Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Sorted by date Results 1830 - 1854 of 5184
Graduation is nearing and many students in Carbon County are weighing their options. It is never easy for graduating seniors to be sure they are going down the right road concerning their future. Jobs and education are changing in Wyoming. This year's legislature, attuned to how important vocational education is, passed Senate File 111 on March 15, enabling Wyoming's seven community college districts to offer programs like an applied bachelor's of science degree in nursing or...
With the current fiscal year drawing to a close, the Town of Saratoga has spent the last several weeks looking over the general fund in hopes of going into Fiscal Year (FY) 2019/2020 with a balanced budget. As was reported previously (see “Cuts coming” on page 16 of March 27 Saratoga Sun), Councilmember Jon Nelson informed department heads, Mayor John Zeiger and other members of the council that the Town of Saratoga had been overspending over the last four years. Due to thi...
The Healthcare Sustainability Project Subcommittee (HSPS) held an open meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17 to give updates on their healthcare survey results, touch on the financial feasibility study and listen to comments and discussion from the audience. Survey Update Will Faust began the meeting saying the subcommitee had received 441 survey responses, which impressed the subcommittee. Faust reminded the audience that there were surveys in self addressed envelopes at...
The Riverside Town Council met at 6 p.m. on Thursday at the Riverside Town Hall. All council members and the mayor were in attendance. The minutes from the council meeting on March 21 and the agenda were quickly approved. Financials were gone over by Treasurer/Town Clerk Jan Cook and the council approved the bills. Ashley McKinney, representing The Platte Valley Little League, asked the town for help funding equipment. “Anything you can do for us is appreciated,” McKinney sai...
The Medicine Bow Town Council met at 7 p.m. on April 8 at the Medicine Bow Community Hall. The mayor and all council members were present. Council member Sharon Biamon said there was a correction to the March 11 minutes where it stated she had voted to enter into a contract with the clinic. She had voted “nay” on the purchase of services contract. Once the correction was noted, the March 11 minutes and agenda for the meeting were approved. The financials were approved imm...
The American Legion Post 54 and the American Legion Unit 54 of the American Legion Auxiliary will host the District 6 Spring Conference at the post home in Saratoga on Sunday, April 28. There will be a lunch at 11:30 a.m. for members attending and out of town guests. The lunch will be $5 per person. Meetings for both the Legion and the Auxiliary will follow at 1 p.m. sharp. The Department of Wyoming Officers and the officers of District 6 for both the Legion and Auxiliary will be in attendance. All members of Post 54 and...
The third and final readings of the trio of ordinances aimed at restructuring the Saratoga Airport Board as an advisory board were held during the April 16 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council and were passed unanimously. Council member Steve Wilcoxson was absent, but made known his support for the ordinances in a letter read by Mayor John Zeiger. Ellie Dana, Saratoga Airport Board member, was in attendance and voiced her opinions on, specifically, Ordinance 851, again....
On April 19, the Industrial Siting Council (ISC) held a bifurcated hearing of the TransWest Express Transmission Line and impact funding requests from five affected entities at the Platte Valley Community Center. According to Wyoming State Statutes on sales and use taxes, the five entities; Carbon County, Sweetwater County, City of Rawlins, Town of Sinclair and Town of Saratoga, could have asked for 2.67 percent of the material construction costs, or $24.61 million, in impact...
The Carbon County Impact Joint Powers Board (CCIJPB) put their proposed rate structure to the test on April 10 as they held a workshop before their regular meeting. As was reporting previously (see “Reviewing rates” on page 8 of the March 20 Saratoga Sun), the CCIJPB came to the conclusion to reexamine the water rate structure following several months of discussion that began with outdated billing of the Old Baldy Club (OBC). The hope with the workshop was that both residents...
Despite a continued struggle to maintain a quorum, the Saratoga Planning Commission was able to conduct a fair amount of business as they met on April 9 at the Saratoga Town Hall. While acting chairman Tom Westring and town council representative Bob Keel were in physical attendance, commission member Jim Beckmann joined by phone while Chris Duke was absent. During the hour long meeting, the commission approved a special use permit for Saratoga resident Kathy Wallace, discusse...
The South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services (SCWEMS) board met at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 9 at the Riverside Town Hall. All members of the board were present with the exception of Ralph Brokaw. Chaiman John Rutherford opened the meeting and had guests to the meeting introduce themselves. Kyle Warren with the Hanna EMR station introduced himself first while members of the media, Saratoga Mayor John Zieger, Carbon County Commissioner Sue Jones, Saratoga Care Center...
The Encampment Town Council met at 7 p.m. on Thursday at the Encampment Town Hall where three council members and the mayor were in attendance. Shannon Fagan was absent. The agenda and minutes from the March 14 town council were quickly approved. Financials were approved at $44, 320.04. Sid Fox, Planning Director for Carbon County, was the first guest of the council. “I am here with Sue Jones, the county commissioner, to talk about a memorandum of understanding (MOU) b...
The Hanna Town Council met at 6 p.m. on April 9 at the Hanna Town Hall with mayor Lois Buchanan and council members Bob Patton, Sammy Sikes and Linda Schisel in attendance. Council member Tracy Fowler was absent. The agenda and minutes from the March 12 council meeting were approved in the first few moments. Patton gave the council an update on the Carbon County Council of Governments (CCCOG) meeting on March 20 in Sinclair (see “Tax talk at CCCOG meeting” on page 1 of the...
The Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District (UPRSWDD) talked about a wide variety of subjects during their regularly scheduled meeting on April 3 at the Saratoga Town Hall, but most of the topics came under the umbrella discussion of the annual budget as the next fiscal year quickly approaches. Along with discussion of electrical in the new storage building and approving the advertising for the removal of the old storage building at the Saratoga transfer station, the...
The Industrial Siting Council (ISC) held a pre-trial meeting Wednesday April 3 at the Platte Valley Community Center (PVCC) Theater to line up exhibits and witnesses for the hearing on the TransWest Express, LLC permit application for the TransWest Express Transmission Line Project. Joining representatives from the ISC were officials from the various towns and county entities affected by the project along with representatives from TransWest Express, LLC and the Department of E...
The Saratoga Airport Board was, again, a top subject during the April 2 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council. The second reading of Ordinances 850, 851 and 852 all passed unanimously—minus absent council member Judy Welton, but not without public comment from Ellie Dana, a member of the now-dissolved airport board. In addition to passing the second reading of the three ordinances, the council approved expenditures for the Saratoga Volunteer Fire Department, the purchase of a...
The Carbon County Council of Governments (CCCOG) met at 6:30 p.m. on March 20 at the Sinclair Town Hall. Chairman Steve Nicholson was in attendance, but vice chairman John Zeiger and secretary/treasurer Morgan Irene were absent. After everyone identified themselves at the meeting and voting members for the different municipalities were identified, a quorum was established. The minutes and treasurer's report were approved quickly. An update of the Specific Purpose (6th penny...
“This is not sustainable. We know that. Obviously, we’re running out of money.” This statement from Saratoga Town Council member Jon Nelson illustrated the difficulties facing the Town of Saratoga as they prepare to set the budget for the next fiscal year (FY). With FY 2018/2019 nearing an end, the Saratoga Town Council and Town of Saratoga department heads gathered at Saratoga Town Hall for the second budget workshop in a series to discuss FY 2019/2020. In preparation for t...
The Healthcare Sustainability Project Subcommittee (HSPS) met at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday during an open meeting which had been rescheduled from the previous Wednesday due to the snow storm that hit on that day. HSPS member Will Faust opened the meeting by thanking everyone for attending and announcing a new HSPS website. The website at is to feature past meeting minutes, a link to the Platte Valley Healthcare Assessment Survey and slides from the...
The evening of March 21 saw more full chairs than empty in the council chambers of Saratoga Town Hall as local hunters gathered for a presentation from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) about 2019 hunting season proposals. Saratoga Wildlife Biologist Teal Cufaude led the presentation as she went through proposed changes to antelope, deer, elk, moose, bighorn sheep and sage grouse hunting seasons. Antelope The first slides in the presentation covered Antelope Hunt...
The Medicine Bow Town Council met at 7 p.m. on March 11 at the Medicine Bow Community Hall. The minutes for the regularly scheduled meeting on Feb. 11, a special meeting on Feb. 18 and another on March 7 were approved by the complete council. The agenda and financials were approved. Chris Sims from Wind City Church, introduced himself to the mayor and council. Sims said he was in charge of creating new churches and had acquired the deed to the Medicine Bow Baptist Church. Sims said during the spring and summer he was going...
The annual fun and educational day for eighth grade students called “Business Career Day” will be held on Friday, April 12. The goal of the day is to expose students to rich and diverse career opportunities and workplaces. The Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce and Saratoga, Encampment and Hanna-Elk Mountain-Medicine Bow Schools will partner to arrange for about 50 eighth grade students to visit our local businesses. Students will learn great concepts such as passion and dedication at the business they visit. Bus...
The Carbon County Sheriffs Victim/Witness Program recognizes April 7-13, 2019 as National Crime Victims’ Rights Week by raising awareness about crime victims’ issues, promoting victims’ rights and honoring victims of all crimes. The 2019 theme, “Honoring our past. Creating hope for the future” reminds us that when we come together to support and assist victims of all crimes, we help the healing of victims and survivors and also help break the cycle of violence. Through community action and service, we all be come stronger,...
The Saratoga Airport Board as it has been known for the past 41 years is no more. During the most recent meeting of the Saratoga Town Council, Resolution No. 2019-05, titled “A resolution of the governing body of the Town of Saratoga, Carbon County, Wyoming, dissolving the Saratoga Airport Board,” was introduced, read and passed by a vote of 4-0. Mayor John Zeiger was not present during the last meeting as he was in Riverton, an absence announced during the March 5 mee...
The Saratoga Town Council met at 6 p.m. on March 19 at the Saratoga Town Hall without mayor John Zeiger in attendance. Council member Steve Wilcoxson was mayor pro tem in Zeiger's absence. The approval of the agenda and council meeting minutes from March 5 were both approved quickly. Sammy Flohr, Saratoga town treasurer, went over the financials for a total of $106,239.30 that the council approved. Will Faust from the Platte Valley Health Care Sustainability Project told the...