Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Articles from the June 12, 2013 edition

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  • Lunch not just for the retired

    Sue Howe|Updated Jun 11, 2013

    There was six here to play Bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Berneil McCord, Dorothy Miller, Merle Starr and Pat Faust. Pat Faust won the $4 blackout round. There were two tables for Duplicate Bridge this week. High winners were Barbara Wright and Mariel O’Grady. Second high went to Marilyn Walck and Sheila Johnson. We would like to invite the working class to come join us for lunch. Even if you work until noon, if you call in we can set you up, and when you come in you will be able to get your meal and start eating and...

  • Fulfilling 'other duties': Town hall staff, other departments come together to clean up Vets Island

    Zachary Laux|Updated Jun 11, 2013

    Saratoga Town Hall employees ventured outside their job descriptions Friday to help other town departments clean up Veterans Island Friday. At any given time, Mayor John Zeiger, Treasurer Joe Elder, Clerk Suzie Cox and Public Works Director Chuck Bartlett were out doing something to improve the state of Veterans Island. Along with several other employees, Zeiger, Elder, Cox and Bartlett helped rejuvenate the walkway, paint the barbeque hut, replenish the wood chips in the...

  • Reflections: Rapid construction of Aerial Tramway

    Updated Jun 11, 2013

    Reprint of this story from the June 20, 1902 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community. Rapid Construction Aerial Tramway Will Be Completed Thirty Days In Advance of Contract The construction of the great aerial tramway from the Grand Encampment smelter to the Ferris-Haggarty mine progresses rapidly, and unless hindered by forces not at present anticipated the tramway will be completed one month in advance of contract, or b...

  • Residents raise money for Oklahoma tornado victims

    Tom Mansfield|Updated Jun 11, 2013

    At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Jeanette Baker, residents, and staff raised $350.91 for the United Way of Central Oklahoma to help families needing assistance from the recent tornado. Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, three residents played Uno with D...

  • Domino players adding up

    Ronda Krouch|Updated Jun 11, 2013

    Happy June everyone. Not a lot going on here this month, just enjoying the warm weather. Our coffee ladies are faithful as ever, Laura R., Jo B., Connie B., Patty H., Ladawn V., and Arleigh S. We had eight quilters this last Thursday, Nancy L, Karen C, Rosalie C., Kay F., Sandy Miller., Jo R., Betty M., and Lila Walbye. We are increasing in Domino players, we are now playing two tables. Domino players are Madeline T., Betty M., Bill T., Dick B., Ginny R., Jack R., Laura R., Charlatte K., Bob T., Phil F. The Bridge players...

  • Encampment graduates have big plans for future

    Staff report|Updated Jun 11, 2013

    All 11 Encampment High School graduates have big plans after college. Those who plan on going to college had the opportunity to gain a little extra money to help pay for the costs of attending college. Some of those students grabbed the opportunity by the horns and scored multiple scholarships. Below is a list of Encampment High School graduates, their post-graduation plans and the scholarships they earned. Mandy Harris will be attending Laramie Community College to pursue an Associates of Applied Science degree in Equine...

  • Updated Jun 11, 2013