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  • Flood is going to cost town money

    Jun 18, 2014

    Editor At the WAM meeting last Friday, I had the opportunity to personally thank Governor Mead for sending state resources to help with the flood efforts in Carbon County and Saratoga. With the 2014 flood event behind us and if there are no unforeseen damages to the water line that crosses the river at the Saratoga Inn or damage to the bridge at Veterans Island, the estimated cost to the Town of Saratoga is estimated to be between $125,000 and $150,000 this includes all costs not just sandbagging. The State of Wyo. cost was $400,000, with the...

  • Learning life skills at the Sun

    Doug Radunich|Jun 11, 2014

    After more than a year writing for Saratoga Sun, I am officially moving on and heading back to the big city soon. It has definitely been a nice trip and I’ve met a lot of great people, but being a young single guy, it’s time to move on to other opportunities in a place with more people. I have definitely had a lot of fun covering all the summer and winter gatherings here, and of course, all the high school sports events running from August through May. I made a lot of good friends and will alway...

  • The Awakener

    Sarah Wickstrom Reichert|Jun 11, 2014

    Editor: "I am not a teacher, but an awakener."-- Robert Frost This past weekend, I visited my hometown of Saratoga, Wyoming. The reason for the trip was bittersweet. My favorite teacher retired this year. He was honored Saturday evening, and I was blessed to be a part of the celebration. Mr. Patrick was my English and Humanities teacher, and my Speech and Debate coach for four years. He, and his infamous red pen, served to strengthen my early writing by, often, not-so-gentle critiques. It stung to see the red lacerations on my returned work, bu...

  • When writing goes wrong

    Mike Dunn|Jun 4, 2014

    I am a writer. I get paid to write. Sometimes, I write things that I like to write about. Sometimes I write things I do not like to write about. I like when I can write well; when I can go for hours without stopping. When my thoughts are perfectly in-line with what I want to write. That kind of writing makes me enjoy what I do. As I write, it is 9:21 a.m. on Tuesday morning, we are only a few hours until we are going to press. It is my week to write a column. I have to write at least 400 words....

  • A flood of ink

    Staff Report|Jun 4, 2014

    There is nothing that gets a newspaper reporter’s heart pumping than breaking news. The average blood pressure of the staff at the Saratoga Sun rose considerably last week as we scrambled to cover all of the events happening due to the flood preparations. Long days and long nights became the norm as the staff worked to cover all of the flood events, graduation activities, award events and more. Breaking news never happens during a slow week, but we have discovered there is never a slow week in the Platte Valley. Without the cooperation of t...

  • Mayor explains reasons behind franchise fee

    John Zeiger|Jun 4, 2014

    Editor, In the next couple months the council will be considering if the town is going to start charging a franchise fee to Carbon Power and Light for the use of town easement/right-of-ways for their power lines. If the decision is made to charge a franchise fee it will be the first time in Carbon Powers history that they were charged a fee by the Town of Saratoga. Carbon Power currently pays the City of Laramie a 5 percent franchise fee on 6-8 meters that are within the City of Laramie and absorb that cost because it is minimum number of...

  • CP&L shares 'the rest of the story'

    Chuck Larsen|Jun 4, 2014

    Editor: First of all let me say thank you to the Saratoga Sun for the opportunity to review and address the comments made by Mayor Zeiger in his letter to the editor included in this week’s edition of the paper. After reading Mr. Zeiger’s comments and as I began writing my response, a quote from the late Paul Harvey kept coming to mind…something about “The rest of the story”. For the most part, the statements made by Mr. Zeiger in his effort to justify the Town of Saratoga’s (Town) need to charge Carbon Power and Light (Carbon) a franchise f...

  • Disappointed in residents who didn't respect National Guard

    Kristen Barkhurst|Jun 4, 2014

    Greetings Saratoga, After completing my 3rd semester in the LCCC nursing program in Cheyenne and receiving my LPN I accepted a temporary nursing position at the Wyoming Cowboy CalleNGe Academy at the Wyoming National Guard Camp in Guernsey. As I was sharing lunch with some acquaintances I was asked “Are people in Saratoga mean?” I was taken back and didn’t know how to answer so I asked “why?”. I was informed that members of the Wyoming National Guard and been called to help with the flood efforts in Saratoga and that it had not had a positive...

  • Stop and smell the road cones

    Keith McLendon|May 28, 2014

    Was it that last snow? Was it the re-emergence of the sun? Rising springtime temperatures maybe? I don’t know what exactly sets off the infernal bloom, but it happens all across the West … every single year … right about this time. They pop up faster than head shops in Colorado. They are more pervasive than celebrity award shows. More perfidious than stupid text abbreviations. What am I talking about? Road cones. Not just road cones either. Orange barrels, construction signs, reduced speed...

  • Citizen is "mad as hell" and demands resignations

    Leon Hetherington|May 28, 2014

    Editor, Last week when I asked Town officials to empty half-filled 55 gallon barrels of dog poop and spray some tumbleweeds along the dog park new trees on the road right-of-way, I was told the Town had no money. Down to only $200. Maybe just facetious comment, but very disturbing when for years our current Mayor and Majority of Board members have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on frivolous and unnecessary projects and litigations. I am not alone in being “Mad as Hell” at this extravagance and incompetent spending. It takes two to tan...

  • Graduation time is here again

    Doug Radunich|May 21, 2014

    High school graduation time for the Platte Valley is right around the corner, and for some reason I can’t help but feel a little depressed all of the sudden. I know you’re probably wondering why a guy like me would be bummed about graduation. I don’t have any kids or other close relatives receiving their diploma and moving on this year. I also remember feeling like I escaped prison when I myself left high school, so I’m definitely not nostalgic for my own graduation experience. I think it’s th...

  • A call to our future leaders

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|May 21, 2014

    Many people who may be interested in running for office, may have too many fears about being in such a position. They may be afraid of the responsibility, or of too many people disagreeing with their ideas. They may also think their voice does not matter, or that no one would be interested in what they have to say. For anyone who has ever felt that way, it’s time to overcome those fears and realize that your voice does matter. Every voice counts and has worth in a small community. Many of the Valley’s younger residents may feel like they hav...

  • Stolen sofa leaves people wondering

    Jessica Jump|May 21, 2014

    Editor, The stress of moving just got more stressful. On Saturday my sister & brother-in-laws couch was sitting in the front yard (on elm street) with the gate closed, as they went to get a second load, I showed up to clean & there was a couple driving away with their couch. I could not follow as I was on foot. I saw their faces but do not know who they are. So I wanted to write a letter to those who stole the couch. First I don’t know where or when you think it is okay to go into someone’s yard & steal their belongings. Who does that? I would...

  • Steward is not running for office

    Jeb Steward|May 21, 2014

    This letter goes out to the voters and constituents of House District 47 and Senate District 11. After a solid month of repeated requests from many in HD47 and SD11 and throughout our great State of Wyoming, I have decided it necessary to formally announce that I am not going to file for a seat in the legislature in this primary election cycle. I cannot tell you how flattering and humbling it is, and has been, to hear from so many people encouraging me to, again, run for the legislature. Actually, in many instances, I am informed that they...

  • Waiting for the right moment

    Mike Dunn|May 14, 2014

    This weekend reminded me how true the saying “Good things come to those who wait” is. On Saturday, I was in Laramie at Kayla’s (my girlfriend) graduation from the University of Wyoming. She was graduating with a degree in Elementary Education, and now has a job at Rawlins Elementary School. For anyone who has ever been to a college graduation knows that it’s not as simple as it should be. You wait for long periods of time just to hear someone’s name called once, while they walk across the stage...

  • Bicyclists can get tickets, too

    John Zeiger|May 14, 2014

    Editor A long standing joke in Wyoming has always been: How do you tell it is spring time in Wyoming? The license plates turn green!! The other thing that we see when it turns spring in Saratoga is more people of all ages riding their bikes. There have been some concerns already voiced on bicyclist not stopping at stop signs or yielding to oncoming traffic. Bicyclists can also receive a citation for not stopping or yielding. When riding your bike you need to also stay as far to the right of the road as possible. Remember when in the down town...

  • Friends return as energy and enthusiasm build

    liz Wood|May 7, 2014

    It has begun. The season where we barely have time to catch our breath before we move onto the next event. School is winding down. Seniors are getting ready for their big day and school concerts are being prepared to show off talents. In three weeks, hopefully, the pass over the Snowy Range will be open and tourists will travel over the pass into Saratoga and the Platte Valley. Every summer I tell myself I am going to take more time for myself. Every summer I fail. The good side of my failing...

  • Our rules on running

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|May 7, 2014

    The political season is about to come into full swing. On May 15, people who want to run for office will register. That means these people will also be getting the word out about their platforms, goals and public appearances. Therefore, this is the perfect time to let the candidates, voters and supporters know the Saratoga Sun policies for election articles and advertising. • The Saratoga Sun does not endorse candidates. • All political ads must be prepaid. • Ads must include a disclaimer stating who paid for the ad, i.e. “Paid for by the Com...

  • Proud to Serve

    Melanie B. Fullman|May 7, 2014

    Not quite two months ago, in mid-March, a U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officer and his dog were gunned down in North Carolina. A life-long criminal, suspected of having just murdered his own parents, fled into the woods, then ambushed Officer Jason Crisp and Canine Officer Maros as they tracked his trail. While there was an impressive outpouring of support from the entire community there, Jason’s wife and two young boys are left with holes in their hearts and their home that no words will ever fill. There was no reason for the two o...

  • Could it maybe be your problem?

    Keith McLendon|Apr 30, 2014

    Our life in the Valley is what some folks like to call bucolic. It could also be termed sedate, leisurely, and even just plain slow. Several restaurants around the valley boast a sign that says “If you are in a hurry, you are in the wrong place.” People who are in a hurry here are more than likely to be a little frustrated. I remember when I moved here my bosses at the time would take me out to lunch. While I was anxious that this was regularly taking longer than an hour, my employers did...

  • Spring is finally here (or so I hope)

    Doug Radunich|Apr 23, 2014

    Judging by the weather outside, it appears that winter is finally over and spring is actually here. The weather is now warm enough to not require a jacket, and on an average day, it feels like it’s about 50 degrees. Of course, this warmer weather gets me excited for the upcoming spring and summer events in the Platte Valley. Last year, I had a blast covering the Woodchoppers Jamboree, Cowboy Gathering, Mountain Man Rendezvous, Microbrew Competition and other huge events that draw people in f...

  • Mayor wants Saratogans to be nicer

    John Zeiger|Apr 23, 2014

    Editor. I recently listened to a presentation from a gentleman that had moved to Saratoga a number of years ago to help an organization get back on their feet. The first day that he was here he was approached by a long time resident of Saratoga and told that he might as well leave because everyone in Saratoga was a Communist. A couple days later he was approached by another long time resident of Saratoga who told him “You are a stranger here and you will be a stranger here in twenty years.” This might almost seem comical if it was the only tim...

  • A springtime opportunity for your child

    Liz Wood|Apr 16, 2014

    With springtime comes testing. One test is for the preschools in the Platte Valley like ExCel, and HeadStart programs. This week, ExCel preschool is running an ad offering free developmental screening. I encourage any parent of a preschooler beginning at age one to take advantage of this screening. As a parent, I understand how protective we can be of our children. We want our children to be the smartest in the class, the fastest on the field, and way ahead of everyone else’s child. The h...

  • Friends in disguise

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Apr 16, 2014

    Many times, adults forget to look at things and people from a child’s perspective. For instance, it would have never have occurred to us at the Saratoga Sun that children would be frightened of firemen. We, as adults, know they are there to help during a fire. To a child, a fireman in full gear may look like a giant yellow monster. Last week, the Saratoga Fire Department went to Saratoga Elementary School and gave a gear presentation in conjunction with a fire drill. One of the demonstrations included what a fireman looks like in full fire g...

  • Taking underdogs for a long walk

    Mike Dunn|Apr 9, 2014

    I have been a sports fan my entire life. Being the son of a long-time high school football and baseball coach, I have really never been away from sports. Whether it is supporting the Wyoming Cowboys, my alma mater, or the Seattle Mariners, there are few things I enjoy more than sitting down and watching a well-played event. Yet, as I was listening to the Seattle Mariners lose to the Oakland Athletics Sunday (which ended in a 6-3 loss), I came to realize something very important about myself: I...

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