Articles written by keith mclendon

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  • Looking to the future

    Keith McLendon|Jul 18, 2018

    The Saratoga Planning Commission met July 10 and, as you would expect, had their focus squarely on the long-term. Planning chairman Jon Nelson was joined at the meeting by planning commission members Tom Westring and Chris Duke. Fellow committeeman Jim Beckman was present via speakerphone. After the general business of approving the agenda and previous minutes Planning Commission Chair Jon Nelson paraphrased a letter from Nora Asbury that said she regretted to inform the commission that, due to...

  • Groggy notes, or, the Zorro of the Saratoga Sun

    Keith McLendon|Jul 11, 2018

    I occasionally have to do what we call “inserting.” It’s fairly self explanatory but I’ll fill you in anyway. We upload the Saratoga Sun to the press in Cheyenne Tuesday afternoons and when they are done being printed, they ship them to Walcott by truck which is then met by a courier the printer has hired to bring them to us. The upshot is that we usually get the finished papers by 2 a.m. Wednesday morning. Then the inserter’s job begins. Whatever flyers are there to be sent out with the paper...

  • New hoops for Lions

    Keith McLendon|Jul 11, 2018

    The Saratoga Lions Club met July 5 to award member Doug Campbell a pin for his 40-year membership and install new officers. The members seemed in a good mood as business was conducted and Joe Glode announced the incoming officers. During the meeting Glode expressed the need for new members and new projects to be undertaken. The new Lions Club officials are: James Beckmann, President; Gary Condict, First Vice President; Tim Dziadon, Second Vice President; Travis Moody, Third Vice President; Bob...

  • Space ain't what it used to be

    Keith McLendon|Jun 13, 2018

    “We choose to go to the moon in this decade (the 1960s) and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.” — John F. Kennedy The Moon: Just a Phase? In the late 60s, a quarter of the world’s population watched as American astronauts sent back images...

  • Weather a factor at State track ... again

    Keith McLendon|May 23, 2018

    As has happened in the past, the often unpredictable Wyoming weather made itself felt around the Harry Geldien Stadium at Kelly Walsh High School in Casper during the annual State track competition, but student athletes from Carbon County School District (CCSD) No. 2 did not let that dampen their spirits. Instead, CCSD No. 2 athletes would return to their schools with a combined 54 medals. Two CCSD No. 2 teams even ended up placing in the top five of the state for the 1A classification. The...

  • Where did the water cooler go?

    Keith McLendon|May 23, 2018

    At one time (not that long ago) there were three major television stations (okay, four if you count PBS) and everyone watched something on one of those stations. The next day, workers would “gather around the water cooler” at work and talk about what they had seen the night before. There was a commonality in what we did. I have never worked at a place where people actually gathered around the water cooler, but I have heard this phrase since I was young (yes, that long ago). I have worked in plac...

  • Spy stories

    Keith McLendon|May 16, 2018

    Honeypots, surprise birthday cakes and searching for assets were some of the stories told as former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative Pat Stuart spoke at the Saratoga Library Thursday evening. The affable Stuart began the presentation by stressing the importance of human intelligence gathering saying that only about five to 10 percent of the CIA's capabilities were based on human intelligence gathering. Stuart started by giving a brief personal history of growing up at the Heart...

  • All wrapped up: The origin of toilet paper

    Keith McLendon|May 2, 2018

    You were warned. I mentioned in my last column I would be writing about the origins of toilet paper. It was kind of a goof—but then I thought, “what the hey?” When I looked up information on the subject I found reams of material on this a-commode-ating accessory. A Crappy History Once upon a time mankind cleaned their backsides with whatever was at hand (including their hand). Leaves, shards of pottery, hay, discarded sheep’s wool, grass, snow, tundra moss, corn cobs, husks, fruit peels,...

  • Saratoga Whitewater

    Keith McLendon|Apr 25, 2018

    Whitewater usually means different things to many Valley residents—but the white water that has recently concerned Saratoga residents has been coming from their faucets. Several Saratogans have asked about the fizzy and milky qualities in tap water that began early last week, so the Saratoga Sun editor spoke with Jon Winter, Saratoga’s public works director, about the subject. “When the pumps get lower and pump a lot of water like we’ve had to do, a couple things cause it, Winter said. “One is...

  • Wilderness or something else?

    Keith McLendon|Apr 18, 2018

    Following is a synopsis of the goals of the for the Wyoming Public Lands Initiative (WPLI) Carbon County committee's goals and remarks made at a recent meeting that committee held at 5 p.m. on April 11 at the Grand Encampment Opera House: WPLI Overview Carbon County Commissioners have been tasked with making a determination on four Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) in Carbon County. The group that set the task was the Wyoming County Commissioners Association. The task itself is labeled the Wyoming P...

  • The 'Wolf Bohl'

    Keith McLendon|Apr 18, 2018

    University of Wyoming (UW) Head Football Coach Craig Bohl is coming to Saratoga. Doug Campbell, co-owner of the Wolf Hotel, is bringing in the coach for a meet and greet luncheon April 23. The lunch, which will be tenderloin salad, costs $100 a person with the proceeds going to benefit the Platte Valley Community Center. Campbell said he had contacted the AD last August to see if he could put together a get-together with the coach to use as a fundraiser for the community center. According to...

  • Clearing the cobwebs III

    Keith McLendon|Apr 4, 2018

    Hi! You have reached the mind of Keith. He's not here right now (if ever), but if you could leave a message after the beep, he will put it first on his list to slowly percolate into his consciousness. BEEEEP! Yes, I am going to be out of the office for a few days. As a matter of fact, as this hits the various newsstands and post office boxes I will be on my way to the San Juan river in Utah where I fully expect to let my mind wander aimlessly while I row said river for a few days. This being...

  • Easter week services, hunts

    Keith McLendon|Mar 28, 2018

    As the Christian Holy Week arrives, many area churches are offering special services. Following is a list of those services from all the churches the Saratoga Sun was able to contact. EASTER WEEK SERVICES Abundant Life Church The Abundant Life Church will be holding their Easter service at 6 p.m. on Sunday, April 1 at 211 North First Street in Saratoga. Christian Community Church The Christian Community Church will hold an Easter sunrise service at 6:30 a.m. Sunday April 1 at Grand View Park in...

  • Crawfish for cause

    Keith McLendon|Mar 28, 2018

    The Mangy Moose Bar and Grill will play host to a benefit crawfish boil this Saturday. This event, which has moved around to different locations over its five year run, will feature cajun cooking including crawfish, shrimp, gumbo, jambalaya, and red beans and rice all complemented by sides including hushpuppies and cornbread. Though others will contribute to creating the food, the main cook for the event is Steve Fletcher. Fletcher, who lived in Louisiana for five years, says he wants to share...

  • Ready for a break?

    Keith McLendon|Mar 28, 2018

    In what has been an expanding weekend, pool enthusiasts from the region and around the world will converge on Saratoga to play pool in what has been called by organizers, "the most popular pool event in the Rocky Mountain States." The period ranging from Thursday, April 5 to Sunday, April 8 will give pool players ranging from novices to professionals a chance at pots which have had $11,000 added to the entry-fee winnings total. The added money has been weighted according to class with $5,000...

  • Club gets reprieve

    Keith McLendon|Mar 28, 2018

    The Platte Valley Kiwanis was at an end. Feeling there was no interest in continuing the organization, local Kiwanis leaders voted in February to disband the chapter. Then they got help. Dave Gloss, Platte Valley Kiwanis past president, said, “We got some assistance from a few people and enough desire on the club that people wanted to kind of give it a shot and see if we could keep things going and keep it as a community service organization.” Saratoga Mayor Ed Glode said he was approached by...

  • Pool, from the deep end

    Keith McLendon|Mar 21, 2018

    Pool, or billiards, began with … I know that because I made up a funny bit about how darts began, you are waiting for me to give you a completely fabricated, cock-and-bull story about how this sport arose. I, being a semi-sadist, refuse to do it. … plus I couldn’t think of anything outlandish enough. The Name of the Game Billiards got its name from France. It either came from the word “billart, “ one of the wooden sticks originally used or “bille,” meaning a ball. In the 19th century, “poo...

  • Darting about

    Keith McLendon|Feb 28, 2018

    Darts were invented by two Scottish physicians and brothers by the name of Dartmouth. In 1844, the pair became inebriated one evening (a Tuesday around teatime) in their office and started throwing hypodermic needles at each other. Eventually the by-then-“holy” brothers began to aim their throws at other targets and as time went by the pair decided to call their new game “Darts.” … What? … You’re not buying that? Okay. I made all that up. You got me. Throwing a 180 The origin of Darts is actu...

  • Windoor sports: Table and board edition

    Keith McLendon|Feb 7, 2018

    In a small western town (or just small towns in general probably), the bulk of general socialization goes on in establishments that serve alcohol. In the summer our towns boast activities and events aplenty—and folks can get out and get together with friends at leisure. But in winter there are only so many things one can do to get out of the house and socialize. That’s where winter indoor (or Windoor) sports come in. Racking up friends Saratoga has a pool league, a dart league and a cribbage lea...

  • Masters of letters

    Keith McLendon|Feb 7, 2018

    Twenty-four third to sixth graders started off the evening Tuesday writing spelling words being spoken to them. After five rounds of ten words apiece, the 10 best spellers were selected to head into the verbal portion of the evening. Slowly the 10 were pared down by the up to 8th grade level words. The competition heated up as Haley Grubb, Aspen Sewell and Fischer Williams took turns at the microphone. Eventually only Sewell and Williams remained and those two correctly spelled word after word...

  • Library board faces sudden lack of quorum

    Keith McLendon|Jan 24, 2018

    The Bess Sheller room at the Rawlins Public Library was full as the Carbon County Library Board convened at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 17 for a special meeting. After calling the meeting to order and performing the pledge of allegiance, board chair Joyce Menke immediately called the board, along with Carbon County Attorney Ashley Davis, into executive session. It was expected the board would be discussing a decision made at their earlier regular January meeting. That decision was to demote Carbon...

  • Sports go green too

    Keith McLendon|Jan 17, 2018

    I have been told by semi-reliable sources (yes, you Carrie) that green is neutral for our school district. I will explain further because that statement is probably a bit confusing. The Encampment Tiger’s colors are red and black; the Saratoga Panthers are zinc and amethyst … oops … purple and yellow (wasn’t that the same somehow?); and the Hanna Miners are blue and orange. When fans here go to a game they may well be rooting for both teams. Around here it is entirely possible that the rooter ma...

  • Library board faces sudden lack of quorum

    Keith McLendon|Jan 17, 2018

    The Bess Sheller room at the Rawlins Public Library was full as the Carbon County Library Board convened at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 17 for a special meeting. After calling the meeting to order and performing the pledge of allegiance, board chair Joyce Menke immediately called the board, along with Carbon County attorney Ashley Davis, into executive session. It was expected the board would be discussing the decision made at their earlier regular January meeting. That decision was to have demoted...

  • A pre-rant rant

    Keith McLendon|Jul 19, 2017

    I got more response about my last column “Goodbye Saratoga” than I ever have for something I have written. While I feel I have penned things worthier of comment, I have been overwhelmed by the sheer amount of community support I have received for my prankish endeavor. I have gotten emails from town and county officials letting me know they are happy I am remaining with the Sun. That floored me on its own. I got other emails expressing the same sentiment too though. A lot of people have stopped m...

  • This doesn't suck … but it's supposed to

    Keith McLendon|Jul 19, 2017

    Having a cleaner house is simpler today than almost any time in the past. That is due to a little device that literally sucks. The humble vacuum cleaner sits where you put it until you finally decide it’s time to get some of that junk off your floor. So you find the thing, bring it out where your pets can experience pre-vacuuming anxiety, unroll the cord, find a handy socket, plug it in and watch your pets scurry to points unknown as you turn the thing on and begin to roll it around your h...

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