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  • Birth Announcement: William James Gaudesi

    Sep 4, 2013

    Jessica Lane and Joseph Gaudesi announce the birth of their son, William James Gaudesi. William was born Aug. 4, 2013 at Ivinson Memorial Hospital in Laramie and weighed 7 pounds, 7.5 ounces and was 19 and 3/4 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Kathleen K. Lane and James R. Lane, of Saratoga. Paternal grandparents are William J. Gaudesi and Eunice C. Gaudesi, of Saratoga. William has one sister, Olivia J. Gaudesi....

  • 'Killed by Indians' grave stone missing from Emigrant's Cemetery

    Compiled by Dick Perue|Sep 4, 2013

    Folks attending the history trek to Emigrant’s Crossing on the Overland Trail Saturday will discover that a piece of history is missing. Gone is the “Killed by Indians” headstone from the Emigrant Cemetery. The incident has been reported to the Carbon County Sherriff’s office for investigation. In 1933 the old emigrant cemetery (shown here) was restored through the efforts of the Wyoming Land Marks Commission and the Lions Clubs of Saratoga and Rawlins. It was fenced and the area within the enclosure cleaned and original markers repaired and se...

  • Reflections: Attempted hold up at the Smelter office

    Sep 4, 2013

    Reprint of this story from the September 5, 1902 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. AN EXCITING EXPERIENCE WITH SUPPOSED HOLD-UP MEN An attempt was made last Tuesday night to enter and rob the smelter office. About half past eight a telephone message came from Thos. Hardwick, bookkeeper for the Smelter Company and who has his sleeping apartments adjoining the office, announcing in frightened subdued tones that an attempt was being m...

  • Plenty of activities

    Tom Mansfield|Sep 4, 2013

    At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, four residents played Uno with Truth Karstoft winning. On Wednesday afternoon, nine residents played Bingo, and on Friday afternoon, eight residents played Bingo. Truth Karstoft, Nadine Caleb, Pat Sims, and D...

  • Make up meal Saturday

    Sue Howe|Sep 4, 2013

    There were six people here for bingo this week. Two-dollar winners were Winnie Allen, Berneil McCord and Chris Willis. Berneil and Winnie shared a $2 round. Winnie won the $4 blackout round. There were two-and-a-half tables for Duplicate Bridge this week. High winners were John Blue and Pat Bailey. Second high went to Janet Donelan and Sandy Cameron. Don’t forget we will be having the music jamboree up here every other Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. The next time will be Sept. 10, so mark your calendar. We only had four people stay for Right, Left, a...

  • Reflections: Shively Field approved 50 years ago

    Aug 28, 2013

    1 years ago July 3, 1913 Hen hovers kittens We don’t believe in Nature-fakers and the ones who naturally pulls off the “ruph stuph” should be run over the edge of the earth whenever that edge may be found. But here is a new one and as it comes from good source, we are going to give it space and take chances on being called a nature-faker. A lady out in the country said she has a hen that has taken up with a bunch of kittens. The lady was, we believe, trying to “break her up.” Also the lady has a cat with some little kittens The said cat...

  • Residents enjoy outings

    Tom Mansfield|Aug 28, 2013

    At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, six residents played Uno with Pat Sims winning. On Tuesday morning, four residents played Dominoes. On Wednesday afternoon, nine residents played Bingo, and on Friday afternoon, eight residents played B...

  • Senior Center closed Labor Day

    Sue Howe|Aug 28, 2013

    There were two-and-a-half tables for Duplicate Bridge this week. However no one left me a list of the winners. So you will get that next week. Don’t forget we will be having the music jamboree up here every other Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. I do have the forms for the Elderly and Disabled Tax Program. The qualifications for this are: you must be at least 65 years old, or turned 18 in 2012 and totally disabled. You must have lived in the state of Wyoming for the year 2012, and had income of $17,500 or less for a single person, or $28,500 or less for a...

  • Reflections: Encampment fire dept. holds first annual banquet

    Aug 21, 2013

    Reprint of this story from the August 21, 1903 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. Members of Encampment Fire Department and Friends Partake of Sumptuous Six-Course Dinner The Encampment Fire Department held its first annual banquet at the city hall on Wednesday evening. A party of forty-five members, ladies, and guests sat down to a well spread table and enjoyed a six-course repast amid most pleasant auspices. The table was daintily d...

  • Good turnout for barbecue

    Tom Mansfield|Aug 21, 2013

    At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. We had our annual summer barbecue on Thursday with 35 family members and guests. Teense Willford sang and played country music on his guitar with the assistance of Jack on the fiddle and Kate on the guitar. Our Dietary Department prepared a great spread with hamburgers, salads, a...

  • Music Jamboree alternates Tuesdays

    Sue Howe|Aug 21, 2013

    There were seven here to play bingo Tuesday. $2 winners were Pat Faust, Madaline Forbes, Dorothy Miller, Dee Miller, and Winnie Allen. Dorothy Miller won the $5 blackout round. There were three tables for Duplicate Bridge this week. High winners were Janet Donaland & Bob Johnson. Second high went to John Blue & Pat Bailey. Don’t for get we will be having the music jamboree up here every other Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. It has been so enjoyable and we keep getting more entertainers and the audience keeps growing every time. So mark your calendar and c...

  • Birth announcement: Weston Jacob Bates

    Aug 14, 2013

    Weston Jacob Bates was born July 24, 2013 at Ivinson Memorial Hospital in Laramie. He was born 8 lbs, 11oz, and was 20 1/2 inches long. The proud parents are Tara and Michael Bates of Saratoga. Michael works at the Sinclair Refinery, and Tara is a substitute teacher for Carbon County School District No. 2. Maternal grandparents are Warren and Debbie Drew of Omaha, Neb., and paternal grandparents are Terry and Christine Bates of Woodbine, Iowa. Proud older siblings are 7-year-old Joseph and 6-year-old Bryson....

  • Oxford makes UW Provost's Honor Roll

    Staff Report|Aug 14, 2013

    Tiffany Oxford, of Saratoga, made the 2013 spring semester Provost’s Honor Roll for the University of Wyoming. The Provost’s Honor Roll consists of undergraduates who have completed at least six, but fewer than 12, hours with a minimum 3.5 grade point average for the semester....

  • Jones graduates from Art Institute

    Aug 14, 2013

    Jonathan Jones, a 2009 graduate of Saratoga High School, has earned his Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in Graphic Design from The Art Institute of Colorado. Jones is the son of Robin and David Jones, of Saratoga....

  • Summer barbecue Thursday

    Tom Mansfield|Aug 14, 2013

    At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. We will be having our annual summer barbecue on Thursday for family and friends of our residents. We are hoping to have good weather on that day, so we can enjoy the barbecue on our patio. Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, four residents playe...

  • Birthday Dinner Friday

    Ronda Krouch|Aug 14, 2013

    A few of our summertime travelers have left for the season; safe travels to them. Our Domino players are Betty M., Joe and Sheila R., Jack James and Dick B., and welcome back to Bill and Madeline Telfer. We are still playing two tables of Bridge on Wednesdays and are working on what looks to be a challenging puzzle called ”Butterfly”. Always much thanks to our volunteers, Bob and Lois Thompson, Vonda Wieburg, Nancy Lynch, and Laura Rettelle, you all allow this facility to run with a special touch. Blood pressure will be taken on Aug. 22. The...

  • 55 Alive on Aug. 21

    Sue Howe|Aug 14, 2013

    There were six here to play bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Pat Faust, Madaline Forbes, Dorothy Miller, Jack Riddick, and Ginny Riddick. Berneil McCord won a $3 round. Pat Faust won the $5 blackout round. There were three-and-a-half tables for Duplicate Bridge this week. High winners were Marianna Blue and Gertrude Herold. There was a tie for second high between Mary Alice Sjoden and Sandy Cameron and Pat Bailey and Mariel O’Grady. Don’t for get we will be having the music jamboree up here every other Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. It has bee...

  • Reflections: Rumors of railroad coming to Encampment

    Aug 14, 2013

    1 years ago July 10, 1913 Colorado Northern Persistent rumor that there is more behind the big project than first gleamed. It is now an assured fact that French capitalists are on the ground at Hayden, Colorado, looking over the proposed project in which they expect invest some $28,000,000.00. This project looked at first to be a little out of keeping at this time but closer investigation proves that there is indeed a big movement on foot that is beginning to assume into a possibility. The proposition is to build a railroad some 170 miles in...

  • Reflections: Town of Battle fire continued

    Aug 7, 2013

    Reprint of this story from the July 11, 1903 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. Town of Battle Lake Narrowly Escaped Being Wiped Off the Earth Story Continued: The town of Battle Lake came upon the map of Wyoming in 1898, when Harry Wellman and Frank Hollingshead staked the “So Different” mining lode claim, patenting same the following year. The claim was laid out as a townsite and the little city sprang up like magic. Previous to th...

  • Residents enjoy many activities

    Tom Mansfield|Aug 7, 2013

    At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. We will be having our annual summer barbecue on Thursday, Aug. 15, for family and friends of our residents. We are hoping to have good weather on that day, so we can enjoy the barbecue on our patio. Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday morning, two r...

  • Busy month at the Senior Center

    Sue Howe|Aug 7, 2013

    There were nine here to play bingo Tuesday. Three-dollar winners were Pat Faust, Madaline Forbes, Dorothy Miller, and Ginny Riddick. Pat Faust won a $2 round and the $5 blackout round. There were three-and-a-half tables for Duplicate Bridge this week. High winners were Pat Bailey and Vivien Campbell. Second high went to Marianna Blue and Bob Johnson. Don’t forget we will be having the music jamboree up here every other Tuesday at 6:30. It has been so enjoyable and we keep getting more entertainers ,and the audience keeps growing every time. M...

  • Reflections: Falls, accidents, bowling & budgets

    Jul 31, 2013

    1 years ago July 10, 1913 Regina Jensen hurt Miss Regina Jensen was up in the balcony in the opera house on Thursday evening about 5:30 and as the lower windows come over the floor of the balcony she could look out. One of the windows being partly down from the top she leaned out over it and the catch gave away throwing her to the sidewalk about 10 feet below. She struck on her face and hands and for a while it was thought that she was seriously hurt, but it has proved to be only bad sprains and bruises. Mrs. C. F. Holck saw her as she fell...

  • Special musical guests perform at senior center

    Staff Report|Jul 31, 2013

    Diners at the Saratoga Senior Center were treated to special music two weeks ago from local washboard strummer Dorothy Miller and visiting accordionist Hans Nikolaes. Following dinner the couple performed several tunes, much to the delight of the 20 or so seniors attending. Hans and his wife Tina, who are originally from Holland, now make their home in Michigan during the summer and Apache Junction, Ariz. in the winter. They were visiting Dorothy and Herm and Sherry Weinert. The two families are neighbors in Apache Junction. The Weinerts noted...

  • Barbecue a success

    Sue Howe|Jul 31, 2013

    There were five here to play bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Pat Faust, Winnie Allen, Grace Johnston, and Janet Lasco. Pat Faust won the $5 blackout round. There were three tables for Duplicate Bridge this week. High winners were John Blue and Mariel O’Grady. Second high went to Marianna Blue and Pat Bailey. We had our barbecue up here on Saturday. We had a great turnout and the entertainment was so enjoyable. Thank you to all of them. And thank you to Ed for cooking the hamburgers. Everyone really enjoyed them. Don’t forget, we wil...

  • Residents enjoy movies, games

    Tom Mansfield|Jul 31, 2013

    At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. We will be having our annual summer barbecue for residents and their families in August. Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, four residents played Uno with Jeanette Baker winning. On Monday afternoon, six residents played Crazy Eights. On W...

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