Articles written by keith mclendon

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  • Restart for Pickett Park?

    Keith McLendon|Jun 14, 2017

    The June 6 Saratoga Town Council meeting began with approval of the agenda, previous minutes and the town’s bills. The council briefly discussed a fundraising car wash for the speech team to be held June 24 in the town parking lot. Councilman Faust asked if the parking lot needed to be closed off earlier and the mayor said that would be taken care of. Mayor Glode mentioned that the town had received a resolution from Teton County detailing how that county was taking care of the new liquor l... Full story

  • Hell? No, just State track

    Keith McLendon|May 24, 2017

    Before I get into my regularly-scheduled rant, I would like to express how proud I am of every single participant at the Wyoming State track meet held recently. I saw kids trying to compete with aches and pains (one observer commented that one of the students was trying to do the high jump on a bum shin), I saw athletes come off the field and break down bawling because they felt they could have done better, I saw sisters compete and pump each other up at the same time, athletes congratulated the... Full story

  • One on eight

    Keith McLendon|May 17, 2017

    Margaret Weber, of Riverside, was recently surprised as she went to pick up her tee after a drive on the eighth hole of the golf course at the Saratoga Resort and Spa. Weber was playing with friends Seth Johnson and Chris Duke May 4 when she sunk a hole-in-one. But she didn’t know it. “I didn’t even see it. I thought that I had hit the green and it rolled over the green … and they started jumping and yelling saying I got a hole in one.” Weber related, “I didn’t believe it until I walked up and... Full story

  • Things are heating up ... fast

    Keith McLendon|May 3, 2017

    There are several apparatuses (apparati?) around the home with which most folks contend. I have written on struggles with the washer/dryer and its attendant chores and fluids. I have praised the refrigerator and commented on the device’s various devious drawers. There is another gadget to mention … the microwave. From folks who complain any food cooked in the microwave is not really food to the “need it now junkies,” Americans have arrived at an almost universal love/hate relationship with ou... Full story

  • EastCo Easter events

    Keith McLendon|Apr 12, 2017

    Festivities and observances are planned around the county for the upcoming Holy Week. Easter egg hunts are on tap for towns and organizations while special services are planned at community houses of worship. SARATOGA Abundant Life Church invites everyone to attend their Easter services at 6 p.m. Sunday at 108 West Spring Street. The First Baptist Church at 802 West Main Street will hold their Easter service at 11 a.m. Sunday. The First Presbyterian Church will hold a Maundy Thursday service... Full story

  • The Western Way

    Keith McLendon|Apr 12, 2017

    I have mentioned the “Wyoming Way” in a previous column. The way I described it was: “When someone asks you if you can do something, you say ‘yes’ and learn it as you go.” I think that’s true. Look at it like this: True pioneers who wanted a new, different and better life came to this country, colonized it and won the right to make a new life on it. For good or ill, it took a spirit—people with that genetic quality—to undertake that task and to take those risks. People who came out west wer... Full story

  • Youth hoops up and running

    Keith McLendon|Mar 29, 2017

    The cuteness factor was high as kids skipped downcourt, drove past defenders tying their shoes and sometimes forgot to dribble while playing in the Utah Jazz youth basketball program Saturday. Though the children appeared happy enough when they scored, they also seemed merrily oblivious to the scoreboard. Kindergartners through 12th-graders are eligible to participate in Jr. Jazz and the youth program emphasizes teamwork, fundamental basketball skills and positive adult participation. Saratoga,... Full story

  • No quorum delays planning commission

    Keith McLendon|Mar 22, 2017

    The Saratoga Planning commission had a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 14. Present were Chris Duke, Rusty Rogers and chairman Karl Smith. Nora Asbury, Jim Beckman and Will Faust were absent. Due to the lack of a quorum, and thus the inability to take any official action, the chairman canceled the meeting and said that any items on the agenda for this meeting would be discussed at the next scheduled meeting. Items on the March 14 agenda were: The Maners’ variance, a discussion on Steven H... Full story

  • Idiocy and editorialocity

    Keith McLendon|Mar 22, 2017

    Well, I have been editor/publisher of the Saratoga Sun for just over a year now. It has been both a fun and harrowing ride. I still feel like a bit of a fraud though. You may know I was just the lowly graphic artist here for six years before I was quite abruptly offered the position. The “fraud” part comes in because, while I have an associates degree, it is not in English or even journalism. That degree is in advertising/commercial art. While I have edited several books over the years, mainly d... Full story

  • Where the wild things grow

    Keith McLendon|Mar 15, 2017

    The Saratoga Friends of the Library and the Community Garden Board hosted a free program entitled "Habitat Hero: Wildscaping 101" Tuesday night at the Saratoga Library. About 16 residents showed up to learn how they could create attractive and efficient wildlife friendly areas in their yards. During the hour-long talk Jamie Weiss, Habitat Hero Coordinator for Audubon Rockies, listed several preferred native plants that look good in a landscaped setting while providing maximum shelter and feed... Full story

  • Lady Tiger Champs

    Keith McLendon|Mar 8, 2017

    Encampment started at fourth seed in the state tournament Thursday and faced Lingle, Little Snake River, and St. Stevens on their way to the state 1A championship. Quarter Finals Vs. Lingle Lady Tigers head basketball coach Clint Bromley started off describing Thursday's quarter final matchup with the Lingle-Fort Laramie Lady Doggers by saying, "When you have four players in double figures and two with double–doubles you are hard to beat." Micaiah Pantle recorded her best game of the season w... Full story


    Keith McLendon|Mar 1, 2017

    The bus left Wednesday for Casper and the good weather had the wrestling coach wondering why they had left early. By Wednesday night Saratoga head wrestling coach Zach Schmidt had his answer. Schmidt said, “By about nine o’clock that night you could not see out the front door of the hotel.” To relieve the extra time, Schmidt took the team to the mall to play laser tag only to find the business had closed its doors days earlier. The coach then kept his team loose by getting in some time at the h... Full story

  • Valley teams battle for pigtails

    Keith McLendon and FW Broschart|Feb 22, 2017

    Lady Panthers/Tigers Lady Panthers versus Kaycee The Lady Panthers squared off against Kaycee Friday night. Kaycee is no. 2 in their conference but the Lady Panthers seemingly had no problem controlling the game. Seniors Meredith Lincoln had 15 points while Katie Loose grabbed 9 boards in the 45-32 Saratoga win. Lady Panther head coach Heather Bartlett said she was able to play some of the Freshman girls in the fourth quarter and, "It was just a really good game for us." Valley Girls meet... Full story

  • Growth goes south?

    Keith McLendon|Feb 22, 2017

    The Saratoga Planning Commission met Tuesday night, introduced a new member of the board, Nora Asbury, and heard an array of topics. The topics on tap were a plea for a variance on a sign footage increase at the Rawlins National Bank (RNB), a presentation on town annexation for the U.S. Forest Service currently outside town limits, a setback variance to build a garage addition and a discussion on the possibilities for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) addition to existing zoning categories. Sign... Full story

  • Violating Squaker's Rights

    Keith McLendon|Feb 22, 2017

    The Tuesday before last was Valentine’s Day. As is the tradition, a group of gregarious women from the Valley Service Organization visited businesses around town singing off-key tunes (hence the name “Sweetheart Squawkers”) until they are paid to leave. Normally I am receptive and amused by this gaggle of women’s antics. I am a known contributor to this valuable organization’s efforts at fundraising for good causes. But they showed up right at 2 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. This is really not a good... Full story

  • Two out of three ain't bad

    Keith McLendon|Feb 15, 2017

    The Saratoga Panthers had a grueling schedule last week. The Panthers faced off against the North Park Wildcats Tuesday, traveled to Hanna for a match against the Hanna-Elk Mountain (HEM) Miners Friday, then topped off the week with an away conference game against longtime rivals Little Snake River. A win versus North Park The North Park Wildcats drew first blood in their game in the Saratoga Tuesday night but it was the home team Panthers who ran away with the game. Though the game started off... Full story

  • Honors, battle and a big win

    Keith McLendon|Feb 15, 2017

    The Tigers started Tuesday evening with a salute to one of their most vocal and steadfast followers. Mary Martin was honored with a short speech detailing her long-time dedication to Encampment sports then presented with two large wooden letters M featuring photos of the Tigers. After the brief ceremony, the Lady Tigers went to work as Encampment demonstrated good interior passing and scoring to begin their game with Little Snake River. At the end of the first quarter, the Lady Tigers had built... Full story

  • Gut check for girls

    Keith McLendon|Feb 15, 2017

    The Lady Panthers had three games scheduled last week like the boys. The Lady Panthers took on the North Park Lady Wildcats Tuesday, traveled to Hanna for a Friday match against the Hanna-Elk Mountain (HEM) Lady Miners, then concluded the week with an away conference game against the Little Snake River Valley (LSRV) Rattlers. Adjustment spurs win The Lady Panthers played zone defense for the first half of Tuesdays contest versus the North Park Wildcats-the result: an 18-23 deficit. Coach... Full story

  • Tigers bow to LSRV, squeak win in Cheyenne

    Keith McLendon|Feb 15, 2017

    The Tigers scored first on 1 for 2 from the charity stripe in Friday's game against the Little Snake River Rattlers. That was the only lead of the night for the Tigers. The Rattlers' strong interior rebounding and quality three-point shooting led to a 9-16 lead after one quarter. In the second quarter the Rattlers repeatedly cut into the lane for layups while the Tigers seemed snake bit from anywhere near the rim. This led to a 17-36 halftime deficit. The Tigers came back out of the locker room... Full story

  • Winning ... with bunnies

    Keith McLendon|Feb 1, 2017

    The staff of the Saratoga Sun recently attended the Wyoming Press Association’s (WPA) annual convention held at the Little America Hotel and Convention Center in Cheyenne this year. This year the Sun competed once again in the “Small Weekly” category. This is the largest category of newspapers in Wyoming and has grown even larger since several papers that were in the “Large Weekly” category lost some circulation and were dropped into our category. So the competition just got that much harder. W... Full story

  • I've got baggage

    Keith McLendon|Jan 18, 2017

    I recently took a trip for Christmas vacation. Doing so, I had to pack a bag. Over the years I have determined that there are five separate and distinct stages in the life of a piece of luggage during the travel process. Since I try desperately not to ever check a bag, this piece will deal with the carry on bag I usually take. Since airlines have begun to charge for regular size carry on luggage now, for this last flight I bought a piece of luggage that is at the max size limit of “personal i... Full story

  • War on Christmas? Really?

    Keith McLendon|Dec 28, 2016

    I will be out of the office this week but wanted to make things as easy as I could for my new(ish) staff. So here’s my two cents for the holiday gap. *** I keep hearing about this “War on Christmas.” I call BS. The holy day has come more under fire from people trying to commercialize and greedify it than anything else. So maybe you can’t get a Starbucks cup or a McDonalds Happy Meal that says “Merry Christmas.” Big damn deal. These corporations have customers that service clients that celebr... Full story

  • The week between Christmas

    Keith McLendon|Dec 28, 2016

    Amid the week after Christmas, piles of wrapping in bags, shiny paper and boxes in trash with the tags. Sad little scissors sit broken and bent, from clamshell packaging—they don’t make a dent. The lights are still sparkly, still light up the town, but pretty soon work begins in taking them down. Kids run around ‘cause they’re still out of schools, having a good old time while acting the fools. But the tots are forlorn from here to Hoboken, Christmas is gone and their new toys are broken.... Full story

  • Clearing the Cobwebs part II

    Keith McLendon|Dec 14, 2016

    It’s just about time again for a mental cleaning. I keep putting new things in my head and other things keep falling out. That being the case I thought I would share some of the things taking up space in my cranial cavity so maybe I can retain some other important things. … or not. Since it has been well over a year since I wrote a column composed of half-baked ideas, I figured it was about time. *** Dumplings: Is that what you get when you have bunny-sized poops? Or is that just folks from the... Full story

  • Thanksgiving stuffing

    Keith McLendon|Nov 30, 2016

    Platte Valley Helping Hands served up 156 Thanksgiving meals this year's at St. Ann's Parish Hall. Though that number decreased by 23 from last year's record of 179 the mood at St. Ann's on Thanksgiving seemed no less happy. There was no shortage of food this year as nine turkeys-two more than last year-were donated by Valley Foods and the Wolf Hotel for the occasion. Aside from the turkeys, menu items included traditional Thanksgiving fare like mashed potatoes and gravy, ham, dinner rolls,... Full story

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