Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Sorted by date Results 1501 - 1525 of 1738
The local American Legion Auxiliary of Saratoga covered charitable contributions and upcoming events at their most recent meeting Oct. 15. Membership stands at 33 members with 10 more needed to meet the first milestone by Nov. 11. Ladies should get their dues paid so the goal can be made early this year. Thirty-three dozen cookies were sent to Cheyenne for the VA Hospital patients. We can always send more, so if someone missed baking some cookies, they can still get that done and we will get them to Cheyenne. The VA patients...
Reprint of this story from the October 30, 1903 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. MACHINERY ON AETNA Installing Fine Steam Plant and Making Big Improvements at the Aetna Camp. Superintendent Roger Daniels and a large crew of men are busy in the construction of a new shaft house, 30x60 feet, to cover the new plant of steam machinery received last week at the Aetna camp on Beaver Creek. The plant consists of a 4...
We had our Carnival on Oct. 25. It was games, prizes, candy, cookies, and the cake walk for the kids of the Valley. We want to thank all the people who helped us—Janice Kerpan, Connie Patterson, Lila Worden, Jill Martin, Kim Givens, Pastor Gene Smith, Roxie Baldwin, Elder Clay, Elder Young, our Administrator, Dave Doorn, and our staff. In addition, all the individuals and organizations that donated cakes, cookies, etc. helped make the cake walk great. The kids in their costumes with their parents really had a lot of fun. T...
There were five people here for Bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Berneil McCord, Winnie Allen and Grace Johnston. Sue Howe won the $4 blackout round; thank you Winnie Allen for watching my card. There were three tables for Duplicate Bridge on Monday. High winners were Gertrude Herold and Mary Alice Sjoden. Second high went to Mariel O’Grady and Marilyn Walck. We will be having music up here again on Nov. 5 at 6:30 p.m. So be sure to mark your calendar and come join us. You will not be disappointed. This will be the last...
There were five people here for Bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Berneil McCord, Winnie Allen and Grace Johnston. Sue Howe won the $4 blackout round; thank you Winnie Allen for watching my card. There were three tables for Duplicate Bridge on Monday. High winners were Gertrude Herold and Mary Alice Sjoden. Second high went to Mariel O’Grady and Marilyn Walck. They said they had a pretty good turnout for the flu shots here on Wednesday. I always enjoy when they have these things up here cause you get to visit with p...
Oct. 26, 1911 On the cigarette evil Drastic action by the authorities of Notre Dame College in Indiana, imposing the penalty of expulsion on students who persist in smoking cigarettes will not be regarded as too severe. A youth of sufficient age to have entered the freshmen class of any college, and who is so far under the influence of cigarette habit that nothing but ostracism can save him, should have been saved in that way. Such as ostracism cannot save will have to be lost, even if they be so far lost that, at their...
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities this week. The Activity Department offers a variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests and needs. We will be having our annual fall carnival from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 25, 2013. There will be games, prizes, candy, the spook house and the cake walk for kids of the valley. We wish to thank Tim Lamprecht for the kind donation of candy for the kids at the carnival. Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday a...
Shareen Johnson, the 2013-2014 Department of Wyoming President of the American Legion Auxiliary, of Lander, will be visiting Angus England American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 54, of Saratoga at 5:30 p.m., Oct. 26, 2013 at the post home. The special meeting will be a carry-in dinner and members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to complement roast beef. Shareen is eligible for membership in the American Legion Auxiliary through her father, John Sturgeon, who is a member of Don Stough Post No. 33 of Lander, and who...
There were five people here for Bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Berneil McCord, Pat Faust and Merle Starr. Berneil McCord won the $4 blackout round. There were three tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. High winners were Sheila Johnson and Bob Johnson. Second high went to Glee Johnson and Mariel O’Grady. We will be having flu shots from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Oct. 15 at the Senior Center. We will be hosting the county board meeting here on Oct. 16. If you are interested in sitting in on the meeting or have anything y...
Reprint of this story from the October 16, 1903 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. WYOMING STATE SONG Grand Encampment Production Sung at Industrial Convention Made a Hit and Has Been Endorsed as the State Song. On Wednesday evening, Governor Chatterton announced a song entitled “Wyoming,” the words of which were written by Attorney Charlie E. Winter of Grand Encampment, and the music by Earle R. Clemens, edito...
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. On Friday, Brenda Zeiger and I were away at an Activity workshop in Casper. We had three learning sessions on Alzheimer’s and dementia and two sessions by Wyoming state surveyors on activities in state surveys. Games throughout the week provided fun and lau...
There were four people here for Bingo Tuesday. $2 winners were Berneil McCord and Merle Starr. Berneil McCord won the $2 blackout round. There were two-and-a-half tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. High winners were Sandy Cameron and Mary Alice Sjoden. Second high went to Pat Bailey and Kay. We will be having flu shots up here at the center from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Oct. 16. Be sure to mark your calendar. We will be hosting the county board meeting here on Oct. 16. If you are interested in setting in on the meeting or...
2 years ago Oct. 9, 1912 Intolerable conditions At the meeting of the Young Men’s Liberty club in Cheyenne Friday night, the lynching of Wigfall in the state penitentiary was discussed freely and handled without gloves. While the expression was universal that Wigfall deserved just what he got, the members were equally unanimous in the opinion that a system that would permit in a lynching to take place in a penitentiary demanded investigation. If it is possible for the prisoners to pass the word, hold up the guards and l...
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Mother Nature gave us some beautiful scenery on Friday morning, just to let us know the winter is just around the corner. The wet, heavy snow brought down a lot of tree limbs around town. However, residents were warm and snug in the facility inside, despite the s...
The American Legion Auxiliary will be having a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m., Oct. 15 at the Legion home. District 6 President Pam Freeman from Cheyenne will be making her official visit to the Unit at this meeting. Freeman is a past Department President and has served the Department of Wyoming in most offices and currently serves in several chairs. MEMBERS NOTE: Since October is “cookie month” for the Cheyenne’s Veteran’s Hospital for the Saratoga Unit, please have your cookies and/or donations at the Legion home by Oct. 14...
Model T Ford of America members traveled to Saratoga Sunday. The “Leaf Peeper Tour” came from as far as Missouri to enjoy the fall colors over Snowy Range Sunday. “It is one of the most beautiful drives there is,” Dave Huson, of Longmont, Colo., said. Huson has been in the Ford Model T business for years, Alan Krusnik, of Littleton, Colo., said. Huson said he was a kid when his family got their first Model T. A farmer who owned a good running Model T was looking to upgrade...
The holidays are not the only time food is needed at the Platte Valley Food Pantry. The American Legion recently discovered the Platte Valley Food Pantry is in need of non-perishable goods, and is conducting a food drive at the post home, adjuntant Deb Clark said. Items for the food pantry can be dropped off at the American Legion between noon and close daily....
Reprint of this story from the October 9, 1903 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. A Breezy Time Up Around Battle Mr. George Kuntzman, accompanied by Mrs. Kuntzman, made a trip to Battle Monday morning, leaving their little son with Mrs. Lynn. After reaching Battle, Mr. Kuntzman left his wife and went on with some associates to visit the Fulks property which they reached safely in a snow storm. On account of the bad w...
There were five people here for bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Janet Lasco, and Grace Johnston. Berneil McCord won the $5 blackout round. There were two-and-a-half tables for Duplicate Bridge on Monday. High winners were Pat Bailey and Vivien Campbell. Second high went to Gertrude Herold and Sheila Johnson. There were not enough to play Right, Left and Center. Maybe next week there will be enough. We have been having a pretty good turnout for breakfast. We will continue to have them every other week. I really hate...
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. With the advent of fall on Sunday, we have begun getting cooler temperatures and some very beautiful days (and some rain, too). On Thursday afternoon, seven residents went on a Van Ride to Aspen Alley to see the fall colors. The month of October will bring our a...
Here comes my favorite months of the year, we have a lot going on this month. Always much thanks to our volunteers, Bill and Madeline Telfer, Bob and Lois Thompson, Vonda Wieburg, Nancy Lynch and Laura Rettelie. You all allow this facility to run with a special touch. Blood pressure checks are every other Thursday, Oct. 10 and 24. This month’s birthday/anniversary is a long list. Birthdays in October include Ella Geisick, Sheila Johnson, Karen Bower, Vangie Licero, Jim Buckendorf, Ed Freisburg, Lois Thompson, Nancy Flohr, P...
There was not enough to play bingo this week. We had Janette Cox here from Rock Springs. She came and talked to the seniors about emergency preparedness. It was a great program and I think we all got a lot out of her talk. Maybe we will be more prepared for winter and whatever might come up. There were two-and-a-half tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. High winners were John Blue & Mariel O’Grady. Then there was a three-way tie for second place. We will be having a breakfast at 8 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26. Then we will h...
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. We had our monthly birthday party at he facility on Thursday afternoon, and 11 residents attended. We celebrated the birthdays of Randy Cross, Ralph Platt, and Gloria Kendrick with ice cream and cake. Residents played one Blackout Bingo with Charlotte Gibbons w...
September 26, 1912 101 years ago (1913-14 archives not available) Pretty birthday party Little Grace Winsor was five last Sunday and her mother gave her a birthday party Saturday. There were about 35 little people near Grace’s own age, who assemble at the Winsor residence to do honor to the occasion. After the manner of good mothers Mrs. Winsor had prepared cakes, ices and other things that children like and after they wearied themselves with childish games they were regaled with the feast made ready for them. It was a v...
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon,three residents played Uno with Charlotte Gibbons winning. On Monday afternoon, four residents played Dominoes. On Wednesday afternoon, 10 residents played Bingo, and on Friday afternoon, n...