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  • Editorial Cartoon

    Dec 24, 2014

  • A warm heart for Christmas

    Erik Gantt|Dec 17, 2014

    I am darn proud of the people I am surrounded by in the Platte Valley this Christmas. Largely because of my duties with the Saratoga Sun, I have become more aware of the amount of giving and holiday spirit in the Valley than I was during my first two Christmas’ here. My family has a tradition, started by my sister-in-law, of the adults giving to each other’s charities of choice instead of piling gifts on each other. The children are exempt from this and are generally spoiled which ensures the...

  • Homeland security doesn't twist arms

    Dec 17, 2014

    Editor, I would like to comment on the article in the December 10th Saratoga Sun “Police Chief Combats WOHS.” The so called “Red Tape” that was referred to when accepting the grants has always been a requirement for the grants. However for years the sub-recipients of those grants have been spoiled, we were allowed to purchase pretty much what we wanted from our wish lists. Wish lists are those items that the city councils or commissioners may not normally approve the purchase of out of our budgets. In the past Wyoming Homeland Security has bee...

  • Have camera, will travel

    Liz Wood|Dec 10, 2014

    I found it interesting that if I go anywhere in the Platte Valley without my camera, that is the first thing people notice. I love taking photos. It is probably the most favorite part of my job, and that is saying something, because I love my job. I traveled all over the Platte Valley with my camera this week – concerts, festivals, parades, basketball practice, basketball games you name it – it happened last week. My camera got quite the workout too. My camera has two slots for SD cards - (I...

  • Volunteers add much to our community

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Dec 10, 2014

    Generosity shines through during this time of year. The Festival of Trees was no exception. Forty-three donations were made to the annual festival of trees and business people and residents of Saratoga and the Platte Valley pulled out their checkbooks to support this great event. The festival is in its 11th year and is still going strong. Every year, the Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce hosts the event and it continues to attract people and donations. Considering the fact that other communities around the state has tried this and...

  • No faint praise

    Keith McLendon|Dec 3, 2014

    Well, it’s the holidays. Like many Americans, I hop in my car and drive to see relatives for Thanksgiving. Specifically, I go to see my father and his wife in Lawrence, Kan. This mostly-annual trip is no small undertaking as it is about 1,561 miles round trip. I set out Tuesday night for Cheyenne to stay with friends and get a running start on the 11 to 12 hour trip (that’s if you don’t stop a lot). The weather predictions are clear for the days I had planned to travel and I have been lucky...

  • Deserving of Thanks

    Mike Dunn|Nov 26, 2014

    Thanksgiving is upon us, and I couldn’t be happier. It’s one of the greatest American holidays out there — anytime you combine sitting around all day watching football and enjoying fantastic meals with family, it’s nearly an impossible combination to beat. This Thanksgiving, like every Thanksgiving, it’s important to remember what you are thankful for. As for me, I have so many things to be thankful for, listing them off before I dive into a delicious turkey and mashed potatoes would not do it...

  • Learning from the master

    Erik Gantt|Nov 19, 2014

    On Thursday, I had the privilege of attending a question and answer session for the media with legendary journalist Bob Woodward. In case you don't know who he is, as a young reporter, Woodward, along with Carl Bernstein, exposed the Watergate scandal and covered the ensuing political and legal turmoil that led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon. He has two Pulitzer Prizes and has authored or co-authored 12 books that have been number one in the nation for non-fiction best...

  • Defining a winner

    Liz Wood|Nov 12, 2014

    This season, I had the privilege of covering the Encampment Lady Tigers volleyball team. I call it a privilege because they were an amazing group of girls to watch. I have covered volleyball off and on for the last several years when the sports reporter had more than one game to cover. Because I live halfway between Saratoga and Encampment, I volunteered to cover Encampment. Little did I know I would develop friendships while covering the Encampment girls. Next to my desk, on the wall, is a...

  • Bet you're glad that's done

    Keith McLendon|Nov 5, 2014

    I’m Keith McLendon, and I approved this message. Of course I did. I wrote the damned thing. After a given candidate has run on for his 30 seconds about how evil he thinks his opponent is, they then have to let you know (in no uncertain terms), that they agree wholeheartedly with the words that were just coming out of their mouths. I know PACs (Political Action Committees) pay for a lot of advertising. These messages do not come directly from the candidate’s campaign, so the PACs would like you t...

  • Community Garden Fall Luncheon a Success

    Nov 5, 2014

    Editor, I would like to thank the Saratoga Sun for covering the First Annual Saratoga Community Garden Fall luncheon. We all had fun making dishes from our produce, hosting the town employees and others that have helped us, and giving away some of the bounty we had gathered. From my perspective, it came from a great mix of Valley people who have long contributed to improving our town, and new townspeople who brought lots of good ideas and energy. The Community Garden, which will continue to grow into an even greater asset to our town, was made...

  • Cowboys Code

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Nov 5, 2014

    We are the Cowboy State for many reasons. This past weekend, four of Carbon County’s cowboys were recognized for their contribution to the state of Wyoming as ranchers. Wyoming is so cowboy, we have a Cowboy Code of Ethics. Wyoming was the first state to adopt a Code of Ethics in March 2010. • Live each day with courage • Take pride in your work • Always finish what you start • Do what has to be done • Be tough, but fair • When you make a promise, keep it • Ride for the brand • Talk less and say more • Remember that some things aren’t for s...

  • No excuse to not vote

    Mike Dunn|Oct 29, 2014

    Election day: the one day every two years where we drive to the fire station and overthrow the government — and there is not a policeman in the street. I love election day. I love the fact every two years, we have an opportunity to improve our country. I love the fact for one day, I have the same voice as anyone else. I don’t want to sound overly patriotic with this column, but with election day coming up, I feel like there is something I need to address. By all means: go vote next Tuesday. Is t...

  • Inaccuracies in fire protection district letters

    Oct 29, 2014

    Editor, I have read with great interest several letters which have been printed in the local newspapers in regards to the proposed Carbon County Fire Protection District. I feel there are several inaccuracies with the statements made and would like to clarify the issues. 1) The OSHA standards absolutely apply to fire departments. There is no governmental courtesy. Fire departments have to comply with personal protective equipment and respiratory protection standards the same as industry. This includes fit testing for respirators, medical...

  • Hanna chief supports district

    Oct 29, 2014

    Editor, As assistant fire chief of Carbon County Fire Department – Hanna Division I am in support of the fire district. I am in support of the fire district because it will provide much needed money to upgrade personal protective gear for the volunteer fireman throughout the county. It will standardize training for the different departments to make it consistent so it is easier and better for the departments to work together as one. It will allow older trucks to be replaced because as the trucks age the parts are becoming more and more d...

  • SVFD for district

    Oct 29, 2014

    Editor, This letter is to the residents of Carbon County. As Chief and Assistant Chief of the Saratoga Volunteer Fire Department, we would like to encourage the proposed Fire District for Carbon County. There are many pro’s to having a Fire District within our community. For one, firefighters will be more uniformed training and equipped throughout the county. The cost of personal protection equipment (PPE) and other fire fighting apparatus used to keep your firemen safe comes at a high cost, and sadly this equipment does not last forever. A F...

  • Urges support of the fire district

    Oct 29, 2014

    Dear Editor, I wanted to express my support for the creation of a Fire Protection District in Carbon County on the upcoming November ballot. I would also encourage residents of unincorporated Carbon County to support it as well. This issue has been placed on the ballot by our County Commissioners to address the ever growing need for resources in all of the divisions of the Carbon County Fire Department. The resources needed including, vehicles and apparatus, training, personal protective equipment were not dreamed up by bureaucrats wishing to...

  • This poop just got real

    Erik Gantt|Oct 22, 2014

    “Fatherhood is great because you can ruin someone from scratch.” ~ Jon Stewart So, as a new parent it seems like the cliches, advice and anecdotes are coming at me as fast as an F-350 rolling down the Snowy Range with no brakes. Me being me, I used a little of my down time in between changing diapers and doing laundry to see what folks on the interwebs have to say about all of the things new parents hear. It turns out I am not alone. Here’s my take on being one week into parenting and what...

  • Taxes never die

    Oct 22, 2014

    Editor, On November 4th, we will be asked to tax ourselves to the tune of $1,700.00. That’s an increase of nearly six times the current budget. The fact that the Carbon County Treasurer will write the checks in not so reassuring unless that person can veto unreasonable expenditures. Mr. Piche, President, Carbon Country Fire Protection District Steering Committee, touts the fact that municipalities can lower their ratings and recover the cost of this tax in insurance savings. However, municipalities are not included at this time, so this is real...

  • Please vote No on the Fire District Measure

    Oct 22, 2014

    Editor, This Carbon County Fire District will affect all voters in Carbon County. Why then are only rural voters able to vote on it? In the America I was raised in, all voters were allowed one vote each on measures that effect tax dollars to fund welfare and safety. Voting should not be skewed by allowing only voters who may support a measure the right to vote. All effected voters should have that right! I strongly support our fire departments, and want them sufficiently funded and equipped to meet their needs for all our safety. However I ques...

  • No place like home

    Liz Wood|Oct 15, 2014

    My husband and I returned from our vacation Monday night. Tom Dixon, a former editor of the Saratoga Sun got married in Phoenix last Friday and we decided to plan our vacation around his wedding. We had already planned a return trip last year to Cortez, Colo., where my husband has family. His uncle had promised us a trip through Montezuma Canyon in Utah to see some Petroglyphs. Our plans were changed slightly as Uncle Bill had knee surgery the day we arrived and his daughter Renee agreed to...

  • Town crews display professionalism

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Oct 15, 2014

    Late last week, the town of Saratoga completed the first part of the pedestrian bridge project. The project consisted of setting the 150-foot bridge over a span from Veterans Island to the inlet near the hot pool. Since 2009, the pedestrian bridge project has been the center of controversy in the town. Many have referred to it as the “bridge to nowhere.” Others have simply called it a waste of taxpayers’ money. Regardless of what you think of the project itself, you have to give kudos to the personnel who placed the bridge last week. Town...

  • Does Carbon County really need a fire district?

    Oct 15, 2014

    Editor: The public has been asked to vote for a Fire District in Carbon County. A letter proposing such district was sent recently to those who live outside of town. Several possible improvements to our fire control were mentioned. 1) Better standardized training for firefighters. Being that our departments are staffed by volunteers who don’t have the time available for training as paid staff would, the danger is that, if these requirements become too extensive or rigorous, many volunteers will bow out simply because they don’t have the tim...

  • New direction a good thing

    Oct 15, 2014

    Editor, During this years primary it was fairly obvious, due to the number of brave candidates for mayor as well as the votes themselves, that folks were ready for a change. Mart Twain said it eloquently once. “Politicians, like baby diapers, need to be changed regularly and for the same reason”. Except for 2 articles in both the Sun and Daily Times that were both clever and subtle the campaign has been gratefully a clean one. Each candidate has promised to place emphasis and priority on infrastructure such as streets, sewer and water. Tha...

  • Hand-me-down pranks

    Keith McLendon|Oct 8, 2014

    There are loads of fun (and semi-abusive) things most guys teach their kids. Ever hear of a Native-American Burn? Well, neither have I since they used to be called Indian Burns. But that’s rant for when I can get my ducks in a row to tackle “political correctness”. Anyway, my father taught me the trick which, if properly performed, turns the affected area red and burns temporarily. It’s great sadistic fun! If you are not aware of how to do this ask an old guy. He’ll probably be happy to show you...

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