Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
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At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident. Hair Care and Nail Care are important activities. Usually the Activity Room is full and sometimes there is even a line out the door. On Wednesday morning, Janice Kerpan and Mildred Hennek gave eight ladies beautiful hairdos. Brenda Zeiger did Nail Care with nine r...
There were six for bingo this week. Two-dollar winners were Berneil McCord, and Winnie Allen. One-dollar winners were Madaline Forbes and Grace Johnston. Madaline Forbes won the $4 blackout round. There were two-and-a-half tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. High winners were Marilyn Walck and Glee Johnson. Second high went to Mary Alice Sjoden and Evelyn Hammer. We are always happy to deliver a meal if you are under the weather or have just been in the hospital. Please give us a call at 326-5564 and we will do our best to...
We had a great week at Sagebrush Senior Center. Saturday we had 39 members come for Breakfast at Noon. We missed a few that were in Laramie for a great girl’s basketball game. The quilters have started on the auction quilt and boy is it nice. As of today, we have computer access in the dining hall for our seniors convenience. I want to make mention of the following for their donations to the E-Club; Lila Wallbye, Donna Wells, Ella Geisick and John Farr. This Friday we are having our evening meal. Chicken fried steak, m...
1 years ago February 13, 1913 Mistaken Idea. There is a report in circulation to the effect that we are going to close down the publication of the SUN. Who ever started such a report had little to do and is another example of what kind of boosting this town is getting at the hands of some of its residents. As far as we are able to say, this paper will be continued as before until such a time as it can be sold, and when it is sold we expect the buyer to continue it. We will say this much, that this paper is for sale, and we...
Normally, 50 to 60 cakes are auctioned off after the homecoming game at Encampment School. After hearing about frustration from residents unable to match high bids and support the athletic scholarship, Encampment Principal Mike Erickson encouraged more cakes be made for the auction so there were cakes available at and below the $100 range. Encampment answered the challenge and produced 96 cakes for this auction. “We are thankful for everyone in the community who work hard t...