(647) stories found containing 'Carbon County School District'

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  • Encampment discusses current projects and future business

    Doug Radunich|Aug 21, 2013

    Town construction, installations and possible future business affairs were discussed at the Encampment Town Council meeting Aug. 8. Gary Steele of PMPC talked about the Emergency Supply Water Project, reporting that a pre-construction meeting for the project was held July 31. All parties for the project represented, and at that time a visit was also made to the construction site. Steele also announced that construction on the water project should begin Aug. 12. In a follow-up conversation last...

  • Birth announcement: Weston Jacob Bates

    Aug 14, 2013

    Weston Jacob Bates was born July 24, 2013 at Ivinson Memorial Hospital in Laramie. He was born 8 lbs, 11oz, and was 20 1/2 inches long. The proud parents are Tara and Michael Bates of Saratoga. Michael works at the Sinclair Refinery, and Tara is a substitute teacher for Carbon County School District No. 2. Maternal grandparents are Warren and Debbie Drew of Omaha, Neb., and paternal grandparents are Terry and Christine Bates of Woodbine, Iowa. Proud older siblings are 7-year-old Joseph and 6-year-old Bryson....

  • Reflections: Falls, accidents, bowling & budgets

    Jul 31, 2013

    1 years ago July 10, 1913 Regina Jensen hurt Miss Regina Jensen was up in the balcony in the opera house on Thursday evening about 5:30 and as the lower windows come over the floor of the balcony she could look out. One of the windows being partly down from the top she leaned out over it and the catch gave away throwing her to the sidewalk about 10 feet below. She struck on her face and hands and for a while it was thought that she was seriously hurt, but it has proved to be only bad sprains and bruises. Mrs. C. F. Holck saw her as she fell...

  • Place-based in the Platte

    Zachary Laux|Jul 31, 2013

    About 50 children brushed up on their science skills in a hands-on summer program that spanned from July 15 to 19. Educators from Carbon County School District No. 2 and Teton Science Schools in Jackson assisted with bringing Teton Summer Science Camp to Saratoga for the third year in a row, said CCSD 2 Science Facilitator Josh Sandlian. The program uses a teaching method called place-based education, a method designed to utilize local resources to teach students science in a hands-on...

  • Coaches fight cut: Coaches make goal-line stand to prevent loss of position

    Zachary Laux|Jul 24, 2013

    Three Saratoga football coaches are concerned with safety and the success of the program as one of their positions faces elimination. The Carbon County School District No. 2 Board of Trustees voted to change the student-to-coach ratio for all sports in the district to 28-to-3, meaning the football team will most likely lose one coach as they start a six-man season this fall. Saratoga High School football coaches Scott Bokelman, Josh Sandlian and Luke Spiering do not know how many players they...

  • CCSD 2 grads make LCCC honor roll

    Staff Report|Jun 26, 2013

    Carbon County School District No. 2 students finished the spring semester on the Laramie County Community College 2013 spring honor roll. Students earning the president’s honor roll recognition must earn a cumulative 4.0 grade point average (GPA). On the president’s honor roll: Andree McKee, of Elk Mountain, and Brandi Swedlund, of Encampment. To earn a spot on the vice president’s honor roll, students must earn a cumulative 3.5 to 3.99 GPA. On the vice president’s honor roll: Lilly McKee, of Elk Mountain, and Curtis Robinson, of Hanna....

  • Gates resigns: Board of trustees approves letter effective end of 2013/14 school year

    Zachary Laux|Jun 19, 2013

    Superintendent Bob Gates submitted a letter of resignation to Carbon County School District No. 2 last week. The CCSD No. 2 School Board of Trustees approved Gates’ resignation effective at the end of the 2013/2014 school year in a bulk action on the board’s consent agenda Monday. The action also approved two other resignations from Hanna Elk Mountain Medicine Bow Junior/Senior High School science teacher Kathy Hansen and Medicine Bow Elementary School teacher Thomas Waring. Board members cho...

  • Two retire from Saratoga Middle/High School

    Zachary Laux|Jun 19, 2013

    The end of the school year marked the beginning of the summer for several students, but also the end of long teaching careers for many who retired from Carbon County School District No. 2. After at least 11 years teaching and counseling students at Saratoga Middle/High School, Ginger Miller and Pat Cavicchioni decided to leave to pursue other interests. Miller has been teaching at the school for at least 11 years and Cavicchioni was a counselor. “Both individuals have given a lot to this d...

  • Music teacher leaves joyous career

    Zachary Laux|Jun 19, 2013

    Leslie Noem is trading in a life of teaching for a new, more relaxed life. After 28 years of teaching for Carbon County School District No. 2, Noem is leaving Wyoming for a new life with her new husband in Kuster, Neb., to be a full-time housewife and grandmother. “It is bittersweet,” Neom said. “I’m going to miss my students and staff at SES (Saratoga Elementary School), but I am going to move on with my new life, and I am excited from that.” Noem first moved to Wyoming in 1979, and began to...

  • Encampment art teacher retires

    Doug Radunich|Jun 19, 2013

    After 30 years of teaching in Carbon County, Pam Kraft is stepping down from her position as art teacher for the Encampment K-12 School. Kraft has become quite the fixture at the school, teaching students from first grade through 12th grade for three decades. A Detroit, Mich. native, Kraft first taught art for a year-and-a-half in Gross Pointe, Mich., but said she began teaching in Encampment in 1977. At that point in time, she only taught for one year in Encampment before moving to Phoenix,...

  • Club Notes: Platte Valley Kiwanis celebrates 23 years

    Jun 19, 2013

    The Platte Valley Kiwanis sponsored two scholarships this year — Levi Weatherd, from Saratoga and Gaven Pantle, from Encampment. The Kiwanis wishes them the best of luck in the future. The Platte Valley Kiwanis hosted their 23rd birthday party at the Whistle Pig with dinner, entertainment from the Carbon County School District No. 2 Speech team, gifts and drawings. Members gave Mother’s Day carnations to resident ladies at Desert Health Care and to the men on Father’s Day. The Kiwanis are planning an old-fashioned bake auction to be held after...

  • From student to teacher to student

    Zachary Laux|May 29, 2013

    Encampment English Teacher Leslie McLinskey received a surprise May 9 after her principal made an unexpected announcement in the Encampment gym during the Young Authors award ceremony. Before the Young Authors began to step up and read their work to a large crowd, Encampment Principal walked up to the podium and announced McLinskey had been recognized as Carbon County School District No. 2’s Teacher of the Year. “I was shocked,” McLinskey said. “I knew Pam Kraft had nominated me, but I did not...

  • Fisher catalogues complaints

    Zachary Laux|May 22, 2013

    A librarian’s husband approached the Carbon County School District No. 2 board of Trustees Monday night with concerns about the district’s decision to realign staff. Tom Fisher, husband to the Saratoga Elementary School librarian Ceile Fisher, asked the board of trustees why his wife was being considered to be a fifth-grade teacher when she is “highly qualified” to be a librarian for the district. “She has been the librarian in this district for the last 19 years,” Fisher said in the meeting...

  • Court order enforces town agreement: After reprimands, judge rules sheer piling wall stays

    Zachary Laux|May 15, 2013

    Carbon County District Court Judge Wade Waldrip reprimanded the town of Saratoga and Randy Stevens at the end of a court hearing aimed to settle an agreement between both parties. “I am embarrassed by the conduct of (both parties), and there is plenty of embarrassment to go around,” Waldrip said in his reprimand during the May 8 court hearing Stevens Vs. the Town of Saratoga. “You people must really love to pay your lawyers and you are acting like school children.” Stevens and the town of Sara...

  • HEM student receives STARR

    Zachary Laux|May 15, 2013

    Amber Martin never wanted to trade her comfortable life in Twin Falls, Idaho for one in Hanna. In Hanna, activities were severely limited, Martin said. The lack of activities robbed some opportunities from Martin ­— opportunities she would have had in Twin Falls. “I have to admit I was reluctant at first,” she said. But if it wasn’t for the move to Hanna, Martin would have never gotten a full-ride scholarship to Michigan State University. “It’s crazy to think that just after being here for two...

  • Carbon County hears about SF104: Speakers want to ensure votes' voice

    Doug Radunich|May 8, 2013

    Platte Valley residents recently heard information on what is happening in their state education system, as several speakers, including state officials, got the chance to express their views on Senate File 104. Taylor Haynes, president and chief medical officer for Mountain Benefit Management Corporation in Cheyenne, spoke at the Platte Valley Christian Center Saturday. Cindy Hill, state superintendent of public instruction, Sheryl Lain, instructional leader and deputy for Hill, and Jen Young,...

  • CCSD 2 says three is the magic number: Board votes to cut three teaching positions, looks at other potential cuts

    Zachary Laux|May 1, 2013

    After several months of long budget discussions, Carbon County School District No. 2 decided three was the magic number for a sound budget. The CCSD 2 School Board voted Thursday to cut three full-time teaching positions, a decision in line with Superintendent Bob Gates’ recommendation. “I still believe that we need to reduce by three to meet the board’s desire to have a $2.5 million cash carryover,” Superintendent Bob Gates said in a CCSD 2 workshop meeting Thursday. Prior to recent budgeta...

  • Saratoga schools opens students' mind to culture

    Zachary Laux|May 1, 2013

    Expect to learn something about the Native American culture if you find yourself at the Saratoga Middle/High School Thursday. Carbon County School District No. 2 teachers developed an activity three years ago whivh integrates curriculum to implement multiculturalism in Saratoga schools, said Scott Bokelman, industrial tech teacher at Saratoga Middle High School. “The purpose of this is to develop respect for other cultures other than your own,” Bokelman said. The activity, scheduled to take pla...

  • An Emotional Evening: Speech Night showcases student skills

    Doug Radunich|Apr 24, 2013

    The Community Center audience was treated to a night of laughs, heartbreak and bizarre twists at the Carbon County School District No. 2 high school speech team’s “Speech Night,” held at the Platte Valley Community Center Monday evening. The talented students performed poetic, humorous, dramatic and duet speech presentations from the 2012-13 National Forensic League season. Performing individuals included Kat Hytrek (the poetic “Mirror, Mirror”), Aleck Freeman (the poetic “The Shooting of...

  • Citizen committee shares budget ideas

    Zachary Laux|Apr 17, 2013

    The list of budget suggestions and cuts a citizen advisory committee presented to the Carbon County School District No. 2 School Board Tuesday evening was two-fold. The report, presented by Encampment resident and former representative of Carbon County, Jeb Steward, provided a list of suggestions for cuts rather than cutting personnel. The report also presented specific cuts for Encampment School to save the full-time art teaching position, which was threatened about a month ago after...

  • Speech Night Monday: Speech students set to perform at Community Center

    Staff report|Apr 17, 2013

    Carbon County speech team students are preparing to show off their public speaking skills at “Speech Night,” happening this upcoming Monday at the Platte Valley Community Center. Speech Night takes place at 7 p.m.,April 22, and features the talents of the Carbon County No. 2 High School Speech Team members. The students who make up the team come from Saratoga, Encampment and Hanna, and are ready with presentations from the 2012-13 National Forensic League speech season. The event also showcases a tribute to the support network of individuals re...

  • Fiber optics coming into view

    Zachary Laux|Apr 10, 2013

    Faster internet is coming soon. Construction workers and large spools of red, green and blue wire could be spotted along Highway 130/230 Thursday just outside of the Saratoga town limits. Those wires are fiber optic lines. “We are out to increase the speed of the internet,” said foremen Randy Asay who was at the site laying line Thursday. Union Wireless, the company funding the project, is setting out to dramatically increase the internet for subscribers county-wide. The company is also loo...

  • CCSD 2 looks to expand Summer Science Program

    Zachary Laux|Apr 3, 2013

    Josh Sandlian likes to think of science as a football game. “During the week, you are practicing concepts like throwing, catching and tackling,” Sandlian said. Those football skills are similar to math and language arts. For Sandlian, science is the opportunity for students to apply their math and language arts skills to real situations. “Friday night is the game,” he said. “Science is that football game. It lets kids show what they know.” As the first science facilitator in Carbon County Scho...

  • Pinching pennies: School board and community committee take close look at budget

    Zachary Laux|Apr 3, 2013

    Teachers, parents, community members and school district officials spent nearly four hours looking closely at the budget, trying to find ways to cut and provide the best possible education for students. “I don’t think anyone is here because they don’t care about the kids,” said Carbon County School District No. 2 Board Chairman Greg Bartlett in the March 26 meeting. CCSD 2 and a newly formed committee agreed to meet for the budget discussion, after the Encampment community learned the full-time...

  • Speech team places second at state

    Staff Report|Mar 27, 2013

    The Carbon County School District No. 2 (CCSD 2) Speech and Debate Team placed second in the 1A/2A division at the Wyoming State Speech and Debate Competition held March 14, 15 and 16 in Rock Springs. The meet was held at Western Wyoming Community College. Kaylyn Wessel and Becca Treat made it into semifinals with a rendition of “The Story of Robin Hood”. Jacob Dickinson and Taylor Russell received special recognition for the duet of two old men. Brenda Ostendorf, the speech team coach was nominated as Coach of the Season for the 1A/2A sch...

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