Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Sorted by date Results 1376 - 1400 of 1738
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, three residents played Dominoes with Pat Rust winning. On Tuesday morning, four residents played Yahtzee with Frank Jereb winning. On Wednesday afternoon, 11 residents played Bingo, and o...
April is here and we are looking forward to spring, as brief as it may be. Wishing the following a wonderful April birthday- Woody Woodward, Jerry Crank, Ruth Banzhof, Roy Wells, Lori Cronberg, Deryl Novak, Marvin Cronberg, Dot Severns, Barb Woodward, Dick Blake, Ellen Burgess, Jim Krouch, Patty Herring. Sue will be here on at 11:30 a.m. April 3 to take blood pressures. Breakfast at noon will be April 12. The menu is blueberry French toast bake, bacon, fresh fruit/juice, chilled milk. Our evening meal will be at 6 p.m.,...
There were eight here for Bridge Monday. High winners were Glee Johnson and Gertrude Herold. Second high went to Sheila Johnson and Bob Johnson. We have hired Kathy Hennek as the new bus driver. She has lived here for many years and I am sure she will be a great asset to our group. All of us here at the center want to wish Jane Fluty the very best on her retirement. She plans to do some camping when they get back from their vacation in May. So we hope everything works out for them. She said if we need a substitute and she is...
Sixteen Saratoga High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members earned top-four placements and other honors at their annual State Leadership Conference in Cheyenne. An FBLA attendance record was set when over 700 members from 36 schools across Wyoming met at the Holiday Inn in Cheyenne Thursday through Saturday. Students were there to build leadership skills through workshops, campaign for a state office and compete in a variety of business-related topics with h...
A former Saratoga resident was included on the Casper College President’s Honor Roll at Casper College for the 2013 fall semester. Macey Malone, Saratoga High School graduate,was named to the President’s Honor Roll. In order to qualify, students must take 12 credit hours and maintain a 3.5 grade-point average....
In the March 19 edition, the booster photo featuring the Carbon County School District No. 2 Speech and Debate Team as state champions, Maya Zeiger and Gabby Clutter’s names were left out. The Saratoga Sun apologizes for this error....
Marshal Hill applied for an internship as a page under Wyoming's Sen. Michael Enzi, because it was the opportunity of a lifetime. "I did not want to pass it up," Hill said. Hill knew the opportunity would not come his way again, and that working as a page in Congress would look good on his resume and would give him an advantage on his application for college. "I was proud to have Marshal serve as a Senate page," Sen. Enzi said. "He represented Wyoming well and is now part of...
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Our dining room has been repainted and looks decidedly better with new light fixtures and various pictures hanging on the walls. Nearly completed, these renovations were done by staff and Brenda Eaton’s family. Our Sirius radio is working again for residents to...
There were four here for Bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Betty Dean, Madaline Forbes and Sue Howe shared a $2 round. Winnie Allen won the $2 blackout round. There were eight here for Bridge Monday. There was a tie for high winners between Mary Sjoden and Sheila Johnson and Bob Johnson and Sue Howe. We had our birthday dinner Friday. We had a pretty good turnout. Those having birthdays this month are, John Larsen, Fred Williams, Brian Manley, Dora Martin, Claudia Bartlett, Margaret Karstoft, Ginny Riddick, Sandy Willfor...
After strong performances at the Wind River District Qualifier Forensics Tournament, two Carbon County School District No. 2 (CCSD#2) Speech and Debate Team members are headed to Nationals near Kansas City this summer. Kaylyn Wessel and Becca Treat's second-place-winning duet ("My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult) was the national qualifier, and Wessel's individual drama ("January First" by Michael Schofield), which received fifth place, was the second alternate for...
Students at Saratoga Elementary School made "Leprechaun Traps" and "Green Goop" during "St. Paddy Science" Monday....
For the second time in two years, the Carbon County School District No. 2 Speech and Debate Team took home a 1A/2A State Champion Trophy from last weekend's 2014 Wyoming State High School Speech and Debate Tournament. The team took first place overall out of eight 1A and 2A teams at the event, which took place Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Western Wyoming Community College in Rock Springs. The state tournament consisted of 31 teams and 353 competitors, and featured around...
Education does not end with formal school, and with her new job as Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) coordinator at Carbon County School District No. 2 (CCSD#2), Melissa Donough's goal is to insure that everyone in the community has an opportunity to continue their learning. As BOCES coordinator, her goal is to provide the public with the materials and access to educational opportunities. "It's an entity that we want to expand educational opportunities for all...
Six Saratoga Middle High School graduates have received top marks at Western Wyoming Community College (WWCC) for the Fall 2013 Semester. Brandee Forster and Taylor Boydstun both made the Dean’s list for maintaining their grade point averages between 3.25 and 3.99 while maintaing a minimum of 12 credit hours. Kaleah McClain, Heather Oxford and Miranda Paddock were recognized on the WWCC part-time honor roll. Students on this list have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours in consecutive semesters with a GPA of 3.5 and c...
From March 10 to March 16, the Saratoga Police Department responded to 141 calls including the following classifications: Agency assistance (1); alarm (2); animal problem (1); assist business (1); assist school (1); bar check (14); business checks (56); citizen assist (7); dog at large (4); lost dog (2); dog tag (1); domestic disturbance (1); fingerprints (1); fish and game (1); hot pool check (20); lockout (2); parking problem (1);traffic accident with damage(1); house watch (2); reddi (1); school zones (8); suspicious...
There were four here for bingo Tuesday. $2 winners were Sue Howe, Madaline Forbes. Berneil McCord and Winnie Allen shared a $2 round. Merle Starr won the $3 blackout round. There were eight here for Bridge Monday. High winner were Gertrude Harold & Lee Groshart. Second high went to Glee Johnson & Sheila Johnson. We want to wish Marty Perue a speedy recovery. She suffered a mini stroke this week. She is doing OK but is recovering at home. We miss her cheery face up here. Get well soon. We will be having our birthday dinner...
At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. With the arrival of St. Patrick’s Day, Thursday morning saw three residents making little leprechaun hats. They heard about “kissing the blarney stone” and getting “the gift of gab.” With television in nearly every resident’s room, residents get to hear local, n...
Carbon County School District No. 2 (CCSD#2) Board of Trustees had a productive evening at their March 17 regular scheduled meeting. Saratoga Police Chief Tom Knickerbocker discussed the possibility of renewing the contract to place a resource officer at Saratoga Middle/High School (SMHS). The current contract, which expires January 2015, keeps a Saratoga Police officer at SMHS for a minimum of 70 percent of the time during a given shift. Knickerbocker asked if CCSD#2 would...
Jim Copeland, of Fleming, Colo., will be the new superintendent of Carbon County School District No. 2 (CCSD#2) effective July 1. On the night of March 13, the CCSD#2 Board of Trustees took action and offered Jim Copeland a two-year contract. CCSD#2 Board Chairman Diana Berger said that the board was very pleased with all of the finalists. However, she said that Copeland was selected because he shared a similar vision with the board. "We just felt like he was the right fit,"...
The Vocational Agriculture (Vo-Ag) shop at Saratoga Middle/High School is currently filled with machinery that is older than the kids that use them. But not for long. Dressed in their signature blue jackets, several members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) held up a poster-sized check for $23,556 given by Sinclair Wyoming Refining company. Lane Moreland, the Vo-Ag Teacher at Saratoga Middle/High School said that the grant will go to purchasing new shop equipment. "The...
The mountain snow pack and associated snow water equivalents (SWE) were reported as “above average” for February. The Wyoming Weather Service reported that there is a moderate to high potential for flooding due to snow melt in the Encampment and Riverside area. There is also a moderate potential for flooding associated with snow melt for Saratoga residents. State Engineer’s Office reported that the North Platte River Drainage is currently sitting at a drainage average of 120 percent of the 30-year average, which is up from...