Articles written by staff report

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  • Second search for Strittmater

    Staff Report|Jul 8, 2020

    For three days, the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office conducted a second search for a hunter who went missing last October. Mark Anthony Strittmater went missing on October 19, 2019 while hunting in the Medicine Bow Forest. From June 26-28, Sheriff’s Deputy Scott Allison and search and rescue teams initially searched Forest Road 801 and Forest Road 830, the Deep Creek/Rawlins South Road and Deep Jack Road, respectively. The search area was then expanded to include Strawberry Draw and Dexter Peak. According to a press release from the Carbon Cou...

  • R.P. Lumber buys Build-Rite

    Staff Report|Jul 8, 2020

    Two Build-Rite stores in Carbon County are now part of R.P. Lumber, an Illinois-based home improvement company with 71 locations across the country. The announcement was made in a press release on June 26. “This is our list acquisition in Wyoming and we could not be more pleased to welcome Build-Rite Lumber and Supply’s great team to the R.P. Lumber family,” said Robert Plummer, President and CEO of R.P. Lumber in the press release. “Build-Rite Lumber and Supply is an excellent fit for our company and we are excited to serve the people of sout...

  • Introducing Doctor Adrian Durham

    Staff Report|Jul 1, 2020

    Experience is the kind of characteristic you look for in a doctor. You want someone who has been a lot of places, had a variety of experiences, and faced many challenges. Meet Dr. Adrian Durham Durham will be taking over as the medical director for the Platte Valley Clinic August 1 and will be the medical director for the North Platte Valley Medical Center (NPVMC) when it is completed in the fall of 2021. When it comes to life experience, he could fill a book. Born in Hartfield, Connecticut to...

  • Carbon County 4-H leader named Volunteer of the Year

    Staff Report|Jul 1, 2020

    Dedicating their head, heart, hands and health (4-H) Deanna Maul of Campbell County and Marquita McNees of Carbon County have received 4-H Salute to Excellence Awards. Nominators said both share qualities of inspiration and leadership to young 4-H'ers. County 4-H programs each year can nominate two individual volunteers to receive these awards. Four regional winners are chosen in each award category and from those, one state winner is identified. "Volunteers are the heart of the 4-H program,"...

  • Wyoming Arts Council announces public art call

    Staff Report|Jun 10, 2020

    The Wyoming Department of Health, along with the Veteran’s Commission and State Construction Department, are constructing the Veteran’s Home of Wyoming Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), located in Buffalo. Through the State of Wyoming’s Art in Public Buildings program, artwork will be commissioned for the exterior of the facility. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is open to artists with a deadline of July 17, 2020. This is a national RFQ. Wyoming artists will be given preference. The call is available on CaFE Additional detai...

  • Music in the Park Cancelled

    Staff Report|Jun 10, 2020

    The staff of the City of Rawlins is sad to announce that the Music in the Park concert series dates for June will not be held: June 18th and 25th. After review of the current Statewide Public Heath Order for events as well as discussions with local health officials, city staff have recognized that we cannot safely meet all of the requirements at this time. As new orders are released, staff will reassess. We hope to be able to hold the additional six planned Music in the Parks as scheduled. While updates to the Statewide Public Health orders...

  • Bruch Creek open for summer

    Staff Report|Jun 10, 2020

    The Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch, named one of the top resorts in U.S. six years in a row by Condé Nast Traveler’s Reader’s Choice Awards and one of the Best Resort Hotels in the Continental U.S. three years in a row in the Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards, announced it has opened for the 2020 season as of June 7, welcoming those guests who are eager to return to travel to its 30,000 acres of expansive adventure and solitude. “While so much has changed in the world, the expansive beauty of Wyoming’s Platte River Valley hasn’t cha...

  • Not so fast, pard!

    Staff Report|May 27, 2020

    The Grand Encampment Cowboy Gathering is the latest event to fall victim to concerns over the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and its effects on social gatherings. The annual event, which would have celebrated its 18th year, had originally been scheduled for July 17, 18 and 19. Following a meeting of the Grand Encampment Cowboy Gathering Outfit committee, however, the decision was made to cancel the event on May 21. "The Grand Encampment Cowboy Gathering Outfit committee made a very heartbreaking...

  • Platte Valley Arts Council awards scholarship

    Staff Report|May 27, 2020

    Since 1993, the Platte Valley Arts Council has been enriching the quality of life in the area and expanding educational opportunities for all forms of the arts, whether it is music, literature, dance, visual arts, or theater. It’s mission is to “to foster awareness of and participation in any form of the arts, with the aim of developing vibrant and cohesive communities.” The arts council’s purpose is to keep Art in our everyday lives. In the year 2000, the arts council began awarding scholarships to high school seniors who demonstrated that ar...

  • Carbon County Economic Development Closes Micro-Grant

    Staff Report|May 27, 2020

    The Carbon County Economic Development Corporation has announced the closing of the “Moving Forward Together Micro-Grant Program” as of May 31, 2020. The purpose of the program was to give financial resources to local, small businesses adversely affected by Governor Gordon’s executive orders in response to the pandemic. The micro-grant was distributed to qualified applicants based on need and on a first-come-first-served basis. Project Manager, Stacy Crimmins, said “We started taking applications at 8:00 am on April 13. Sixty-two grants...

  • MHCC gets LUCAS devices

    Staff Report|May 20, 2020

    The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust recently announced a multimillion-dollar effort to save the lives of COVID-19 patients and protect the frontline healthcare workers caring for them. The grant will fund the purchase of six LUCAS mechanical chest compression devices for Memorial Hospital of Carbon County. A total of $4,711,481 in funding will be distributed across five upper-midwestern states to pay for 367 LUCAS mechanical CPR devices to be deployed to hospitals caring for patients during the pandemic and beyond. “These d...

  • Carbon Power & Light announces new service rebate program

    Staff Report|May 20, 2020

    Members of Carbon Power & Light Inc. in 2020 will be eligible to receive electric services under a new rebate program that will extend significant benefits for line extension costs, the cooperative announced today. At its May 11 meeting, Carbon Power & Light’s board of directors approved the new electric service rebate program for 2020, applicable to the first 100 permanent new electric services installed this year. Upon completion of the new services, members would be eligible for up to $10,000 in rebates toward their line extension costs. ...

  • PVHP submits CAH plans

    Staff Report|May 20, 2020

    The Platte Valley Healthcare Project (PVHP), through its architect HGFA Architects of Billings, MT, has submitted final plans and drawings for the North Platte Valley Medical Center (NPVMC) to the Wyoming Department of Health. NPVMC will be a 25-bed Critical Access Hospital in Saratoga and will be built under a USDA program to bring healthcare facilities to rural areas of the country. “This is a big step in the approval process and a must-have for our final submission to the USDA,” said Mike Burke, president of HGFA. “We’re very pleased...

  • Surgeries will resume at MHCC

    Staff Report|May 13, 2020

    For nearly two months, Memorial Hospital of Carbon County has had to cancel or reschedule surgical procedures as they worked to respond to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Carbon County. Beginning tomorrow, however, things will begin to return to normal at MHCC. “The COVID-19 Pandemic forced healthcare facilities to temporarily cancel surgical procedures for patient safety and conservation of limited PPE (personal protective equipment),” MHCC said in a press release issued Tuesday morning. “MHCC’s COVID-19 Steering Committee has develop...

  • Medical center changes locations

    Staff Report|Apr 29, 2020

    The Platte Valley Healthcare Project (PVHP) has accepted a donation from Paul McCarthy of approximately 7.8 acres of land at the intersection of West Bridge Ave and N. 13th Street in Saratoga as the new site for the North Platte Valley Medical Center (NPVMC). "This generous donation by long-time resident and community supporter Paul McCarthy brings us that much closer to realizing our goal of building a critical access hospital to serve the North Platte Valley," said Will Faust, Chairman of the...

  • Graduating seniors urged to apply for VSO's YCA Award

    Staff Report|Apr 22, 2020

    Carbon County School District 2 graduating seniors may now apply for the $500 Youth Citizenship Award offered by the Valley Service Organization (VSO). Applications may be obtained by emailing: [email protected]. If the student does not have access to email, he or she should call Carol Beach, VSO award chairman, at 307-326-8012. Completed applications should be returned to Beach by email or according to arrangements made when the application was requested. Deadline to apply is May 15, Beach said. Beach emphasized that the award is not a...

  • Becoming a part of history

    Staff Report|Apr 22, 2020

    Do you want to make history? You already are! The Wyoming State Archives and State Museum, the University of Wyoming American Heritage Center (AHC), and Wyoming State Historical Society are working together to encourage you to consider how you would tell future historians about your experiences and memories of this unusual time. Do you keep a journal or a blog? Have you created your own mask for making essential trips outdoors? Are you creating artworks or craft projects to commemorate or pass the time? Are you talking on Facebook or Instagram...

  • WSGA calls for DOJ Investigation

    Staff Report|Apr 22, 2020

    This week, the Wyoming Stock Growers Association (WSGA) joined with 22 other state cattle associations across America in sending a letter to U. S. Attorney General William Barr expressing “the need for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to work with more intent and with sharper timelines with the USDA Packers and Stockyards Division regarding an investigation of beef pricing margins.” WSGA requested that “the evidence of any fraudulent business practices within the meatpacking industry be identified quickly and rectified immediately.” Two recent...

  • Going digital for Earth Day

    Staff Report|Apr 22, 2020

    Staff Report Each year in April, the Saratoga-Encampment-Rawlins (SER) Conservation District promotes two conservation events, Earth Day, which is April 22, and Arbor Day, which is April 24. Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues so this year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary. By raising public awareness of pollution, reducing the use of our natural resources, reusing materials and recycling many products through the years, we all contribute to the conservation of our natural resources. Arbor Day...

  • Four Deaths Added to Wyoming's Coronavirus-Related Count

    Staff Report|Apr 22, 2020

    *UPDATE* Governor Mark Gordon has provided a statement on the death of four Fremont County residents who were members of the Northern Arapaho tribe. "I want to extend my condolences to the Northern Arapaho Tribe and to the families of the four people that passed away last night due to COVID-19. These deaths highlight the insidious nature of the illness, as both the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes took advanced protective measures early on, including through an aggressive testing strategy. I want to commend each of the sovereign...

  • Governor Gordon unveils plan to ease COVID-19 restrictions

    Staff Report|Apr 22, 2020

    Governor Mark Gordon has unveiled a plan to transition Wyoming to a new phase of COVID-19 response. The plan creates a pathway to ease restrictions, recover businesses, and resume some activities. The phased approach will be driven by health-related data and provides counties flexibility to seek variances based on local conditions. “This will be a balanced approach that will be driven by two guiding principles– public safety and helping more people get back to work,” Governor Gordon said. “We are going to relax some of the restric...

  • National Crime Victims' Rights Week

    Staff Report|Apr 15, 2020

    The Carbon County Sheriff’s Victim/Witness Program recognizes April 19-25, 2020 as National Crime Victims’ Rights Week by raising awareness about crime victims’ issues, promoting victims’ rights and honoring victims of all crimes. The 2020 theme “SEEK JUSTICE, ENSURE VICTIMS’ RIGHTS, INSPIRE HOPE” reminds us that the rights of crime victims are best protected when all participants in the criminal justice process—not only victims—are appropriately educated about victims’ rights. When we come together as individuals and as a community, we empow...

  • A Bar A to remain closed for summer

    Staff Report|Apr 15, 2020

    The A Bar A, a guest or “dude” ranch in Encampment, Wyoming, has announced that it will cancel its 2020 guest season due to concerns arising from COVID-19. This is the only time the Ranch has closed in 98 years of operation. The A Bar A is a Wyoming institution, known around the world for its family focus and unmatched hospitality. Ranch Managers Justin and Lissa Howe described the situation and the reasons for their decision “The effects of COVID-19 expand each day with impacts lasting well into the summer season. We have all learned a lot a...

  • Wyoming's Second Coronavirus-Related Death Confirmed

    Staff Report|Apr 15, 2020

    The Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) is announcing the death of a hospitalized Laramie County man previously identified as a laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case. The older man represents Wyoming’s second reported death associated with COVID-19. There have been 287 confirmed and 105 probable cases reported so far from across Wyoming. “Unfortunately, we have seen this disease touch another Wyoming family in the worst way,” said Dr. Alexia Harrist, state health officer and state epidemiologist with WDH. “While anyone...

  • Kiwanis assisting Platte Valley businesses

    Staff Report|Apr 8, 2020

    The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected people’s lives, and livelihoods, both across the world, and closer to home right here in the beautiful Platte Valley. Jon Winter, Platte Valley Kiwanis president, told local Kiwanians, “The financial impact of COVID-19 on people is going to be significant and I challenge our club to think of ways we can help serve our community.” Platte Valley of Wyoming COVID-19 Assistance was formed to provide that support in the form of grocery gift cards to owners and employees of small businesses in the commu...

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