(1198) stories found containing 'Saratoga Town Council'

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  • Camper conflict and contention

    Joshua Wood|Feb 7, 2018

    "When two perfectly reasonable minds can come to two completely different conclusions, we have a problem." This statement, made by town council member Will Faust, adequately summed up the workshop held on Jan. 30 at the Saratoga Town Hall between the town council and the planning commission. The workshop, organized by Faust, was intended to discuss the deficiencies of Title 18, specifically chapter 18.57, of the town municipal code. After 90 minutes of conflict and contention, however, the works...

  • Airport board keeps engineering company

    Joshua Wood|Feb 7, 2018

    The Saratoga Airport Board had a smooth take-off and landing during a special meeting held at 3 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 2 at the Saratoga Town Hall. The purpose of the meeting had been to decide whether to remain with the current engineering company, Sage Civil, or select a new company. “If it’s broke, don’t fix it,” said Richard Raymer, Saratoga Town Council member and the council’s representative on the airport board. It was a sentiment that everyone could agree on and the board unanimous...

  • Getting off the ground

    Joshua Wood|Jan 31, 2018

    The Maddox family, Robert, his eldest son, Aaron, and daughter-in-law, Becky, have just completed one year, or 8,760 hours, of ownership of fixed base operations (FBO) at Shively Airfield. Operating as Mountain Flight Service, the family firm began the process of acquiring the FBO from Kim Lorenzen in October 2016 and completed the transition in January 2017. As far as Robert "Bob" Maddox is concerned, he is just barely getting off the ground. From modernizing the master plan for the airport to...

  • Trailers top talk

    Mike Armstrong|Jan 24, 2018

    The Saratoga Town Council met at 6 p.m. on Jan. 16 and began the meeting with paying bills and approving the minutes from Jan. 2. Mayor Ed Glode read over correspondence from Federal Management Emergency Agency (FEMA) on mapping being done in Carbon County for the Encampment River and Medicine River. Glode also read correspondence from Invernergy telling of the company’s status on the TB Flats wind energy project. He said the company is having question and answer meetings in Medicine Bow, R...

  • Chamber and casino

    Joshua Wood|Jan 17, 2018

    It was business as usual for the Encampment Town Council’s first meeting of 2018. The council approved the expenditures on advertising for the Winter Carnival and prize money for the events, the 5th penny educational campaign, and their membership renewal with the Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce. The council also approved a catering permit for the Mangy Moose to provide a cash bar for the Grand Encampment Museum Casino Night, which will be held on Jan. 27 at the Encampment Opera H...

  • Planning the music

    Joshua Wood|Jan 17, 2018

    The first Riverside Town Council meeting of 2018 was very similar to the last one of 2017. The Riverside Town Council did not have a quorum for their regularly scheduled Dec. 14 meeting and had rescheduled for Dec. 19. WHATFest and proposed ordinances for future music festivals composed the bulk of both the December and January town council meetings. Riverside Town Council also addressed correspondence from Dana Greenwood. The letter concerned a press release in December from WHATFest...

  • Routine starts year

    Mike Armstrong|Jan 10, 2018

    The Saratoga Town Council met for the first time this year at 6 p.m. Jan. 2 at the Saratoga Town Hall, to address issues that start at the beginning of every year. Banks designated as depositories for the town were Bank of Commerce, Bank of the West and Rawlins National Bank. The council designated official newspapers for the town to be the Saratoga Sun and the Rawlins Daily Times. The council approved the Dec. 19, 2017 minutes and paid all financials. Mayor Ed Glode read out loud Resolution...

  • At the trailhead

    Joshua Wood|Jan 10, 2018

    “No matter what you do, someone always knew you would.” ~ Ami McKay The first column of the new reporter for the Saratoga Sun has often been one in which they introduce themselves to readers, but what happens when the new reporter is a familiar face or was a semi-regular subject of the former editor’s columns? When a new reporter would join the newspaper and introduce themselves in their first column, I would wonder what I would write if ever given the chance. Now I have the chance and I am st...

  • Town Council Approves Nominees

    Mike Armstrong|Dec 28, 2017

    The Encampment Town Council met at 7 p.m. Dec. 14 to approve financials, nominate individuals and businesses for Saratoga Platte Valley Chamber Awards and listen to Jeb Steward, Chair for South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services, (SCWEMS). Steward was at the council to discuss the results of the recent assessment of the service. He said there is a gap between knowledge and expectations for the service. Steward said the service has always been and will always need to be subsidized. He...

  • Town Council Approves Nominees

    Dec 28, 2017

    The Encampment Town Council met at 7 p.m. Dec. 14 to approve financials, nominate individuals and businesses for Saratoga Platte Valley Chamber Awards and listen to Jeb Steward, Chair for South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services, (SCWEMS). Steward was at the council to discuss the results of the recent assessment of the service. He said there is a gap between knowledge and expectations for the service. Steward said the service has always been and will always need to be subsidized. He said issues that limit revenue are uncollected funds...

  • Saratoga Shops for Jetter

    Dec 28, 2017

    The Saratoga Town Council met for its second meeting of December, and last of 2017, Tuesday at Saratoga Town Hall. The previous town council meeting had essentially been scrubbed due to a lack of attendance by council members during the busy buildup to the holidays. The second meeting of the month had the town going over routine business missed at the previous meeting, and taking up the issue of another potential expenditure for the town. During the meeting, public works director Jon Winter told council members that the town’s jetter—a pie...

  • Hanna Deputy goes Full Time

    Dec 20, 2017

    The Hanna Town Council convened at 6 p.m. Dec. 12 to allow liquor license holders to serve until 2 a.m. on Jan. 1 and be informed the town had another full time officer. It was business as usual with the approval of the town council Nov. 24 meeting minutes and approval of the financials. Marshal Jeff Neimark told the council the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) approved the Hanna Marshal’s Office for a Community Oriented Policing Services (C.O.P.S.) grant for one officer position. This comes from the 2017 C.O.P.S. hiring program where a l...

  • No quorum

    Dec 13, 2017

    The Saratoga Town Council—at least some of it—met for its first scheduled meeting of the month Tuesday before adjourning a scant three minutes later. Council members Richard Raymer and Steve Wilcox were the only two members of the five-person body physically present for the meeting. Councilman Will Faust called in from out of town and spoke over speakerphone. Clerk Suzie Cox said because three members were needed to be present in order to declare a quorum—and one member was on the phone and not physically present—the council would be better...

  • Project oversight questioned

    Nov 29, 2017

    The second monthly meeting of the Saratoga Town Council barely had a quorum, yet the council still dispensed with routine business despite concerns raised by a town resident over the town’s handling of maintenance and repair projects. The council meeting came on the heels of a public hearing for liquor license renewals for town businesses. The public hearing was intended to allow concerned citizens to discuss liquor licenses, but according to Saratoga Mayor Ed Glode, nobody raised any objections during the meeting and the liquor licenses w...

  • Showing up for the count

    Nov 22, 2017

    The Carbon County Council of Governments (CCCOG) met in Rawlins on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. and heard Sarah Hutchins, Carbon County Planner, explain the importance of the 2020 Census deadlines and how they could affect county municipalities. CCCOG completed the routine business of approving their Sept. 20 meeting minutes and the treasurer’s report. The towns of Dixon, Baggs and Saratoga did not have representatives present for the second CCCOG meeting in a row. Marla Brown, City Clerk for Rawlins said she went to Casper on Oct. 23 for a w...

  • Mayor wants updated report

    Nov 22, 2017

    The Hanna town council met Tuesday at 6 p.m. to allow Western States Wireless to have a lease for a tower antenna. The council went over routine business of approving the minutes for Oct. 17 meeting, the evening’s agenda and town financials. The town council un-tabled the antenna space lease with Western State Wireless with all members present voting aye. The lease was approved after a vote on the subject. Banking was a topic on several fronts. The council approved removing Vivian Gonzales and Linda Wagner as signers on the municipal court c...

  • Call to Santa?

    Nov 15, 2017

    The Saratoga Town Council met Tuesday for its first regularly scheduled town council meeting of the month, working quickly through the agenda while addressing several matters of interest to the town. Besides routine matters, members of the town council discussed a public hearing to discuss liquor licenses for restaurants, bars and breweries in town, and a lease agreement between the town and New Jersey-based Verizon wireless, who will soon be building a cell tower in town on land owned by the town. The council also moved to approve a special...

  • Airport board can't get meeting off ground

    Nov 15, 2017

    The regular monthly meeting of the Saratoga Airport Board was canceled due to lack of a quorum, according to an email from Saratoga Town Hall. A quorum, or minimum number of voting members of a governmental body, is required for any decisions coming out of a meeting to be legally binding. The previous night, the Saratoga Town Council discussed a large number of grants and other funds available to municipalities across the state for improvements to airport facilities from state agencies such as the Wyoming Department of Transportation, or WYDOT....

  • Hay man, it's the Barkhursts

    Nov 8, 2017

    A large contingent of Barkhursts showed up at the Town and Country office Wednesday to accept the Platte Valley Arts Council award for the council's recent hay bale sculpture competition. Platte Valley Arts ccoucil representative Mary Martin said the competition was tight right up to the Halloween voting deadline with the Barkhurst's "Hay Man" and Kelly Land and Cattle Company's John Deere tractor sculpture in a dead heat. The Hay Bale Sculpture Competition Traveling Trophy, created by Saratoga...

  • Hanna talks trash

    Oct 18, 2017

    The Hanna Town Council met Oct. 10 at 6 p.m. After routine approvals of the minutes from Sept. 12 and financial reports, the council went over reports from the different boards and departments. After months of talks with Ron Munson, the contractor for the Saratoga Landfill, an agreement was reached for Hanna to take waste from Saratoga. The Hanna landfill will be closed in 2020 and trash from Saratoga will be helpful in getting the landfill to a point where it is fits the Department of Environmental Quality’s criteria to close the pit. The l...

  • Tourism summit takes in Saratoga

    Oct 11, 2017

    On Oct. 11-12, representatives of Wyoming Office of Tourism (WOT), Wyoming Travel Industry Coalition (WTIC), Wyoming Lodging and Restaurant Association (WLRA), Carbon County Visitors Council (CCVC) and people interested in the hospitality and tourism industry will be converging on Saratoga for a fall summit. The Saratoga Hot Springs Resort, Hotel Wolf and Riviera Lodge are all at capacity on the 11th with the 10th and 12th being solidly booked too. “It should be a pretty good economic impact for the community,” Stacy Crimmins, Saratoga Cha...

  • Transfer times talked

    Oct 11, 2017

    Adjustment to the changes at the landfill was the dominant topic at the Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District (UPRSWDD) board meeting held 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Saratoga Town Hall. Bills, correspondence and the minutes from the meeting on Sept 6, were approved, but Leroy Stephenson, board member, did comment on the expense of the bill from MeTech Recycling of Denver. That company took two-and-a-half loads of electronics for recycling. The cost was $5,100. Sue Jones, board member, said MeTech Recycling was the only company that did...

  • 911 gets fix

    Oct 11, 2017

    The Saratoga Town Council met briefly for its first scheduled meeting of the month of October, then spent nearly one-and-a-half hours in executive session before adjourning. During the public portion of the meeting, council members approved a fix to the town’s new 9-1-1 telephone system and held the second reading of a so-called Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance that would change the way the town can approve development projects in town. The council heard an update from Saratoga Police Department Chief Robert Bifano about the issues s...

  • Editorial

    Oct 11, 2017

    The Saratoga Town Council is currently reviewing the Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposal submitted by the Saratoga Planning Commission. This plan is designed to allow more flexibility and creativity in site planning. The PUD also streamlines the development process for mixed usages and/or higher allowable densities. Current zoning regulations do not allow flexibility in site planning and limit what can be built on a site. With the PUD a plot of land can be residential, commercial, light industrial and/or heavy industrial instead of just...

  • 911 system 'buggy'

    Sep 27, 2017

    The Saratoga Town Council met briefly for its second meeting of the month Tuesday, and board members were filled in on goings-on around town and in different departments. Council members Richard Raymer and Will Faust, along with mayor Ed Glode, voted to hire a new part-time 911 dispatcher, and were filled in on the town’s new 911 system and the status of a project to install cameras at Shively field. The board also held the first reading of a Planned Unit Development ordinance. According to Robert Bifano, chief of the Saratoga Police D...

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