(405) stories found containing 'Encampment Town Council'

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  • Terminating a tax

    Mike Armstrong|Apr 25, 2018

    The Carbon County Council of Governments (CCCOG) met at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday to decide on the different options for terminating the Carbon County 2008 special purpose tax (6th penny tax). Irene Archibald, chairman of the Specific Purpose Tax Joint Powers Board (Tax Board), said since the CCCOG meeting on March 21, when she recommended to town councils and county commissioners a plan to pay off bonds issued by the Carbon County 2009 Specific Purpose Joint Powers Board to stop the tax, the...

  • Dividing TB Flatts pie

    Mike Armstrong|Apr 18, 2018

    The Carbon County commissioners, along with representatives from six municipalities of Carbon County, met at 4 p.m. on Wednesday at the Medicine Bow Community Hall, with the Albany County commissioners and representatives from Rock River and Laramie. The meeting was held to discuss the memorandum of understanding (MOU) monies each municipality and the two counties felt would be needed to offset the impact of the TB Flatts wind energy farm located about 15 miles north of Medicine Bow and Rock Riv...

  • CCCOG talks tax, wind farms

    Mike Armstrong|Mar 28, 2018

    The Carbon County Council of Governments (CCCOG) met at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the Sinclair Town Hall. The council approved the regular business of minutes from the meeting Jan. 17, the treasurer’s report and the agenda for the meeting to come. Banner Banter County Commissioner Sue Jones gave an update on the 2018 Local Option (5th Penny) Tax. She said that the draft of the poster and post cards were being sent to the different municipalities to make sure all the items are correct. She s...

  • Fishing hole poles problem

    Joshua Wood|Mar 14, 2018

    During a rescheduled regular meeting at 7 p.m. on March 6 at the Encampment Town Hall, the Encampment Town Council heard updates on the community fishing pond and a request for use of the Grand Encampment Museum (GEM) grounds for the upcoming Mountain Man Rendezvous. The current discussion around the proposed community fishing pond is the placement of a Union Telephone line that currently prevents the construction of the pond. Doreen Harvey, town clerk and treasurer, informed the town council...

  • Kiwanis, sign and SCWEMS

    Mike Armstrong|Mar 14, 2018

    The Saratoga Town Council met at 6 p.m. and approved routine business before hearing Tom and Pat Roszel ask why a sign from the Saratoga Hot Springs Resort (Resort) was up when they had only recently received a notification about the sign asking permission to put it up. Ed Glode, mayor of Saratoga, said he had been approached by the local Kiwanis chapter and been told a meeting on March 21 has been set to dissolve the organization because there were few people joining and the ranks were thinning...

  • License transfer, sixth cents

    Joshua Wood|Mar 14, 2018

    At their regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. on March 8 at the Riverside Town Hall, the Riverside Town Council held the third and final reading of Ordinance 223, transferred a liquor license from Riverside Hospitality, owned by Jolene Pavelka, to Encampment Hospitality, owned by Margaret Weber and heard from Irene Archibald about the Sixth Penny Tax. Fred Lorenz, Riverside Town Council member acting as Chairman in the absence of Mayor Leroy Stephenson, opened up public discussion around the tr...

  • Sink or SCWEMS

    Mike Armstrong|Mar 7, 2018

    “The public needs to realize how important it is and how gravely in danger it currently is,” Sue Jones, County Commissioner, said, referring to ambulance service, at the special meeting for the local government participating agencies of South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services (SCWEMS) joint powers board held 6 p.m. Feb. 27 at the Saratoga town hall. She was talking to the other county commissioners, mayors from Encampment, Elk Mountain, Hanna, Medicine Bow, Riverside, Saratoga and an...

  • No flood insurance for Encampment

    Joshua Wood|Feb 14, 2018

    During a rescheduled regular meeting, held at 7 p.m. on Jan. 5 at the Encampment Town Hall, members of the Encampment Town Council were informed the town was still under the status of "non-participating community" in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Kim Johnson, who represented the program for the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security, explained to the council that while under this status, they would be unable to buy flood insurance. This revelation came about as Johnson was giving...

  • Trailers top talk

    Mike Armstrong|Jan 24, 2018

    The Saratoga Town Council met at 6 p.m. on Jan. 16 and began the meeting with paying bills and approving the minutes from Jan. 2. Mayor Ed Glode read over correspondence from Federal Management Emergency Agency (FEMA) on mapping being done in Carbon County for the Encampment River and Medicine River. Glode also read correspondence from Invernergy telling of the company’s status on the TB Flats wind energy project. He said the company is having question and answer meetings in Medicine Bow, R...

  • CCCOG says goodbye to Lindy

    Mike Armstrong|Jan 24, 2018

    The Carbon County Council of Governments (CCCOG) met at 6 p.m on Jan. 17 at the Jeffery Center in Rawlins. Lindy Glode, vice chair, provided pizza as her parting meal to the attendees. Glode is retiring from the Carbon County Commissioners on Jan. 31 and cannot be an officer any longer, since an officer must be an elected official. Steve Nicholson, the chair, told the council that Invenergy had three local informational meetings with members of the project team at those locations. The first...

  • Chamber and casino

    Joshua Wood|Jan 17, 2018

    It was business as usual for the Encampment Town Council’s first meeting of 2018. The council approved the expenditures on advertising for the Winter Carnival and prize money for the events, the 5th penny educational campaign, and their membership renewal with the Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce. The council also approved a catering permit for the Mangy Moose to provide a cash bar for the Grand Encampment Museum Casino Night, which will be held on Jan. 27 at the Encampment Opera H...

  • Town Council Approves Nominees

    Mike Armstrong|Dec 28, 2017

    The Encampment Town Council met at 7 p.m. Dec. 14 to approve financials, nominate individuals and businesses for Saratoga Platte Valley Chamber Awards and listen to Jeb Steward, Chair for South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services, (SCWEMS). Steward was at the council to discuss the results of the recent assessment of the service. He said there is a gap between knowledge and expectations for the service. Steward said the service has always been and will always need to be subsidized. He... Full story

  • Town Council Approves Nominees

    Dec 28, 2017

    The Encampment Town Council met at 7 p.m. Dec. 14 to approve financials, nominate individuals and businesses for Saratoga Platte Valley Chamber Awards and listen to Jeb Steward, Chair for South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services, (SCWEMS). Steward was at the council to discuss the results of the recent assessment of the service. He said there is a gap between knowledge and expectations for the service. Steward said the service has always been and will always need to be subsidized. He said issues that limit revenue are uncollected funds... Full story

  • Showing up for the count

    Nov 22, 2017

    The Carbon County Council of Governments (CCCOG) met in Rawlins on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. and heard Sarah Hutchins, Carbon County Planner, explain the importance of the 2020 Census deadlines and how they could affect county municipalities. CCCOG completed the routine business of approving their Sept. 20 meeting minutes and the treasurer’s report. The towns of Dixon, Baggs and Saratoga did not have representatives present for the second CCCOG meeting in a row. Marla Brown, City Clerk for Rawlins said she went to Casper on Oct. 23 for a w... Full story

  • Poll a people pull

    Nov 15, 2017

    There were not many free seats available at the Riverside Town Council meeting Thursday at 6 p.m. because residents had come to discuss the recent poll on WHATFest. The council went over routine business, paid the bills and listened to the audience’s concerns. Ron Bedwell, proprietor of Cottonwood Cabins, voiced issues with how the contractor had done the job on Fourth St. “The street was rough when he left the job and it is my understanding the street should have been left in as good a condition when he started, if not better,” Bedwell said.... Full story

  • Encampment to get lit

    Nov 15, 2017

    The 14th annual lighting contest was approved by Encampment town council at their meeting Thursday that started at 7 p.m. in town hall. The minutes from Oct. 12 town council meeting were approved and bills were paid before going over the agenda for Thursday’s meeting. The final reading for Title 9.08 on alcoholic beverages was passed after giving the public the chance to put forth any comments. There were none. A house on Wylie Street needed access to Emerson Boulevard for the new, year-round residents. The home had been a summer home prior t... Full story

  • Lot questions, WYDOT projects

    Oct 18, 2017

    Lots were a subject that came up came up several times at the Encampment Town Council meeting held Thursday at 7 p.m. The town council their Sept. 14 minutes and paid the monthly bills and then listened to Sara Jane Ellis from the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) as she explained what funds are available from the agency. “They are really trying to change the face of WYDOT and not be so much the big brother type with towns, but be more of a collaborative partner going forward,” Ellis said. She talked about a program WYDOT off... Full story

  • Fest poll results coming in

    Oct 18, 2017

    The Riverside Town Council met Thursday at 6 p.m. in the town hall and decided to approve a building permit with conditions. After approving the minutes of Sept. 14 and paying the bill, the first reading of liquor license revisions were approved. The mosquito problem for the summer was minimal in comparison to years past, members of the council noted as the last bill for the pests was paid. The WHATFest poll of Riverside residents is getting response, but Jan Cook, the town clerk, had not tabulated the results because she was not sure how the... Full story

  • Transfer times talked

    Oct 11, 2017

    Adjustment to the changes at the landfill was the dominant topic at the Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District (UPRSWDD) board meeting held 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Saratoga Town Hall. Bills, correspondence and the minutes from the meeting on Sept 6, were approved, but Leroy Stephenson, board member, did comment on the expense of the bill from MeTech Recycling of Denver. That company took two-and-a-half loads of electronics for recycling. The cost was $5,100. Sue Jones, board member, said MeTech Recycling was the only company that did... Full story

  • Opera house set for craft fairs

    Sep 20, 2017

    The Encampment Town Council met at the Encampment Town Hall at 7 p.m. Financial statements and monthly bills were approved for payment. A glass door that was recently cracked was approved to be repaired as soon as possible. The council approved a resident’s one-day use of the Opera House rent-free for three different Saturdays, one in October, November and December. Rent was waved because the resident is having a crafts fair open to town citizens and there is no profit being collected by the organizer. “It will benefit the community, all... Full story

  • Food and bluegrass

    Aug 23, 2017

    Residents and visitors to the town of Riverside were treated to a night out with neighbors and friends at the town's Riverside Party Day. The event, held in Riverside town park, was sponsored by the town of Riverside and the Carbon County Visitors Council. It was catered by the Bear Trap Café and Bar, and music was courtesy of the High Plains Tradition Bluegrass Band from Colorado. Just after the party started at 4 p.m., there were about 50 people attending. By about 6 p.m., the crowd was estima... Full story

  • Enc. mayor thanks Harveys

    Aug 16, 2017

    Greg Salisbury, mayor of Encampment, went on record to say how grateful he was for all the work town clerk and her husband, Ron, did to make the Community Barbecue/Potluck, Community Garage Sale and Music in the Park a major success. It was estimated 300 people attended the barbecue and Jake Clayton concert. “I want to say thank you very much to Doreen and Ron, because they are the heart of this whole thing taking off,” Salisbury said. “Without those two, although I want to say thanks to all who helped, it was those two who were the backb... Full story

  • Grading the transfer

    Aug 9, 2017

    The Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District board (UPRSWDD) convened on Wednesday at 7 p.m at the Saratoga Town Hall to discuss how the implementation of the new transfer station was going. Lloyd Buford, UPRSWDD board member, gave a report of a meeting he had with Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Robert Doctor, Solid Waste Permitting and Corrective Action Program Manager. Ron Munson, contracted to run both Encampment and Saratoga landfills, said the new baler was working well. He also gave landfill site reports on both l... Full story

  • Repairs to close First Street

    Jul 26, 2017

    The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) announced it will be doing a chip seal project on WY-130 (First Street in Saratoga) that will cause delays to motorists passing through town. The project is scheduled to begin July 31 and will continue until approximately Aug. 5, according to WYDOT. The project is expected to affect Saratoga for about three days, according to a WYDOT employee who briefed town council members at the town council meeting Tuesday. Work in town is expected to be completed in about three days, weather permitting, a... Full story

  • North Fork keeps it civil

    Mike Armstrong|Jul 26, 2017

    North Folk Engineering was founded in March by Jon Nelson, a professional civil engineer with a strong background in construction. He has supervised construction of tunnels, dams, reservoirs, sanitary sewer mains, drainage structures, irrigation facilities, water treatment and distribution systems. North Fork also includes Paul McCarthy, a longtime Saratoga resident who owned a civil engineering firm in town from 1985 to 2014. He has over 50 years of experience managing civil infrastructure... Full story

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