(1198) stories found containing 'Saratoga Town Council'

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  • Natural gas heats meeting up

    Fred Broschart|May 18, 2016

    The town of Encampment held its monthly town council meeting on Thursday where it appointed a new South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services (SCWEMS) member, and discussed other ongoing business. The council had a long agenda, but for the most part quickly moved though the list, but did stop to spend time on discussing the appointment of the SCWEMS representative, and listen to public concerns about getting a natural gas supplier for the town to allow for construction of senior apartments. Resident Sandy Martin brought up the issue of a l...

  • Triple D forges ahead with development plans

    Max Miller|May 18, 2016

    Access, availability, spot-zoning, and questions of protocol once again dominated discussion of Triple D Construction’s (“Triple D”) plan to develop a 6.7 acre lot on the western edge of Saratoga. In contrast to previous planning commission meetings, however, the developers emerged from the May 10 meeting with a solid way forward. Perhaps one difference from previous meetings was the presence of additional stakeholders during the discussion. In addition to Chuck Bartlett, who has repre...

  • Terminal building, runway present complications

    Max Miller|May 18, 2016

    Joe Jones had some bad news for the Shively Field Airport Board. Jones was contacted by Saratoga to do an informal inspection to determine asbestos levels in the airport’s old terminal building, and his findings revealed significant levels of the carcinogen. Asbestos poses no risk if undisturbed, but when the material becomes airborne during demolition or construction it can lodge in the lungs and cause mesothelioma or other conditions. In the past, Jones said he was “accredited in all pha...

  • Cleaning up for spring

    Fred Broschart|May 18, 2016

    The town of Riverside quickly moved thorough the agenda at its town council meeting on Thursday, working through a host of issues affecting the town as spring rolls into the valley. Cleanup of dead and diseased trees in the park was underway and expected to be completed soon, and talk also turned to spring cleanup and maintenance of roads and other infrastructure. At the time of the meeting, Mayor Leroy Stephenson said that of 28 trees scheduled to be cut down and disposed of, about 20 had been taken down and the remaining trees were expected...

  • River committee reversal questioned

    Max Miller|May 11, 2016

    Between the May 3 town council meeting and the morning of May 9, the Saratoga town council reversed course on an issue that had previously drawn uniform praise from the body. “The plan is, we’ll get our river committee reformed,” Mayor Ed Glode told Jim States, president of the Valley’s Trout Unlimited Organization, at the April 19 town council meeting. States’ proposed advisory board was to issue recommendations to Saratoga about moving forward with a plan to address bank stabiliza...

  • Saratoga Sun Editorial

    Editorial Staff|May 11, 2016

    At the last meeting of the Carbon County School District No. 2 (CCSD No. 2) on April 18 in Hanna, Superintendent Jim Copeland notified the board that a group of people in Saratoga has asked the school district to consider donating land near Saratoga Elementary School (SES) for an expansion of the ExCel preschool. While Copeland said there was not a formal motion to the board to consider such a donation, he did say he wanted to bring the proposal to the board’s attention. ExCel preschool currently occupies trailers on land belonging to the R...

  • River dominates council discussions

    Max Miller|May 11, 2016

    “I intend to do a pretty significant dredging project in September,” Saratoga Mayor Ed Glode announced at the May 3 Saratoga Town Council meeting. Though little was decided, contention again surrounded discussion of how to address the long-term health of the North Platte River through Saratoga. As a body, the council seemed reluctant to fund additional studies on the river, after an October 2015 bedrock survey came back without results. “I get real hesitant to spend another $100,000 of the t...

  • Hoorah for hospitality workers

    May 4, 2016

    Editor, During National Travel and Tourism Week, May 1-7, The Carbon County Visitors’ Council celebrated by wearing red on May 3 to demonstrate their support for all Hospitality workers across Carbon County who provide travelers with an awesome and friendly experience. In 2015 there were 1,470 people employed from tourist activity. Since 2010, visitor spending has continued upward here in Carbon County. 2015 was a great year and 2016 is looking spectacular as well! The lodging tax provides for many grants to fund local programs and a...

  • No Saratoga river work anytime soon

    Max Miller|Apr 27, 2016

    Saratoga will not be clearing gravel bars from the North Platte River this spring, Saratoga Director of Public Works Jon Winter said at the April 19 town council meeting. According to Winter, the town has received all necessary permitting to do the clearing, but the timeframe stipulated by the Army Corps of Engineers doesn’t allow for work to be completed in the coming months. The permit doesn’t allow for large-scale river disturbance between March and May 15, to prevent disturbance of rai...

  • Spot zoning and mobile vending

    Max Miller|Apr 27, 2016

    April 12, Chuck Bartlett was back at the planning commission, hard hat in hand. Bartlett, the former Saratoga Town Engineer, was representing Triple D Construction at the commission meeting, as he had under similar circumstances a month ago at the commission’s March 8 meeting. Triple D is considering purchasing a lot from Swanson Brothers on the West side of town. Before going through with the transaction, however, Bartlett and his firm wanted to test the waters at the planning commission to s...

  • Dump station to get pay kiosk

    Fred Broschart|Apr 20, 2016

    An increase in sewer tap fees may be imminent, and those who dump RV holding tanks at Saratoga’s dumping station will get a lot more honest following a meeting of the Saratoga Water and Sewer Joint Powers Board (sewer board) on Wednesday The board approved draft legislation to increase tap fees. The board agreed to install, on a trial basis, a credit card operated kiosk that is intended to capitalize on RV dumping that is not being paid for under the current honor system. The ordinance approved by the sewer board will increase the price for n...

  • Airport to issue new leases

    Max Miller|Apr 20, 2016

    “We can finally put this to bed,” Saratoga Airport Board member Richard Raymer said at the committee’s April 14 meeting. Raymer was referring to proposed changes to the lease agreement hangar owners must sign if they wish to use a hangar at the facility. David Erickson, an attorney representing Saratoga, had looked over the proposed changes in the lease and found them unnecessary. Erickson recommended that the town move forward with issuing new leases without making any of the proposed alteratio...

  • Riverside clearing space

    Fred Broschart|Apr 20, 2016

    Riverside Town Council met Thursday for its monthly meeting where tree removal in the park dominated discussion. Last month, the council voted to remove trees that posed a hazard from the town park. After consulting with a tree removal contractor, the town decided on removing 28 trees from the park. The trees to be removed are dead or diseased, and falling branches pose a threat to park users. While one member of the council was dismayed at the number of trees that were to be removed and how not all of them looked diseased, mayor Leroy...

  • Number gap

    Max Miller|Apr 13, 2016

    Saratoga Mayor Ed Glode sounded confident that the Randy Stevens affair was finally about to be put to rest at the April 5 town council meeting. “We should be done with this We just aren’t quite all the way done with it yet,” Glode said of a deal between the town of Saratoga and the owner of Quality Landscape and Nursery. Stevens and the town have been embroiled in a legal battle since 2007. A new mayor and a new director of public works have inherited the web of suits and countersuits that...

  • Rising waters loom

    Max Miller|Apr 13, 2016

    Three up-and-coming Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) got a front row view of how municipal government works at the April 5 Saratoga Town Council meeting. Katie Loose, Bradley Bifano and Thomas Ingraham were present, and, as area resident Glee Johnson put it, “all spiffied-up” to ask the council for help funding a trip to Atlanta over the summer. The students wish to compete there in the National Leadership Conference put on by the FBLA, and are trying to raise $4,500 to cover their air...

  • Racking up some fun at the Wyoming Open

    Max Miller|Apr 6, 2016

    Late Saturday night, a young gentleman won nearly $2,000 betting $100 a throw on who could pitch quarters the closest to a spot on top of a pool table. Railbirds are strange creatures. Whether they're flocking around a hold 'em game or pacing the perimeter of a pool hall, they always have fascinating conversations to listen to and peculiar practices to observe. A colorful crowd of this breed descended on Saratoga over the weekend, bringing a carnival atmosphere to the Valley, and a formidable...

  • Saratoga council scrapes ahead with gravel-clearing

    Max Miller|Mar 23, 2016

    Contention swirled once again around plans to remove gravel bars from 200 feet above and below the HWY 130 bridge in Saratoga, with several riverfront property owners saying at the March 15 Saratoga Town Council meeting they felt left out of the decision making process. This clearing will be done through a Nationwide Number Three permit issued by the Army Corps of Engineers. Permits of this sort are meant to be used to address maintenance issues around bridges, and the project will be focused...

  • No reels on wheels for outfitter, ExCel Preschool needs XL expansion

    Max Miller|Mar 23, 2016

    Initially, the Saratoga Town Council deferred to the Saratoga Planning Commission about a potential business based out of a truck. At their last meeting the planning commission deferred back to the council. Finally, it was mayor Ed Glode who broke the bad news to Steve Heinitz at the March 15 town council meeting. “I really think you need to start looking for a place in the short term, meaning this year, within the Highway Business District,” the Mayor told Heinitz. The ruling was a big dis...

  • Construction firm, outfitter fishing for favorable zoning

    Max Miller|Mar 16, 2016

    Residents of Thirteenth Street may soon have a little more protection from the western winds that sweep off the grasslands surrounding town. At the March 8 planning commission meeting, Chuck Bartlett, a former Saratoga Director of Public Works and current engineer for WLC Engineering, Surveying and Planning, presented a proposal to rezone a 6.5 acre parcel of land west of town. The parcel is bounded by the county road connecting Spring Creek Road and Jack Creek Road to the west. It’s north a...

  • Get to bed

    Max Miller|Mar 16, 2016

    When someone says “hugelkultur,” don’t respond with a “bless you.” That funky sounding word was no sneeze - it’s a water-saving gardening technique that’s coming to the Valley in a big way this spring, in the form of a two year, $19,924 investigatory grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). With oversight from the town council, the Saratoga Community Garden Board will use these funds to construct five experimental hugelkultur gardens around town. Two will be located in Kathy Glode P...

  • Savings possible for Saratoga on Outflow project

    Max Miller|Mar 9, 2016

    Director of Public Works Jon Winter appeared to lower blood pressure among Saratoga Town Councilmembers when he announced that a Feb. 19 meeting with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) officials had gone well. The DEQ officials, Winter said, were optimistic that a permit issued for an outflow pipeline could be modified to result in significant savings for Saratoga. This news was met with praise, congratulations and a palpable sense of relief from the council. Winter’s plan to clear gravel...

  • River permits to come

    Madeline Weiss|Mar 2, 2016

    Saratoga Mayor Ed Glode will move forward with river repairs in the face of early warming. “There’s a chance that it’s going to stay warm like this and the river’s going to come up a little further and they won’t be able to get in there, and at that point it turns into a fall deal,” Glode said. This year the river is really impaired, so even if there isn’t very high water, the banks are still in danger of destabilizing and causing concern, Glode said. Since the long term river restoration p...

  • End it on a high note

    Erik Gantt|Feb 17, 2016

    I’ve had a good run during my time at the Sun. But, all good things must come to an end … so they say. In a scenario I could not have envisioned even a month ago, an opportunity that would take me away from journalism presented itself in a way that made me think “This is the new path I should take. This is where I can do the most good right now.” I am leaving the Saratoga Sun to take over as Interim Director of the Saratoga Museum. It was not an easy choice and the decision was made during...

  • Encampment council gets ready for 2016 maintenance

    Erik Gantt|Feb 17, 2016

    At their regular February meeting, the Encampment town council approved expenditures for several pieces of equipment related to town maintenance. The town is looking to move forward with replacement of some fire hydrants and valves and work on the water main loop along Rankin Ave. The expenditure for some new fire hydrants has already been approved. Ken Schwerdt of Engineering Associates said he expects the cost of replacing the hydrants and valves to be around $2,000. The fire hydrant and valve...

  • Saratoga responds to complaints

    Madeline Weiss|Jan 27, 2016

    Saratoga should see some “positive changes” with regards to enforcement in town, according to Saratoga Mayor Ed Glode. This came alongside an announcement of the new clean-up committee at the Jan. 19 Saratoga Town Council meeting. Glode described the concept of the new committee as a collaboration between senior police officers, the zoning officer, director of public works, chairman of the landfill board, council representative to the planning commission and the mayor. Glode says this is the...

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