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  • Living on Purpose: Control your thoughts or they will control you

    Dr. William F. Holland|Apr 18, 2024

    We all know the feeling of having something on our minds that we have a difficult time letting go of. Similar to an image or a catchy song that gets stuck in our head, commonly called an earworm, negative thoughts can be very difficult to remove and the more we replay them the more familiar they become. Rumination is a psychological term for rehashing thoughts over and over. While it can simply mean being stuck in a mental cycle, that may not always be necessarily bad, the psychological term leans toward pessimistic thinking and feelings of...

  • Mysteries of the Faith – I. An Overview

    Rev. Randolph Schnack|Apr 18, 2024

    Everyone loves a good mystery. We read them, looking for clues, trying to figure out ‘who-dun-it’ before the big reveal. One meaning of mystery (musth, rion) in the Bible is a secret, or something that was for a long time a secret, but now has been revealed. Examples of this abound in Scripture. Who would the Messiah be? What would He do? When would He come? Is God, only the God of the Jews, or also of the Gentiles? All of these answers are clearly revealed in Jesus, and His teachings. Another meaning of mystery, is something that is bey...

  • What's That Smell?! – I like it!

    Pastor Vince Vannett, Saratoga Alliance Church|Apr 11, 2024

    I’m a guy. I have 2 teenage boys. I have played all sports, college football, coached many sports, and have spent hours in locker rooms and weight rooms. I know about smelly things and people. I have also been around enough teenage boys who try to overuse the Body Spray and end up driving the girls away and making everyone cough and gag. But recently I was getting ready for an outing and sprayed my Old Spice (old man’s Body Spray) and one of my daughters said, “I like how daddy smells”. So, what was the difference? One was repulsive and to...

  • Living on Purpose: Spiritual sign or natural occurrence?

    William F. Holland Jr.|Apr 11, 2024

    A few readers have asked me lately about my thoughts on the coming eclipse. I’m sure that almost everyone has heard by now about the total solar eclipse on April 8. It will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk. The questions that many speculate about include events like when planets come into a straight line or when there is unusual activity i...

  • The Road to Innocents

    Richard Espinoza|Apr 11, 2024

    Tris Munsick and the Innocents will be performing at the Parco- Sinclair Theater on Saturday, April 13. The band is from Sheridan Wyoming and plays a combination of honky-tonk and country music. Munsick and his band have been traveling on the road for the past 10 years and are preparing to drop a new album they have been working on over the winter while taking it slow on the road. They have been together as a band for 12 years. Munsick and his band will be having a busy summer schedule where...

  • Living on Purpose: Christ is risen and what it means for everyone

    Dr. Willia F. Holland|Apr 4, 2024

    Throughout history, no one has made a greater impact than Jesus Christ. So, who is this person called Jesus? He was not just a man; He was God. It’s widely known Jesus was born of a virgin 2000 years ago, but He existed long before that. As the Son of God and second person of the Trinity, Jesus is the Alpha and Omega which means He is from the beginning and has no end. His being infinite is beyond our comprehension and exalts God as the highest authority. Jesus the Christ means He is the anointed one, the promised Messiah. All other gods and i...

  • We Walk by Faith and Not By Sight

    Rev. Peggy Hotchkiss|Apr 4, 2024

    Vision has been very much on my mind recently. Vision problems have played a large role in the lives of my husband and me the last 18 months or so. Between my macular edema and his cataracts, we have made numerous trips to the Front Range to see retinal specialists and cataract surgeons. For those of us who have enjoyed relatively good vision all our lives, having vision problems can be debilitating and frustrating. Being able to see—even with assistance from eyeglasses—is something we often take for granted. We seldom think about the cha...

  • Hop to it!

    Joshua Wood - Stevenson Newspapers|Apr 4, 2024

    It seemed the Easter Bunny not only made a stop in the Encampment and Riverside area, but lost most of his basket in the process. On March 30, the Encampment/Riverside Volunteer Fire Department held their annual easter egg hunt for children aged preschool through 6th grade. The event, held at Rick Martin Memorial Park in Riverside, seems to draw participants from near and far every year and with good reason. Approximately 30 dozen eggs and pounds upon pounds of candy were littered throughout...

  • The Wyoming Open shoots for a Sweet 16

    Richard Espinoza|Apr 4, 2024

    The Platte Valley Community Center will be hosting the 16th Annual Wyoming Open and Billiards Player pool tournament, a four-day event that will take place on April 4th -7th. Competitors in this tournament will be competing in the Masters Division, Sportsmen Division, and Classic Division. The Wyoming Open first started in 2008 and has continued each year except for 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Wyoming Open returned in 2021 when COVID-19 restrictions were limited. This year about 140...

  • Living on Purpose: A person is only as true as their word

    Dr. Willia F. Holland|Mar 28, 2024

    We live in an age that tends to shrug its shoulders when confronted with spreading information that is not true. Instead of asking, like Pilate, “What is truth?” the postmodern man says, “Truth is relevant to each individual” or perhaps “There might be truth somewhere, but we cannot know it.” Those of us who follow Christ realize that not being ashamed of speaking lies is another dangerous deception that much of our progressive culture has accepted as normal. God is perfect in all of His ways. He does not lie and neither should we. Our human n...

  • Why is Good Friday Good?

    Mar 28, 2024

    The phrase Good Friday has always stood out to me. Is it really good? It signifies the day that our Savior Jesus Christ was brutally crucified and ultimately left our world of flesh and blood. Perhaps dark Friday would be more appropriate? Some speculate the word “Good” in Good Friday was once God Friday. Others think it refers not to how Jesus was brutally treated but in what Jesus did for us on the cross. It is my testimony that Jesus’s life is central to all human history, neither began in Bethlehem nor concluded on “Good Friday” on the cr...

  • Fishing for tips

    Mar 21, 2024

    A Saratoga man was killed instantly in a fatal accident on Highway 30 with one motorist receiving minor injuries. On March 11, at approximately 1:07 p.m., troopers from the Wyoming Highway Patrol responded to milepost 239 on US 30/287 for a head-on collision with injuries. According to Trooper Ryan W. Gerdes, Public Information Officer for the Wyoming Highway Patrol, the accident occurred when 70-year-old Rickey Bales of Hanna, Wyoming crossed the centerline. “Troopers determined an eastbound 19...

  • Living on Purpose: Do we really want to know God's plan?

    Mar 21, 2024

    Those of us who have been in the Christian faith for a while joyfully embrace Romans chapter eight as it is filled with encouraging promises. God has been so good to us and we know it’s because of His endless love that we can enjoy an abundant life filled with blessings. Of course, we have our share of frustrations and disappointments, but for the most part, the Lord provides for our basic needs and to be honest, He has also given us a lot of luxuries. When things are going well, let’s not become more focused on the gifts than the giver. We...

  • Jesus said, Blessed are the hungry …

    Greg Snell|Mar 21, 2024

    When I grew up, I was an avid reader. One of my early heroes was the polar explorer, Sir Earnest Shackleton. In the Antarctic summer of 1908-9, Sir Ernest Shackleton and three companions attempted to travel to the South Pole from their winter quarters. They set off on October 29, 1908, with four ponies to help carry the load. On January 9, 1909, their ponies now dead, rations nearly spent, exhausted, they turned back toward their base, their goal not accomplished. They had reached 88 degrees 23 minutes south. On the journey back to their ship,...

  • Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce Celebrates 50 years

    Richard Espinoza|Mar 21, 2024

    On March 14, the Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 50th Anniversary at the Platte Valley Community Center. Local business owners came together to be recognized for their accomplishments both in business and the community. One of those top winners of recognition was Valley Foods & Liquor, which won 2023 Business of the Year. The local grocery store is owned and managed by Adam Clarke, a third-generation grocery store owner. Clarke said this Business of the Year Award...

  • Feed me, I'm Irish

    Mar 21, 2024

  • Sharing is caring and giving is kindness

    Richard Espinoza|Mar 14, 2024

    On March 4, the First Presbyterian Church of Saratoga hosted a it’s weekly gathering at the table. The special gathering is all about meeting new friends and sharing kindness with everyone in the Platte Valley Community. Gather at the Table takes place on the first Monday of each month and everyone in the community is welcome to join. It is a good way to help people who need a friend or are simply looking for good companionship. Volunteers were cooking free meals for everyone who participated i...

  • A Long-term Commitment to Racial Justice, Healing and Reconciliation

    Mar 14, 2024

    O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. – Prayer for the Human F...

  • Living On Purpose: Pulling down strongholds within our minds

    Dr. Willia F. Holland|Mar 14, 2024

    The Human experience includes the standard requirement to choose right and wrong and has always been accountable when it comes to good and evil. Each of us has the free will to choose how we live and no matter how much we brag about being independent, there is no such thing as walking through this life refusing to be accountable to God. Every self-governing and self-reliant person who has ever lived does not have the authority to be excused from God’s judgment. It would seem that humans would understand there are only two choices in this l...

  • Chamber to hold 50th annual dinner

    Joshua Wood|Mar 7, 2024

    Next week, the Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce (S/PVCC) will be hosting its annual chamber dinner and awards. While each year the dinner is a way to celebrate local businesses and chamber members, the S/PVCC will also be observing its 50th Anniversary. CEO Amanda Knotwell gave the Saratoga Sun a preview of what to expect for this year’s dinner and awards, which will include everything from live music to a history lesson. This year will feature two guest speakers: Chuck “C.J.” Box a...

  • Freighting teams tangle

    Mar 7, 2024

    ONE EIGHT HORSE TEAM AND A FOUR HORSE TEAM TRY TO PASS AND HAVE MIX-UP Thus reads the headline and subheads in the Dec. 29, 1904 issue of “The Saratoga Sun.” Following is the article which appeared in the weekly newspaper. “Last Thursday afternoon the freight outfit of L. B. Chase, consisting of an eight horse team and three wagons met a four horse coal team belonging to C. S. Taylor in the middle of the bridge and as a result one of the horses belonging to Taylor has a broken leg and a wagon...

  • A musician's journey is led by a musical legend

    Richard Espinoza|Mar 7, 2024

    When Hank Morris listened to his first Bob Dylan record, he knew music was his future. Morris was born and raised in Texarkana, Texas and, at the age of 14 years old, he learned how to play the guitar and harmonica. It was that same combination of musical instruments which Dylan had played in his classic songs during the 1960s. Every Friday, Morris performs at the Mangy Moose Roadside Bar in Riverside, Wyoming. He takes the time to talk to the audience about each song he is going to sing and...

  • Helping people into housing

    Kathleen Stinson for the Saratoga Sun|Feb 29, 2024

    Residents in Carbon County are eligible for United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) low-interest home loans, if they meet the income eligibility requirements, according to the state director of rural development. State Director of USDA Rural Development Glenn Pauley spoke to the Saratoga Sun on Friday about the low-interest loan program. “We have a low-interest loan at 4.625 percent and if the income is low enough, it can go down to 1 percent,” Pauley said. The terms are typically for 33 to 38 years and are USDA rural home loans. In Car...

  • Lent, a Liminal Space, a Place for Transition

    Rev. Susan Dyer|Feb 29, 2024

    I was raised in a traditional church, a liturgical church in which the seasons of the church year were practiced: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost now termed Ordinary Time. The altar and pulpit were draped with cloths representing the colors of the seasons: blue or purple for Advent, Green for Epiphany, purple for Lent, Red for the day of Pentecost and green again for that long period of time from Pentecost to Advent. White adorned the altar on through the seasons of Christmas and Easter. While the observance of these...

  • Elk and cattle both eat grass. Lawmakers mull compensating ranchers – for more than the grass is worth

    Mike Koshmrl, via Wyoming News Exchange|Feb 29, 2024

    Wyoming wildlife managers worry that a proposed change to landowner compensation regulations could hurt efforts to get a handle on inflated elk populations. Legislation advancing in the statehouse, House Bill 60 – Excess wildlife population damage amendments, is intended to give the Wyoming Game and Fish Department more incentive to lower elk numbers in areas where wapiti are overpopulated. The statute change would do so by sweetening compensation entitlement for ranchers who lose grass on r...

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