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(311) stories found containing 'Board of Carbon County Commissioners'

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  • That which cuts the deepest

    Max Miller|Updated Jun 21, 2016

    In a June 16 interview, Carbon County Commissioners Lindy Glode and Sue Jones described themselves as strongly opposed to closing libraries, but would not back off sharp reductions in county funding to the library system. The county indicates it will cut its mill levy funding to the Carbon County Library System Board (CCLSB) by close to 60 percent, from $558,295 in fiscal year 2016, to $225,000 for fiscal year 2017. Additional county funds of $42,000 from motor vehicle... Full story

  • Closing the book on libraries

    Max Miller|Updated Jun 15, 2016

    If budget cuts of 60 to 74 percent are approved, most branches in the Carbon County Library system will be shuttered by July 1. Hours and services at the remaining branches would be slashed under such a scenario, said Bobbie Morgan, Director of the Carbon County Library System Board (CCSLB) at an emergency meeting of the board June 13. Morgan was told to brace for the deep cuts at a meeting of the Carbon County Commissioners June 6. A month earlier, Morgan had been told by... Full story

  • Library addresses funding cuts

    Max Miller|Updated Jun 7, 2016

    Two Carbon County Commissioners, one town clerk, one Carbon County Economic Development Board member, four Carbon County Library System Board (CCLSB) members and the local librarian attended a June 2 meeting at the Encampment Library. The officials joined about 30 concerned patrons for a brainstorming session on how to deal with looming cutbacks in funding for the Encampment library and Carbon County libraries as a whole. CCLSB director Bobbie Morgan summed things up by... Full story

  • Budget binding books

    Max Miller|Updated May 31, 2016

    The first in a series of community meetings organized by the Carbon County Library System Board (CCLSB) will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Encampment Public Library. The CCLSB is grappling with county budget cuts of close to 30 percent, and is seeking patron input in order to help determine which library services are most important to residents. “Rather than close a library here and there, the board decided to try to cut back on hours and services (to deal with the b... Full story

  • BOCC minds river

    Fred Broschart|Updated May 17, 2016

    At the Carbon County Board of County Commissioner’s (BOCC) meeting on May 3, possible flooding in the North Platte Valley was front and center among the many topics discussed. During the meeting, the commissioners spent a significant amount of time discussing the possibility of flooding and how the county would act, should flooding happen. The BOCC’s chair, John Espy was given authority to declare a flood zone without consulting the other BOCC members, and emergency managers detailed plans to have inmate crews remove old san... Full story

  • Dodging disposal fees

    Fred Broschart|Updated May 10, 2016

    Thanks to funding from the Wyoming State Loans and Investment Board (SLIB), the Upper Platte River Solid Waste District (Landfill board) announced at its Wednesday meeting that it will now be able to build a new transfer station and close the existing landfill on schedule. The board also discussed a future rate increase, but did not vote on the raise. The funding provided by SLIB comes in form of a grant for $1.125 million, and a 20-year zero-interest loan for $375,000. The loan was arranged by SLIB for the Landfill board,... Full story

  • Firetrucks, wind farms and coal mines

    Fred Broschart|Updated Apr 12, 2016

    The Carbon County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met Tuesday in Rawlins for the first BOCC meeting of April to discuss county business. Items on the agenda included the purchase of a new firefighting vehicle, the release of the second environmental impact study for the Chokecherry-Sierra Madre wind farm project, and land reclamation funds in the wake of numerous coal and oil company bankruptcies. Later, the BOCC also discussed a conditional use permit at Brush Creek Ranch. The BOCC voted to purchase a class six brush... Full story

  • C. J. Box at museum fundraiser

    Staff Report|Updated Feb 23, 2016

    The Carbon County Museum Foundation is hosting an evening with bestselling Wyoming author C. J. Box from 5 to 8 p.m. on March 1 at the Rawlins Depot located at 400 West Front Street in Rawlins. Box and the museum foundation are partnering to raise funds for the renovation of the Hugus-Ferguson Building, future home of Carbon County Museum. In conjunction with this event, the Carbon County Board of County Commissioners is honoring the novelist by officially designating the day C. J. Box Day. The evening includes a book...

  • Transfer station approved

    Erik Gantt|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    Fiscal conservatism ruled the day at the Feb. 4 Board of Carbon County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting. The special use permit for the proposed solid waste transfer station at the Saratoga landfill was approved unanimously, as recommended by the Carbon County planning and development department. Commissioner Sue Jones abstained from the transfer station vote as she was representing the applicant, the Upper Platte River Solid Waste District. However, a request to replace a...

  • Med Bow agrees to SCWEMS amendment

    Erik Gantt|Updated Jan 26, 2016

    The Medicine Bow Town Council has agreed to sign the proposed amendment to the South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Service (SCWEMS) Joint Powers Board (JPB) agreement that will allow the town of Hanna as a member entity. The hour-and one-half long special meeting on Monday was focused on concerns raised by the town of Medicine Bow about the geographic composition of the JPB and repercussions if a member entity does not pay their dues in a timely fashion. Twenty-five...

  • Ford for peace, Big Creek changes hands, GEM construction begins, clinic donated

    Updated Dec 1, 2015

    1 years ago Dec. 12, 1915 Ford for peace Henry Ford is perhaps the greatest success as an automobile manufacturer and designer that the world has today, but that is not saying that his peace voyage will be as equally successful. He seems to be meeting with considerable the reverse in his invitations as he did in his early experience with the automobile, but who knows? When you find a lucky duck like Ford he can fall in the creek and come out perfectly dry with his pockets full of fish. It would seem that success would large...

  • Medicine Bow only hold out on SCWEMS JPB amendment

    Erik Gantt|Updated Nov 17, 2015

    The town of Elk Mountain held a special meeting Monday night at which they approved the proposed joint powers agreement (JPA) amendment to allow Hanna onto the South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Service (SCWEMS), leaving Medicine Bow as the only SCWEMS member to not sign the amendment as written. Member entities Carbon County, Saratoga, Encampment, Riverside and hopeful member Hanna had all approved the JPA amendment prior to Elk Mountain’s special meeting. The town of M...

  • Moving forward:

    Erik Gantt|Updated Sep 29, 2015

    With the majority of participating agencies present, a consensus was reached to add Hanna to the South Central Wyoming Emergency Management Service (SCWEMS) Joint Powers Board (JPB). At a special meeting on Sept. 22 in Elk Mountain the JPB sought direction from SCWEMS JPB participating agencies (Carbon County, Saratoga, Encampment, Medicine Bow, Elk Mountain and Riverside) as to whether Hanna should become a member of the JPB. All SCWEMS entities, except for Saratoga, were...

  • County may house new medical shelter

    Erik Gantt|Updated Sep 8, 2015

    Rawlins may become the new home of a 50-person emergency medical shelter. At the Sept. 1 Board of Carbon County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting the board members stated their approval of housing the shelter in the basement of the Jeffrey Center noting that it would allow quick access to the resource if needed. John Zieger, Carbon County Emergency Management Coordinator, said that a study is necessary to determine if the basement meets the requirements for storage and access to th...

  • Million dollar sales tax refund pending

    Erik Gantt|Updated Aug 25, 2015

    The Wyoming Department of Revenue informed Carbon County Treasurer Cindy Baldwin of a recently filed amended tax return that may lead to approximately $1 million in sales tax revenue having to be returned. Baldwin reported this to the Board of Carbon County Commissioners at their Aug. 18 meeting in Baggs. According to Baldwin she does not know who filed the amended return, but it appears that they over paid tax on the sale of property, possibly between oil companies. Baldwin...

  • The Carbon County Fair through the years

    Updated Aug 11, 2015

    1 years ago August 5, 1915 Preparing for County Fair In a recent issue of the Wyoming Tribune appeared the following boost for the Carbon County Fair: “Solidly backed by every business interest in the county and with the county government providing a fund that guarantees one of the most successful ventures of its kind ever promoted in the state, the Carbon County Fair will be open on the sixth day of September at Saratoga. A group of hard working enthusiasts among whom are W.E. Tilton, D.S. Richmond, George Broadhurst, C...

  • Commissioners talk Library Budget

    Sarah Hutchins|Updated Jul 21, 2015

    The Carbon County Commissioners held a special meeting at noon July 13 at the Carbon County Courthouse, specifically to discuss Carbon County Library’s budget. According to the draft of Commissioners minutes, the meeting was held in response to the Library Director emailing them “with proposed cuts including potentially closing two branch libraries.” Marilyn Pederson, Library Director for the Carbon County Library System, said that although the statement was true, it was n...

  • Roads, roads and more roads

    Updated Apr 7, 2015

    1 years ago: April 8, 1915 Why is a liar. This paper last week took exception to a county paper trying to take credit for condemning excessive expenditures by the County Commissioners of this county on roads and bridges. What we had reference to in particular, was the expenditure from 1908 to 1912, and which matter this paper called attention to, and for which we were abused by the Rawlins Journal, and one or two others. Now comes poor old “bad stomach Bill” of the Journal, taking all the credit, for being the paper to who...

  • Water and Sewer Board approves Ordinance 829

    Liz Wood|Updated Feb 17, 2015

    Guy Jansa, of Jansa Apartments in Saratoga, pleaded with the Saratoga/Carbon County Impact Joint Powers Board (Water and Sewer Board), to not recommend Ordinance 829 as written to the Saratoga Town Council. Jansa argued the new rates would be a hardship on apartment owners like his mother, Nancy Jansa. The ordinance had beenreferred back to the Water and Sewer Board because of the turnover on the board. Three water and sewer board members had been elected to the governing...

  • Fire district measure put out

    Erik Gantt|Updated Nov 12, 2014

    The steering committee for the proposed Carbon County Fire District, which was defeated on the Nov. 4 ballot, is “a little disappointed,” in the results according to Jim Piche, steering committee president. “I think, probably, the most disappointing thing is the people will see the effect of it in the near future … we just can’t fund everything we are doing,” Piche said. According to Piche, the steering committee has had some communication since the election and said he thi...

  • $25K for hatchery, hunters take 615 deer, three from Valley seek office, Laird up for teacher of the year

    Updated Oct 28, 2014

    1 Years Ago Oct. 29, 1914 Washington, Oct. 27–Senator Warren, before leaving for Wyoming, had a conference with Dr. H. M. Smith, Commissioner of Fisheries concerning an additional appropriation of $25,000 for the Saratoga hatchery. Dr. Smith assured the senator that he would submit an estimate for the additional appropriation of $25,000 for the hatchery and the Senator will try to have the appropriation included in the Sundry Civic Appropriation bill the next session of congress. Dr. Smith will have the $25,000 now a...

  • New School builds community

    Mike Dunn|Updated Oct 14, 2014

    When you enter into the new Hanna Elementary School, it's like stepping into the entrance of a coal mine. The 71 students will walk through the long, rounded tunnels, "held up" by imitation wooden trusses, entrance to go to school. To the side, a mural depicts the Hanna's rich history - from the first immigrant coal miners who lived in tents, to the students holding shovels to breaking ground on the new Elementary. The mines in Hanna are all abandoned, but Hanna Elementary Sch... Full story

  • Fire protection redistricting may impact insurance

    Erik Gantt|Updated Oct 7, 2014

    According to Jim Piche, President of the Carbon County Fire Protection District Steering Committee, one benefit of a fire district may be lower insurance premiums for homeowners and businesses. Unincorporated Carbon County does not have an Insurance Service Organization (ISO) rating, which is one of the factors insurance companies use to determine rates for an area. An ISO evaluation for fire protection involves looking at communications, hose testing, pump testing, water...

  • Commission votes to increase official salaries

    Doug Radunich|Updated May 20, 2014

    During a special meeting Thursday, the Carbon County Commission voted to increase the salaries of six elected officials beginning in 2017. The majority of the commissioners agreed to increase the salaries by 1 percent beginning in January 2017, and by 2 percent starting in January 2018. The increases for the elected officials, which include the assessor, clerk of court, coroner, county clerk, sheriff and treasurer, come as their departments will likely take up to a 5 percent...

  • Crimmins reappointed to PVCC Joint Powers Board

    Doug Radunich|Updated May 13, 2014

    Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Stacy Crimmins has been reappointed to serve on the Platte Valley Community Center Joint Powers Board. Crimmins has served on the seven-member board since its inception in 2003, the years she also began as the local chamber’s executive director. Her reappointment to the board was announced during last week’s Carbon County Commissioners meeting. “I’m very proud to serve on the board, and we’ve worked really ha...

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