly meeting of the Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District, its Chairman, Randy Raymer, said; “Glass is being put in the roll off to be put in the CD … pit … and so is mixed ridges (plastics)”, according to the Saratoga Sun article of August 8. If you want your plastic containers as well as your pop and beer boxes recycled, your must take them to the Rawlins Recycling Center. If you lea...

  • Enemy of the people? ... Who us?

    Joshua Wood|Aug 22, 2018

    “The only security of all is in a free press.” —Thomas Jefferson *** I had full intentions of writing a different column, one that discussed the changing landscape of technology and how it was forcing newspapers to evolve. Following the live-streams of the debates at the Bear Trap and the Platte Valley Community Center, it seemed fitting to discuss the use of social media in journalism. I was looking forward to it, too. That changed with a tweet sent in the early morning hours of Aug. 5, thoug...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 22, 2018

  • Doctoring disappointment

    Aug 22, 2018

    Editor, It is with great horror that I read about what’s going on with the medical clinic! Even though both my husband and I have lived in Rawlins for close to 25 years now, we have always doctored in Saratoga. We’ve always had excellent care, able to get in to see the doc with a short notice, etc. I was very impressed when I met Dr. Kaiser and felt good about him being my new family doctor. He was very easy to talk to and he actually listened! It will force us to find another doctor if you do indeed run Dr. Kaiser off and I would hate tha...

  • Primary Pain

    Keith McLendon|Aug 15, 2018

    I have dreaded August since January. Augusts in even numbered years mean one thing to me … I will be losing my mind (even more than normal). Augusts contain Back-to-School sections, County Fair coverage, Fall Sports Sections and, in the aforementioned even-numbered years, … Election Sections. You may have noticed that the actual paper is outweighed by the Primary Election Section by eight pages. It is a pain … to put it lightly. Getting Started I started assigning candidates to my repor...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 15, 2018

  • Losing a listener

    Aug 15, 2018

    Editor, My heart is heavy with sadness as I compose this letter. I think the powers that be could have been more sensitive and forth coming to the public with our health care provider issues instead of the way it was handled. However righteous you may have wanted it to be, in the end, you treated us as school children and left us feeling something shady was done. I am publicly mourning the loss of a great doctor this little Valley was blessed with, Dr. Brian Kaiser. For the very short time he was here he made a huge improvement to so many...

  • Defining terms

    Aug 15, 2018

    Editor, After many questions by several different people, I thought I would help clear up what the difference in a PA (Physician Assistant), NP (Nurse Practitioner: may have different first initial depending on specialty, for instance FNP is family nurse practitioner, PNP is pediatric nurse practitioner), MD (Medical Doctor) and a DO (Doctor of Osteopathy) is. In basic form: a DO has medical school training including a focus on the muscular and skeletal systems to treat problems throughout the body. They regard the body as an integrated whole,...

  • Few like him

    Aug 15, 2018

    Dear Editor and readership: In my years living in this Valley and elsewhere, which includes several working in administration at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, I have encountered few physicians like Dr. Bryan Kaiser. His combination of attention to current research, and to patient input, and sheer will to find solutions to patients’ problems is uncommon and to be respected and treasured. He has made a tremendous impact for the better on many residents’ lives in the short time that he has been here, with a genuine interest in diagnosis and a pa...

  • Whiskey changed my life

    Mike Armstrong|Aug 8, 2018

    Providence has thrown a lot of interesting jobs at me over the years, but honestly, most just sort of happened by being in the right place at the right time. That is true to a major degree when it comes to my work with liquor. But of all the jobs I have had in any particular industry, I can’t help thinking destiny had me fated to work with hard spirits (even soft ones) at a very early age. I make jokes about my father having me make his Gibsons, Manhattans and Old Fashions at the tender age o...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 8, 2018

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 8, 2018

    Editor, I would like to respond to a couple of comments from the August 1st edition of The Saratoga Sun’s coverage of the political forums: “I think we are over training or over requiring on some of those requirements” and, “It doesn’t take a whole lot of training to put a bandage on a guy’s throat” I will refer to Wyoming State Statue 33-36-101 Wyoming Emergency Medical Services Act of 1977 Chapter 1 Section 3 Purpose These rules and regulations promote the health and safety of the people of Wyoming by establishing minimum standards and...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 1, 2018

    Editor, Heads up Saratoga. Our landfill will not accept any plastic for recycling. Any plastic taken to the Saratoga Landfill along with any glass will be buried. Please don’t blame the landfill attendant, Steve. He is just doing what his boss, Ron Munson, told him to do. If you are a dedicated recycler like me, talk to Ron or any landfill board member or its chairman Randy Raymer to find out why no plastic is being recycled. I am taking my rejected plastic to Rawlins. Please consider taking your recycling to the Rawlins Recycling Center. M...

  • Keeping Carbon County quirky

    Keith McLendon|Aug 1, 2018

    Fairly recently I have run some photos of the Carey sisters. These photos ran for two weeks in a row because they showed up for both the Independence Day celebrations Saratoga held and the centennial-and-a-quarter proceedings at the Hotel Wolf. You might wonder why I would give two out-of-towners the press. I have two reasons. First, they showed up in turn-of-the-century period costumes. Second, these ladies were a hoot. Everyone I talked to thought pretty much the same thing. The first time I...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Aug 1, 2018

  • Be an ambassador

    Joshua Wood|Jul 25, 2018

    The Good Times Valley has a lot to offer people both from out-of-town and out-of-state. We are home to a number of inclusive resorts, the only hot springs outside of Yellowstone and Thermopolis and world-class dining. The Hotel Wolf, Bella’s Bistro and Firewater Public House have either been long standing institutions or have quickly cemented themselves as attractions within our town. Along with all of that we also have great fishing, wonderful hunting and some great hikes ranging from easy t...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jul 25, 2018

    Dear Editor, I cannot believe the Saratoga Sun staff is endorsing having children play with fireworks. I had to look twice in the photos of Medicine Bow, when I saw small children playing with fireworks and then saw it was supervised by the Medicine Bow Fire Department. Children and adults are human, and many will believe that once they have been taught how to use fireworks, that it is will be okay to use them without proper supervision, because they know how to properly do it. We have a very dry, fragile forest just waiting for someone to put...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jul 25, 2018

  • An explosive idea

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jul 18, 2018

    Medicine Bow recently demonstrated what we at the Saratoga Sun feel is a good idea. The town allowed children and adults alike to play with fireworks. The reason this was allowed is that the county, despite having a fireworks ban, cedes authority to a municipality to have fireworks if set off by appropriately trained individuals. Medicine Bow Fire Chief Peter Andrews asked for, and got, permission from the Medicine Bow Town Council to attend Fireworks School. Fireworks School is a two-day program that teaches the proper safety techniques for ha...

  • Remember the teachers

    Mike Armstrong|Jul 18, 2018

    I was out in my garden last Sunday afternoon and did a twist of my back somehow and by the evening, I was in major pain. Gut wrenching torture, that made me want to puke; I couldn’t walk for more than three minutes at a time without suffering. I probably am one of the least stoic people dealing with being sick or hurting myself. I’m not really a baby or anything close, but I want my discomfort over fast. I don’t like lingering, much less intensifying uncomfortableness. Monday, I was barely able...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jul 18, 2018

  • Groggy notes, or, the Zorro of the Saratoga Sun

    Keith McLendon|Jul 11, 2018

    I occasionally have to do what we call “inserting.” It’s fairly self explanatory but I’ll fill you in anyway. We upload the Saratoga Sun to the press in Cheyenne Tuesday afternoons and when they are done being printed, they ship them to Walcott by truck which is then met by a courier the printer has hired to bring them to us. The upshot is that we usually get the finished papers by 2 a.m. Wednesday morning. Then the inserter’s job begins. Whatever flyers are there to be sent out with the paper...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jul 11, 2018

  • Little pay and no glory

    Joshua Wood|Jul 4, 2018

    On June 28, a shooter claimed five lives at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Md. after he shot out the front window of the building that housed the newspaper and roamed the newsroom with a shotgun. The shooter, who has since been identified as Jarrod W. Ramos, had a long-running dispute with the paper that began after “a column in 2011 that detailed his harassment of a high school classmate,” was published days after he pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge according the New York Times. Sin...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jul 4, 2018

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