
Sorted by date  Results 1417 - 1441 of 1447

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  • Volunteers commend teachers

    Feb 27, 2013

    Editor, We are writing this letter today to commend two of our Saratoga teachers for their recognition of the importance of youth volunteerism in our community. As you know, Bridge Street Bargains is the Saratoga thrift store managed, staffed and supplied strictly by volunteers and donations. Proceeds from the sales of items at the store directly benefit youth activities in our area. Funds are distributed through a grant program, which, in keeping with the volunteer core of the organization, requires the youth benefitting from the grants to vol...

  • Where’s the meets?

    Feb 27, 2013

    Editor, Where and when are the private Saratoga Town Board meetings held to discuss the issues so that those issues can be voted on at the public Saratoga Town Board meetings without discussion? Lois Rupert Saratoga & Dillon, CO...

  • Kudos to the Council

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Feb 27, 2013

    Thanks to the Saratoga Town Council. After hearing public complaints, the council made changes to its agenda and meetings. Issues were discussed openly by council members. Employees of the town were asked to explain processes and procedures during its reports. The Saratoga Sun commends the Saratoga Town Council for this action. The town council plans to further change its agenda to have items from the public after report items and before business which allows the public to comment on what was discussed in the meeting. The only request the town...

  • Taking photos is easier

    Brian Trautwein|Feb 27, 2013

    The last time I walked into the Event Center in Casper was for the State Wrestling Meet exactly 20 years ago. Back then I was a contestant in the meet and all the teams came through the doors in the back of the complex. All the busses for all the teams in the state still line up in this parking lane to drop off wrestlers, coaches and team managers. The meet brings 2A, 3A and 4A classes from the entire state, from as far off as Jackson and Saratoga. The spectators enter the complex from the...

  • Flurries, blizzards & whiteouts

    Keith McLendon|Feb 20, 2013

    It’s winter in Wyoming and I feel I would be remiss if, at some point, I did not write something about snow. There are several directions that can be taken with this subject. I could write about the serenity of snowfall, the poetic beautify of a pristine snowscape, the thrill of skiing through fresh powder, the fun of getting out and seeing white vistas on snowshoes or the value in moisture snowpack brings to the Valley. Maybe I’ll put these down on paper eventually. It’s not the direc...

  • ICOW applauds Wyoming Senators

    Feb 20, 2013

    Dear Editor, Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) provides important information about the origin of the food we purchase for our families. ICOW (Independent Cattemen of Wyoming) applauds Wyoming Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso for joining a bipartisan group of 31 senators signing onto a bipartisan letter to USDA and the US Trade Representative to keep COOL (Country of Origin Labeling) requirements in place. Because Congress passed COOL, we now have a legal right to know the origin of our food. This makes good, common sense. Unfortunately,...

  • Public input should be welcomed

    Feb 20, 2013

    Editor, Town meetings have been the shining examples of democracy in action since colonial times. Towns the size of Saratoga are the perfect place for the ideal form of democracy to take root and flourish, as few representatives are actually needed for such small populations centers to function in a more democratic fashion. In a thriving democracy, town council members should be subject to and responsive to the will of the people. The more the people can directly vote or have their opinions heard on town matters, the more free and democratic th...

  • Recycling hero makes a difference

    Feb 20, 2013

    Editor, Paperman’s Recycling owner, Richard Hodges, is a local unsung hero for his promotion of recycling. I have been recycling for years, but Richard’s efforts combined with citizens that currently recycle kept seven semi-trailers full of recyclable material out of the land fill last year thus prolonging the life of the landfill in Saratoga. If you could take a minute to envision walking through a semi-trailer and the amount of recyclables fitting into just one semi-trailer then multiply that by seven, you can then see the power of this acc...

  • Guideposts reflect good thinking

    Feb 20, 2013

    Editor, I’m writing to sing the praises of a taken-for-granted safety feature … reflector posts! Last night I was driving home from Cheyenne on WYO 230 after dark and it began snowing as I climbed up out of Woods Landing. There was also a terrific head wind blowing snow straight into my windshield. I crawled along slowly, watching closely to keep my car to the left of the reflectors as I could not see the road surface. The most difficult road was the 17 mile section of Colorado. It appears maintaining their reflector posts are not a priority fo...

  • Where’s the discussion?

    Sun Editorial|Feb 13, 2013

    The Saratoga Town Council is in the second month of the new year and it is already facing criticism on how meetings are being conducted. The people want to be heard and that is understandable. During the election, voters shared their frustrations about not hearing discussion from the council before a decision is made. For important decisions, we feel the council should not only discuss matters, but also seek public comment whenever possible. It is not unlikely that a citizen may have a comment or idea that could be helpful in coming to a...

  • A sense of humor is important in a marriage

    Liz Wood|Feb 13, 2013

    My husband and I are celebrating our 27th anniversary this month. We have been through thick and thin, humorless days and ones full of laughter. Communication is important in a good marriage. We tell each other “I love you” at least once a day. Beyond that, our communications have included a few humorous moments over the years. Jerry and I met in Germany when we were both in the Army. His post was in Neckarsulm and mine was in Heilbronn. The towns were in close proximity, but had it not bee...

  • There are other ways to have an impact on public policy

    Feb 13, 2013

    Dear Editor, From following the discussion in your letters pages, it seems to me that some of our citizens have forgotten that a meeting of the Town Council (or School Board or Legislature) is just that, a meeting of the people elected to conduct the Town’s business. In accordance with Wyoming Statutes these meetings are held in public so that the citizens may hear the deliberations of their elected representatives. The people should have no expectation that they can enter the debate of the issues at hand, that is the responsibility of the e...

  • If

    Brian Trautwein|Feb 6, 2013

    The third vowel, and the sixth letter in the alphabet. Put them together and you have a word, IF. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the word is a conjunction, putting two ideas together to create a single thought, but one that is dependent on a certain action. A boss of mine once told me “You can’t get anything done IF you don’t get out of bed.” A very correct statement. In the movie “Field of Dreams” the phrase ‘IF you build it, they will come’ kept being whispered by the ghost of sh...

  • Direction of city council questioned

    Feb 6, 2013

    Editor: To the Mayor and City Council: I have become quite concerned about the direction our city council has taken in not allowing the public to have any input at council meetings or has to be in written form a week ahead of the meeting. I remember campaign promises to have more open meetings and discussions. We all become very frustrated and angry when we are not allowed to question or discuss your decisions and wonder what are you trying to cover up? For honest and open government, Sincerely, Rosemary Erickson...

  • More kudos for Clinic

    Feb 6, 2013

    Editor: I just wanted to add an amen to the letter to the editor on 1/30/13, “A standing ovation for the Clinic.” I feel the same way about the Saratoga Clinic, all the employees and especially, Doctor Dean! The way they treat people is the main reason we still doctor over there, even though we’ve lived in Rawlins for over 20 years now. Keep up the good work! Respectfully, Becky George, Rawlins...

  • Mayor explains position

    Feb 6, 2013

    Editor I would like to address the editorial in the Saratoga Sun dated Jan. 23, 2013. The editorial stated that it appeared that actions were being taken to limit public involvement in the meetings, this is totally untrue. Public comment has been, and always will be, welcomed at the meetings. The comment was made at the last meeting that it was in the town ordinance that we must allow items from the public. Ordinance 2.04.050 lists all of the items that are required to be on the agenda and items from the public is not a required item. It is...

  • Reliability and permanence, or, why legals still have a place in newsprint

    Keith McLendon|Jan 30, 2013

    The other day someone on the radio said legals in the paper were no longer necessary. He argued legal notices could be “printed” for free on the internet and that no one noticed them in the newspaper anyway. I can’t prove he said that, I have no written transcript of what the gentleman actually said. I was even told these comments were edited for the later-in-the-day broadcast. As far as not being noticed in the paper ... Do you really think they would be MORE noticed on the web or the radio...

  • A standing ovation for the Clinic

    Jan 30, 2013

    Editor: I think we need a round of applause ... a standing ovation, for the whole staff at the medical clinic. Last week I was just sure I would have to get better to die, when a dear friend cleverly tricked me into going to get checked out. No miracle cure, it was the flu. From my bed and back, I was in and out of the Clinic within an hour. It does not matter if you are coming into this world, on your way home to your Creator or some point in between, you are met with genuine concern and willingness to go the distance to find a solution to...

  • Getting our yearly measurements

    Liz Wood|Jan 23, 2013

    This weekend I attended my eighth Wyoming Press Association Convention. It seems hard to believe I have been working at the Saratoga Sun this long. Time flies when you are having fun. In November, the staff at the Saratoga Sun went through the newspapers from Nov. 1, 2011 through Oct. 31, 2012 and tried to decide which articles and photos are the best. We have a limit of 60 entries and we usually have twice that many when we finish with our first selection of articles, columns, ads and...

  • Public comment requires respect from both sides

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jan 23, 2013

    Recently, the Saratoga Town Council and the Saratoga Planning Commission have taken action that appears to seek to limit public involvement at their meetings. In both cases, the reason given for the changes was to generate more productivity among the board and council members and allow them to be more effective at their jobs. The Saratoga Town Council removed “Items from the Public” from its agenda and at its meeting Tuesday announced the agenda item would only be included if people submitted their topic of discussion by the Thursday prior to...

  • Without arms, the First Amendment means nothing

    Jan 23, 2013

    Editor: Mr. President, do you think we are stupid? Do I think a criminal could break into my house to assault me or steal my possessions? Do I think a foreign power could invade my country to conquer, subjugate and eliminate my family, friends, and countrymen? Do I think my own country could turn our own military, National Guard or police force against us to enslave or exterminate me? Yes, history shows it all could happen. So why place a restriction on my gun? It’s simple. The President and others want control of us and our country. It’s tim...

  • Surfing wipeouts and other internet mishaps

    Keith McLendon|Jan 16, 2013

    In celebration of our new website and its attractive new functionality and cool new features at the old site name (saratogasun.com – look at me towing the company line!). I thought I might delve into some fun tidbits about the web that I browsed across. Did I mention that we have a NEW website? We all know the main use of the internet (at least arguably) and GoOgle will get you there, but there are other handy uses for the web too. THE OTHER STUFF: Have you heard about this e-mail thing? T...

  • Cure for the Common Cold

    Jan 16, 2013

    Editor, Well, there is almost a cure for the common cold. I am writing this open letter to the community as a public service to pass on some good news about those pesky common colds. A recent review in 2011 that reviewed all of the current literature on the use of zinc supplementation did show that this product is useful to decrease the severity and length of the common cold. I have recommended this for years based on my personal experience but we now have evidence to back us up. Zinc lozenges (for example Cold-Eeze or Zicam drops) when...

  • Dogged New Year’s Resolutions

    Joe Elder|Jan 9, 2013

    This column was supposed to be about New Year’s resolutions, but it is probably going to end up going to the dogs. Either way, much has already been written about both subjects. I am disorganized when it comes to New Years’s resolutions. I’ve never started a positive change on Jan. 1 and stuck with it much longer than a week. Most of my positive initiatives have come at random points during the year, sparked by a challenge or an insightful conversation. I started running 10 years ago after...

  • From the sports field to the sports columns

    Brian Trautwein|Jan 2, 2013

    “Hello folks, and welcome to another addition of American Sportsman. I’m your host Curt Gowdy, and today we will be fishing the Upper North Platte river with my guest and the new sports writer for the Saratoga Sun, Brian Trautwein.” Those were the words that started the show for the famous sports announcer and writer Wyoming cherished enough to name a state park after. I’m not saying I’ll ever have a state park named after me, but I would like to continue writing the sports section of our paper...

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