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  • Forest Service goes on placation

    H.B. Lawson|Apr 8, 2015

    Last week you may have read the Saratoga Sun piece on the proposed road decommissions. In the article, District Ranger Melanie Fullman was quoted as saying, “I just don’t find those big meetings, which tend to get out of control to be very useful, ... I’m trying to make the most of my time.” Perhaps you heard the subsequent interview the local radio station did with Fullman the following day. If you did, then you would have heard the apparent disdain Fullman has for public meetings. In the rad...

  • Is it really a good idea to convert Forest Service roads to ORV-only trails?

    Apr 8, 2015

    Editor: You may have read that the Forest Service plans to close 97 miles of roads this year. The actual numbers are much more dramatic. If you live in the valley because you enjoy hunting, fishing or camping, you should be concerned. The Forest Service has quietly announced that they intend to close nearly one third of the roads in the Snowy Range. Out of a total of about 600 miles of roads in the Snowy Range the USFS plans to change the following: Add to System as closed Road : 42 miles. Convert to closed Road : 82 miles. Decommission : 97 mi...

  • Public business should be done in public

    Apr 8, 2015

    Editor’s Note: This letter was addressed to Dennis Jaeger, Forest Supervisor, Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest in Laramie. The Saratoga Sun requested permission from the author to print the letter. Mr. Jaeger: I am disappointed by your blatant effort to minimize public input into this plan. Your local ranger has stated there will be no open public meetings and it is her intent to issue a decision by June 1st with implementation this summer. There has been no effort to contact those citizens in Laramie and Cheyenne who are also affected. Y...

  • End of the Road?

    Apr 1, 2015

    We were surprised to discover the District Ranger for the U.S. Forest Services does not plan to have a public meeting to discuss the road closures and decommissionings in the Medicine Bow Routt National Forest. In the March 25 edition of the Saratoga Sun, we ran an article about the local forest service planning to decommission 97 miles of road. The deadline to comment on the road closures is April 16, which is about one-and-one-half months before most of the roads in question are accessible because of snowpack. We understand that the timing...

  • From Saratoga to ... Saratoga

    Sarah Hutchins|Mar 25, 2015

    If you have been wondering who is driving around town with the New York plates, you now have your answer. I have seen some very confused expressions. I'm sure you don't see many New Yorkers around here. I am not from the city (New York City), or anywhere close to it for that matter. I lived three-and-a-half hours upstate in Saratoga, N.Y.. That's quite a coincidence, I know. Trust me, I didn't plan that. The next question: Why are you here? Well, when my boyfriend found out he landed a... Full story

  • Once more unto the bleach, dear friends

    Keith McLendon|Mar 18, 2015

    Okay, so I stole a quote from Shakespeare’s Henry the Fifth to talk about something as mundane as laundry. I’m not going to let a little theft “hamper” me. GUY LAUNDRY So I was doing laundry the other day. Guy Laundry. Guy Laundry is where you wait until you are down to at least the bottom half of all the clothes you own and finally decide “it’s time to do laundry”. Some guys will wait until they are down to holes with bits of shirt defining those holes and bathing-suits-for-...

  • "Fly, yes. Land, no." or " Live Long and Prosper"

    H.B. Lawson|Mar 11, 2015

    Leonard Nimoy, who famously played Spock in the original Star Trek, passed away last week at 83, then only a few days afterwards we almost lost Harrison Ford in a plane crash. I am at the age now when the heroes we grew up with start to leave us. We look around at the celebrities today and often wonder what there is to celebrate. Why should we be impressed with them when they get into drunken trouble on camera or strut around half naked on television? For the most part we are right not to. To...

  • E-Club Cake Auction awes Tiger Principal

    Feb 25, 2015

    Ten years ago I attended my first E-Club Cake Auction. I had been told about the level of community support that would be shown but was still somewhat skeptical. Could a small community really live up to the reputation? Amazingly the answer year after year is a resounding yes. Over the years I have tried to explain the phenomenon that is the E-Club Cake Auction to family and friends from across the country. How do people really understand that members of the Encampment community will spend hours baking and decorating cakes, and then stay hours...

  • A picture is worth a thousand words. Just not at a speech meet

    Liz Wood|Feb 25, 2015

    For the first time in several years, the Carbon Country School District No. 2 Speech Team competed at the Rawlins Speech meet rather than co-hosting it. Speech, like wrestling, is not an activity that the Saratoga Sun has the opportunity to take photos of because the meets and matches are located in a variety of places across the state that are rarely close to home. So when we learned the CCSD#2 students were competing in the Rawlins meet, we talked with coach Debbie Riker about covering the...

  • Willford, Bernal entertain seniors

    Sue Howe|Feb 25, 2015

    There were nine here to play bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Madaline Forbes, Carl Kerbs, Betty Dean, Nadine Kerbs, and Grace Johnston. Berneil McCord and Sue Howe shared a $2 round. Berneil Mc- Cord won the $6 blackout round. There were five here for Duplicate Bridge Monday First place went to Sheila Johnson. . Second place went to Mary Sjoden. There were 11 people here to take the 55 Alive driving class last Wednesday. It really does save on your insurance. If there are two drivers in your house then it will only help if you both...

  • Amendment to HB 17 doesn't do enough for rape victims

    Editor|Feb 18, 2015

    Wyoming recently passed House Bill 17 through The House. This bill was sponsered so that sexual assault victims can obtain an order to keep their attacker away. Currently, victims of domestic violence and stalking can get a Protection Order but not sexual assault victims ( unless the assault was part of domestic violence). Unfortunately HB 17 was amended recently. Originally the bill would allow orders to last a year. But now, The House amended it so that the order expires in 3 months if the perpetrator is not charged or found guilty of sexual...

  • After crash aftermath

    Keith McLendon|Feb 11, 2015

    Perhaps you remember the little dustup I had featuring my car and a wall a few months ago. I wrote about the harrowing 14-hour trip I completed and how I later decided to go soak in the hot pool to try and unwind. I penned (typewrote) the extreme amount of unwinded-ness I achieved when, on the way back to my house, I fainted and used a local establishment’s wall to turn my ride into modern art. I let you know that the local police and ambulance crews made the experience as pleasant as such a s...

  • Where I'm from ...

    H.B. Lawson|Feb 4, 2015

    People always ask me “where are you from?” Often I get that before or immediately after “hello”. It’s not an easy question to answer. Not when you were born in Alaska then moved to Arizona at 6 years old, which is what I blame my hot and cold personality on. Yeah, I just did that. While moving from Alaska to Arizona I spent my kindergarten year in Riverside. Those are some of my earliest memories of the Platte Valley. A place of serenity that existed in the midst of a pretty tumultuou...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Feb 4, 2015

  • Winning!

    Liz Wood|Jan 28, 2015

    Did you see the Saratoga Sun's ad last week. We won 20 ribbons! That also earned us the traveling Sweepstakes Trophy. The Sweepstakes Trophy is awarded to the newspaper that earns the most Pacemaker awards, in our case the small weekly division. This is my 10th year attending the Wyoming Press Association Winter Convention. News and ad people from all over the state to converge on one location to learn how to do their job better. It is hours of continuing education crammed into one weekend. It... Full story

  • A skewed view of football's history

    Keith McLendon|Jan 21, 2015

    American football’s BIG GAME is fast approaching and I thought it might be a good idea to take a look at the sport’s colorful past. I am tempted to give a breakdown of the teams going to the dance, but the Eneffelle (and their legal pitbulls) have prohibited pretty much everyone not officially licensed from using either the names of the teams going to the “Stupendous Shindig” or the actual name of the bowl itself. Since I don’t have express written consent from the lords of American football, I...

  • Raise, don't lower educational bar

    Jan 21, 2015

    To all Carbon County School District #2 Parents, It’s disappointing to live in a school district where we as parents have to fight for our children’s education. We are blessed in this valley with teachers who are eager and willing to teach. They teach because they want to make a difference in the world. It surely isn’t for the money. But sadly we have a school district that appears to be tying the teacher’s hands behind their backs. Is this the representation we voted for? My wife and I fought alongside many other concerned parents and citizen...

  • Some people's kids ... mine included

    Erik Gantt|Jan 14, 2015

    So, I was gabbing with the folks on the Encampment Town Council before their meeting on Thursday and the topic of kids and childcare in the Valley came up. An undisclosed source said they would be happy running a daycare facility if they actually liked other people’s children. I got a big laugh out of this. I have always loved kids in general, but I find I am very judgmental of “some people’s kids.” My judgment runs the gamut from “worst kid ever,” to “that kid is freakishly well behaved.” The m...

  • Je Suis Charlie

    Jan 14, 2015

    Last week terrorists murdered 12 people in Paris. Ten of those killed worked at Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French magazine based in Paris, because the publication produced and printed irreverent cartoons featuring the Prophet Muhammad. The newspaper world responded to this tragedy with cartoons and editorials of their own, many of them playing on “the pen is mightier than the sword” theme. After the murders, everyone paying attention to the news became familiar with Charlie Hebdo. We would even go as far a saying Charlie Hebdo is quickly bec...

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jan 14, 2015

  • Resolutions break in the New Year

    Liz Wood|Jan 7, 2015

    Happy New Year! With a New Year comes resolutions. I am a resolution person. I make resolutions every year, some I break, some I partially succeed at and some I am successful with. I decided to do some research to find statistics on resolutions. The University of Scranton. Journal of Clinical Psychology conducted research on Jan. 1, 2014. Here is what they found according to http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/. 1. Lose weight The No. 1 resolution was to lose weight. No...

  • Encampment shows heart for fire-stricken Dubois

    Jan 7, 2015

    “Together we are stronger!” That was the theme of the fundraiser for fire-stricken Dubois, Wyo. put on by the Encampment School during last Saturday’s basketball games. Job well done Encampment. You raised $1,273 for the Dubois Fire Fund that the Rams basketball teams could take home to their chamber of commerce. That’s more than $2 for every man, woman and child in town. As the fundraiser theme suggests, we in rural America are stronger together. Dubois has a population just under 1,000 people, about double the size of Encampment. The two tow... Full story

  • Editorial Cartoon

    Jan 7, 2015

  • It's peas when I hurt

    Keith McLendon|Dec 31, 2014

    This is an example of when the headline came first. The article came only after the headline refused to leave my thinker thing. I wasn’t thinking about peas. I wasn’t thinking about the phrase you probably thought of when you read the title. I was a little down about my recently-wrecked cute little green car, but I wasn’t thinking about what kind of foods might make me feel better. It just showed up in my frontal lobe’s inbox. It might have been beamed there by little extra-quirky ,inter-dimensi... Full story

  • Dunn ... and done

    Mike Dunn|Dec 24, 2014

    Writing the “Dunn in the Sun” column every month is often a well-needed change of pace. With columns there is no digging through notes, no listening to interviews, no research involved. It’s just me and my thoughts – talking about everything from life events to political issues. I’ve written more than one dozen columns in my year-long stint at the Saratoga Sun, but this will be my last. I have recently accepted a position as a staff writer with the Sheridan Press in Sheridan, Wyo. While it...

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