Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Sorted by date Results 1676 - 1700 of 1738
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Religious activities at the facility include church services led by a pastor from a different church each Sunday, Bible Study led by a different pastor each Tuesday, and monthly Communion by Virginia Senne of the Presbyterian Church. On Sunday afternoon, Pastor S...
We had a very good time at our birthday and anniversary dinner Friday night. Meals were served to 37 people. Mr. and Mrs. Riddick won the lunch tickets. Bingo was the entertainment for the night, Bill Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Telfer, Betty Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Mr. and Mrs. Miller played for cash prizes Patty, Connie, Laura and Arleigh kept the coffee pot going last week. They always find lots of things to chuckle and chatter about. Jo Bonnett has been under the weather and has been missed here...
Reprint of this story from the February 23, 1900 issue of the Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. Resources of the District Are Not Misrepresented Dr. P. I. Lawrence, the Chicago agent of the Vulcan Copper Mining Company, arrived here last Friday evening to spend a few days in examining the properties of the company. He also visited several of the producing mines and carefully investigated the resources of the district and was h...
There were three for bingo this week. The one-dollar winner was Madaline Forbes. Berneil McCord won the three-dollar blackout round. There were two-and-a-half tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. High winners were Marilyn Walck and Bob Johnson. Second high went to Vivien Campbell and Sue Howe. We are always happy to deliver you a meal if you are under the weather or have just been in the hospital. Please give us a call at 326-5564 and we will do our best to help you out. If you are 60 or older, or the spouse of someone 60...
The Upper Valley Search & Rescue sold 258 hands Sunday at Ben Romios Memorial Poker Run. “It (the poker run) gets bigger every year,” said organizer Cory Nuhn. “We have tremendous sponsors and supporters.” With an added purse from Silver Spur Ranches, winners were able to take home a little more money. Lynn Finney had the highest hand winning $574.50. Dawn Bailey had the second highest hand winning $383.00. Jan Buford had the third highest hand, she won $287.25. Bailey...
The Saratoga Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) sponsored a family night Feb. 5 so family members could observe the competitive events the students are preparing for. The students are competing at the Wyoming FCCLA State Convention March 20 through March 22, 2013 at the Holiday Convention Center in Cheyenne. “There is a lot of work involved in preparing and presenting state competition events,” FCCLA adviser Linda Fisher-Perue said in a press release. Several presentations were made including a culinary t...
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Hair Care and Nail Care are important activities. Usually the Activity Room is full and sometimes there is even a line out the door. On Wednesday morning, Janice Kerpan and Mildred Hennek gave eight ladies beautiful hairdos. Brenda Zeiger did Nail Care with nine r...
There were six for bingo this week. Two-dollar winners were Berneil McCord, and Winnie Allen. One-dollar winners were Madaline Forbes and Grace Johnston. Madaline Forbes won the $4 blackout round. There were two-and-a-half tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. High winners were Marilyn Walck and Glee Johnson. Second high went to Mary Alice Sjoden and Evelyn Hammer. We are always happy to deliver a meal if you are under the weather or have just been in the hospital. Please give us a call at 326-5564 and we will do our best to...
We had a great week at Sagebrush Senior Center. Saturday we had 39 members come for Breakfast at Noon. We missed a few that were in Laramie for a great girl’s basketball game. The quilters have started on the auction quilt and boy is it nice. As of today, we have computer access in the dining hall for our seniors convenience. I want to make mention of the following for their donations to the E-Club; Lila Wallbye, Donna Wells, Ella Geisick and John Farr. This Friday we are having our evening meal. Chicken fried steak, m...
1 years ago February 13, 1913 Mistaken Idea. There is a report in circulation to the effect that we are going to close down the publication of the SUN. Who ever started such a report had little to do and is another example of what kind of boosting this town is getting at the hands of some of its residents. As far as we are able to say, this paper will be continued as before until such a time as it can be sold, and when it is sold we expect the buyer to continue it. We will say this much, that this paper is for sale, and we...
Chelsie Pantle, of Encampment and Russell Burton, of Saratoga, are on the University of Wyoming’s Provost honor roll for the 2012 fall semester. The Provost’s honor roll consists of undergraduates who have completed at least six, but fewer than 12 hours with a minimum 3.5 grade point average for the semester....
The Mrs. Wyoming Pageant is seeking applicants for Mrs. Saratoga. The applicant who is selected will represent her community in the 2013 Mrs. Wyoming Pageant on June 1 in Cheyenne. Local titleholders will compete to win a prize package valued at $8,000 including an all expense paid trip to the nationally televised Mrs. America Pageant, according to a press release. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, married at the time of the competition and a Wyoming resident. For an application, visit the website...
Connie McGuire, of The Flower Pot ordered more than 1,000 roses in preparation of Valentine’s Day tomorrow. Last year was the first year McGuire sold more flowers on Valentine’s Day than on Mother’s Day in the nearly 28 years she has been in business....
Normally, 50 to 60 cakes are auctioned off after the homecoming game at Encampment School. After hearing about frustration from residents unable to match high bids and support the athletic scholarship, Encampment Principal Mike Erickson encouraged more cakes be made for the auction so there were cakes available at and below the $100 range. Encampment answered the challenge and produced 96 cakes for this auction. “We are thankful for everyone in the community who work hard t...
Reprint of this story from the February 1, 1945 issue of The Encampment Valley Roundup brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. WFA REPORT Civilians can expect more milk, eggs, cheese, and citrus fruits during the next three months than the three just past but there will be less meat, chicken, fats, and oils, butter, canned fruits, and vegetables, potatoes, sugar, and dry beans, Charles W. Lilley, WFA’s District Representative, has announced. For com...
As of February 1, 2013, Valley View Care Center has a new owner and will be called “Deseret Health and Rehab at Saratoga LLC.” Deseret Health Group is a provider of senior healthcare throughout the intermountain and midwest regions, including Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, Utah and Wyoming. It is committed to being a premier provider of long term health care throughout the heartland of America. Its programs, services, and facilities strive to serve and operate with superior quality in order to satisfy the needs of res...
There were just four for bingo this week. Two-dollar winners were Madaline Forbes and Pat Faust. One-dollar winners were Berneil McCord and Winnie Allen. Pat also won the $4 blackout round. There were two tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. High winners were Lori Walck and Mary Alice Sjoden. Second high went to Vivien Campbell and Marilyn Walck. We are always happy to deliver you a meal if you are under the weather or have just been in the hospital. Please give us a call at 326-5564 and we will do our best to help you out....
We bid farewell to Dodey Brown as the Site Manager on Thursday with cake and gifts. The quilters are almost finished with Lila’s quilt and they do amazing work. The gamers are gaming as usual. The Domino players introduced me to the game of Dominos, “fun game”. I just need to learn to get rid of the high points before someone goes out. We have done a little re-arranging and added two beautiful plants to add some color to the senior center. We are in the process of putting a computer in the dining area for the seniors to ha...
Saratoga Elementary Schoolers celebrate completion of their reading goals by spending a day in the snow last Friday....
Don Goodspeed is legally blind, but when he leans in close to look at his wife, Shirley, there is a twinkle in his eye. The couple were married on Valentine’s Day in 1953 and are celebrating their 60th anniversary at the Platte Valley Community Center Feb. 16 from noon to 3 p.m. The couple is known around town as the “golf-cart people”. A few years ago they gave up their licenses due to poor eyesight and now drive a golf cart around town. Shirley can still see and she does...
The Activity Department at Valley View offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. On Thursday afternoon, residents, staff, and visitors attended a memorial service for June Wenger, a resident who passed away recently. Those attending included several children who visited her frequently, attesting to the fact that her impact was intergenerational. This friendly lady touched the lives of many people, and she w...
Compiled by Joe Elder 100 years ago Feb. 6, 1913 Wyoming Number 36 Wyoming was the 36th state in the Union to ratify the amendment to the Federal constitution so that the Income Tax can be made a federal law. All incomes even down to $4,000 or $5,000 may be taxed under the amendment. This means an income to the Government of over $1,000,000,000 per year. There was not a dissenting vote against the resolution in the vote taken Tuesday. 75 years ago Jan. 27, 1938 Now there is market for cow’s tail hair The only use a farmer cou...
Walking into Jerry Wood’s studio is like walking into another era. The still grace of the sculptures themselves are the only suggestion of movement, except for the carver himself surrounded by the chink, chink of hammer and chisel on stone. Dust floats in the air and comes to rest like a skiff of sepia-colored snow on finished and half-finished pieces. Wood will be showing 20 sculptures at a solo exhibition at the Community Fine Arts Center in Rock Springs for the month of F...
Isabella Mackenzie Pride was born Jan. 24, 2013, in Laramie, to parents Gena Chymych and Mack Pride III. She weighed 6 lbs., 8 oz. and was 19 inches long. Her maternal grandmother is Karen Aurthor and her paternal grandparents are Sharon Pride and Mack Pride Jr. She has two sisters, Angela Schmidt, 10, and Trysta Schmidt, 4....
Seven members of the American Legion Auxiliary met at the Legion post at 6:30 p.m., Jan. 15. Discussion was held and plans made for the concession sales at the Fishing Derby to be held at the Saratoga Lake June 19 and 20. Plans were also discussed for the beer sales at the Chariot Races. Sign-up sheets will go up right after the fishing derby. Members need to sign up early for the job they want to do for this event. The Auxiliary will hold a special meeting Feb. 12. A silent auction will be held at the post home during the...