Articles written by staff report

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  • New realtor at Town and Country

    Staff Report|Jan 8, 2020

    A recent press release from Town & Country Realty in Saratoga, Wyoming announced an addition to their staff of realtors. Ashley Fluty moved to Saratoga in 2015, but has been a long-time resident of Carbon County. "Ashley can put her inside knowledge to work find the 'perfect' property you are looking for," read the press release. Ashley is married to Jacob Fluty and is a mother of three children. According to the press release, her hobbies include snowmobiling, working out and being outside....

  • Asking for help

    Staff Report|Jan 1, 2020

    The Encampment Preschool is asking for donations, according to a press release from the 501(c)(3) nonprofit’s new director. Rachel Swanson, who replaced retiring director Deb Cunningham, stated in the press release that the preschool is “looking to our community for financial support.” All donations made to the Encampment Preschool go towards paying for tuition for attending students. According to the press release, enrollment at the preschool has increased from last year with eight students in the morning class and 11 in the afternoon class...

  • Western President Listening Sessions

    Staff Report|Jan 1, 2020

    Western Wyoming Community College’s new President, Dr. Kim Dale, will meet with community members on Tuesday, January 21 from 6-7 p.m. at the Platte Valley Community Center. The Western President Listening Sessions provide the public an opportunity to meet with Dr. Dale and discuss important, relevant matters unique to the Saratoga and Carbon County area. The goal of the Listening Session is to help the college best serve the community. “I love vacationing in the Saratoga area and am very much looking forward to meeting with community mem...

  • Have an 'ice' time

    Staff Report|Jan 1, 2020

    ‘Get Hooked!’ at the Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce’s 37th annual Saratoga Ice Fishing Derby. January 18-19 will be your opportunity to compete for the $2,000 first prize for catching the largest fish during the two-day derby. Prove your skills at Saratoga Lake in Saratoga, Wyoming while competing for over $6,000 in guaranteed cash prizes and up to $35,000 in additional prize money. The prize money for largest fish caught is $2,000 for first place, $1,000 for second and $500 for third. Registered fishermen have more opportunities to...

  • North Platte Valley Medical Center chosen as name for new hospital

    Staff Report|Dec 25, 2019

    The North Platte Valley Medical Center has been chosen as the name for a new Critical Access Hospital (CAH) to be built in Saratoga, the Platte Valley Healthcare Project (PVHP) recently announced. A site has been selected and purchased on Highway 130 between the Forest Service District Office and the Whistle Pig Saloon. Plans developed for the project by HGFA Architects of Billings, MT, including the floorplan, site plan and interior and exterior elevations, will be on display in various locations throughout the community over the next three mo...

  • Extraordinary nurses recognized

    Staff Report|Dec 25, 2019

    Nurses at Memorial Hospital of Carbon County now have the opportunity to be recognized and honored through The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses. The award is part of the DAISY Foundation's mission to recognize the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care they provide patients and families every day. The kick-off event was held Dec. 16, 2019 at MHCC. The DAISY Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, by members of his family. Patrick died at...

  • Christmas services

    Staff Report|Dec 18, 2019

    Churches around east Carbon County are preparing for the highlight of the Christian calendar. Many houses of worship will be offering special Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services. St. Ann’s Catholic Church On Dec. 24, St. Ann’s Catholic Church at 211 W. Spring St. in Saratoga will be holding a Christmas Eve Mass at 10 p.m. The church will also be holding a Christmas Day Mass at 10 a.m. St. Joseph’s Mission Church On Christmas Eve, St. Joseph’s Mission Church at 3 Heather Dr. in Hanna will be holding a Christmas Eve Mass at 4 p.m. Saratog... Full story

  • Competing in a "wooly" contest

    Staff Report|Dec 18, 2019

    Fifteen contestants competed in the Carbon County Make It With Wool (MIWW) district competition held at the Jeffery Center, Rawlins, on Sunday, November 10, 2019. Winners were announced at the end of the fashion show that afternoon. Winners in the Adult Division (age 25 and over) included Sheryl Hunter, Saratoga, 1st place, modeling black slacks and gray sweater, and Cheryl Munroe, Encampment, 2nd place, modeling a royal blue skirt, top, and vest. Both of these contestants represented the...

  • Chamber seeking directors for board

    Staff Report|Dec 11, 2019

    The Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber is seeking nominations from its membership for positions on the nine-member Board of Directors. Directors are elected by ballot at the Chamber’s Annual Dinner on February 6 with a three year term beginning in February. According to Stacy Crimmins, CEO of the Chamber, the terms due to expire are currently held by Laurie Box, Susan Marich and Bob Herring. All three directors have expressed interest in serving another three year term and will be added to the ballot. In addition, there is one open seat that e...

  • Prepare for joyful music

    Staff Report|Dec 4, 2019

    The Encampment Community Choir, in cooperation with the Encampment High School Choir, will be presenting their annual Christmas concert this week, according to a recent press release. Before the respective choirs take the stage, the Sierra Madre Strings will be providing prelude music for the event. The Sierra Madre Strings will be performing at 6:30 p.m. with the choirs performing at 7 p.m. on Dec. 4, 2019 at the Grand Encampment Opera House in Encampment. The concert is a free event and all are invited to enjoy the music. For more...

  • Battle Pass closes for season

    Staff Report|Dec 4, 2019

    Wyoming Highway 70, one of two seasonal passes in the Platte Valley, has officially closed for the season. The announcement came via a press release from the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) on Monday afternoon. The closure is between mile marker 27 in the west and mile mark 50 in the east. According to the press release, recent snow conditions made it necessary to close the road for the season. The closure of WYO 70 comes nearly a month after the season closure of Wyoming Highway 130 over the Snowy Range. Historically, WYO 70...

  • Lit up for Christmas

    Staff Report|Nov 27, 2019

    The annual Lighted Christmas Parade will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7 and will begin at Bridge Ave. and River Street as it goes through historic downtown Saratoga. While waiting for the parade to begin, residents and visitors are encouraged to take advantage of local retailers and "shop small" this season. The parade will end at the Platte Valley Community Center, just in time to welcome Santa and Mrs. Claus at "Winter Wonderland." The parade announcer and entertainer each year is...

  • Santa's coming

    Staff Report|Nov 27, 2019

    Following the Christmas parade Saturday, Dec. 7, Valley residents are invited to attend what has become "a long-time holiday tradition" according to a press release from the Valley Service Organization (VSO). Winter Wonderland, which will be located in the Great Hall of the Platte Valley Community Center, will return this year. According to the press release, the VSO's "annual Christmas gift" will feature a free chilli and hot dog feed for everyone, cookies and hot chocolate. The perennial star...

  • Holiday food tips

    Staff Report|Nov 27, 2019

    The Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) is sharing five tips to help prevent foodborne illness from ruining holiday meals that feature turkey as a star attraction. Tiffany Greenlee, an epidemiologist with WDH, said mistakes with holiday dinners can sometimes lead to unfortunate illnesses. “Foodborne illness is something that can be avoided with good practices and habits,” she said. “These steps can be especially important when we have large holiday gatherings that are spread over more time than our everyday meals.” Greenlee suggests the followi...

  • Reflections from our Files

    Staff Report|Nov 27, 2019

    1 years ago November 27, 1919 Good Times Coming It has been many years since the streets of Saratoga have been so cluttered up with piles of brick, cement, lumber and other building materials as during the last few weeks, and the indications are indeed good for an era of unusual prosperity in this section of the county. If we may judge by the amount of building now in progress and contemplated, and the number of transfers of farm and city property during the past few months. Practically every residence in town which could be bought has...

  • Helping for Thanksgiving

    Staff Report|Nov 20, 2019

    The Platte Valley Helping Hands Board of Trustees invites the public to attend and enjoy their 24th Annual Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner, to be served from 12:30-2 p.m. on Nov. 28, at St. Ann’s Parish Hall, 218 West Spring Street, in Saratoga. The traditional Thanksgiving Dinner menu includes turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, ham, sweet potatoes, cranberries, relish tray, roll and pumpkin pie. The dinner is made possible by food donations from PVHH Board members and volunteers, and monetary donations received at the 2018 dinner. The...

  • What Makes America Great?

    Staff Report|Nov 20, 2019

    Editor’s Note: The essays printed in the Saratoga Sun are the first of three from Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy contestants who placed in the top three spots. Look for future essays in subsequent issues of the Sun. By Anthony Campbell What makes America great is our Constitution which gives us freedom in many different ways. Freedom is one of the most important things in this world. The freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the freedom to vote are very important in America. If these freedoms were not a thing, then America wou...

  • Giving the greatest gift

    Staff Report|Nov 13, 2019

    Staff Report What if you were told an hour of your time could change someone’s life? In the time it takes you to read this article, nearly 100 people will receive lifesaving blood transfusions. By taking just an hour or so to donate, you will do something wonderful! Here, in the southern part of Wyoming, it takes 500 people a week to donate blood to serve the 47 area hospitals in this region! One out of every three people will need blood during their lives, but only one in 20 people regularly give blood. Saratoga’s next blood drive with Vitalan...

  • Hold on to Your Hat; preserving local history

    Staff Report|Nov 13, 2019

    The burdensome task of preserving local history has been made easier with new technology. It will be applied to help record and save several valuable historic collections. A program on digitizing historic photographs, negatives, photo albums, manuscripts, VCRs, home movies, stories, newspaper clippings, books and diaries will be presented at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14, in the Saratoga Branch Library at 503 West Elm Ave. The slide show and presentation is sponsored by Saratoga Friends of the...

  • VSO completes plans for Giving Tree

    Staff Report|Nov 13, 2019

    The holidays are rapidly approaching, and the Valley Service Organization (VSO) has started work on the 2019 Platte Valley Giving Tree, a community-wide project to ensure no Valley child goes without Christmas. Kassey Westring, chairman of the Giving Tree for VSO, said the information forms for the Tree have been distributed to Saratoga Elementary School, Saratoga Middle/High School, Encampment K-12, Excel Pre-School,Tomorrow’s Promise, Head Start and Carbon County Public Health. These schools and agencies will, in turn, distribute them to fami...

  • MHCC announces new CEO

    Staff Report|Nov 6, 2019

    The Board of Trustees of Memorial Hospital of Carbon County is pleased to announce the appointment of Kenneth L. Harman as the permanent Chief Executive Officer of the hospital effective Dec. 16, 2019. Harman has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Pioneers Medical Center, Walbridge Memorial Convalescent Wing and Meeker Family Health Center in Meeker, Colo. for the past nine years. Prior to that, He was the CEO of Cassia Regional Medical Center in Burley, Idaho for six years. Both facilities are Critical Access Hospitals similar to MHCC. H...

  • Keep it Under Your Hat

    Staff Report|Nov 6, 2019

    For the past several months, local historians Dick and John Perue have been going through the process of digitizing multiple historic collections. As was reported previously (see “Hold Onto Your Hat-we’re going digital” on page 16 of the Feb. 13 Saratoga Sun), the project began as a process to save the ever expanding collection owned by Dick Perue and were handed down to him by R.I Martin and R.D. Martin, former owners of the Saratoga Sun. Since then, a number of people have stepped forward to contribute their own historic collections which...

  • Poppies in prose

    Staff Report|Nov 6, 2019

    On May 2 in 1915, Canadian poet John McCrae’s close friend and former student Alexis Helmer was killed by a German shell in World War I. Composed at the battlefront on May 3, 1915 during the second battle of Ypres, Belgium, this poem became the basis for poppies being the flower symbolically used to honor the war dead. In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks still bravely singing fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead: Short days ago, W...

  • Veterans' Day events and activities

    Staff Report|Nov 6, 2019

    In observance of Veterans Day, schools and organizations will be holding events throughout eastern Carbon County on different days. The Saratoga Sun reached out to as many organizations as it could as well as the local schools to compile the following information: American Legion Post No. 54 The Saratoga American Legion Auxiliary will be holding a Veterans Day dinner on Saturday, Nov. 9 at the Post, located at 403 E. Bridge Ave. A social hour with a cash bar will begin the evening from 5 to 6 p.m. Toward the end of the social hour, the flag... Full story

  • From students to leaders

    Staff Report|Oct 30, 2019

    Encampment Junior High and High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Chapters joined more than 400 FCCLA student leaders, members and advisers at the Ramkota Conference Center in Casper, Wyo. on Oct. 16 to participate in the annual FCCLA Fall Leadership Conference. The conference provided 25 Encampment FCCLA students and members opportunities to come together for energizing learning while listening to keynote speaker, magician Stephen Bargatze. Students were able to expand leadership skills, sharpen talents and...

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