Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Articles written by joe elder

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  • Passion on display at Valley Foods

    Joe Elder|Updated Jan 3, 2013

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays shoppers at Valley Foods will get to see, taste, smell and buy meals cooked by Chef Eugene Api. Shoppers at the store in the morning will smell the aroma of food as Api prepares his featured meal of the day. On Friday, that meal was chili served over jasmine rice, with steamed vegetables on the side. On display next to his finished product are recipes created by Api using ingredients that can be found in the store. Cooking fascinated Api when he was...

  • Boxing, believe it or not, A Bar A sold, and taxes

    Joe Elder|Updated Jan 3, 2013

    1 years ago January 2, 1918 Boxing Contest The boxing contest pulled off here last night was a good clean 10 round go. The contest was between Jess Boche, of Lander, and Young Martin, of Encampment, with H.L. Groninger as referee. The contest was fast in the beginning and closing rounds and was well worth the price of admission. Referee Groninger decided it a draw and it met with satisfaction to the crowd. A preliminary 3 round go was put on by Joe Harden and Kid Curtis and...

  • GE grant brings mammograms to Saratoga

    Joe Elder|Updated Jan 2, 2013

    For the second full week in January, women in Saratoga will have a chance to get a mammogram without having to drive out of town and could get some help covering the cost. Through the Wyoming Women First Program, a collaboration among GE, the State of Wyoming and Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a “mammovan” equipped with a mobile, state of the art mammography unit will be parked at the Platte Valley Medical Clinic from Jan. 7 to Jan. 11. “GE provided the funding for a mammo...

  • Resident believes strict enforcement of zoning ordinances could hurt local economy

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 26, 2012

    Saratoga resident Royce Kelley read a letter to the Town Council at its meeting Tuesday in response to a motion approved by the Planning Commission at its Dec. 11 meeting to require a special use permit from individuals cutting and selling firewood in residential zones. At the Planning Commission meeting, zoning officer Chuck Bartlett had asked the board’s opinion on cutting and selling firewood in town and resident Andy Van Tol complained about what he described as ...

  • Doctor gets rural experience in Saratoga

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 26, 2012

    Dr. Yusuf Ruhallah is about halfway through a month-long stay at the Platte Valley Medical Clinic. He is here to complete the rural medicine portion of his residency which he is completing in Cheyenne at the University of Wyoming Family Practice. Born and raised in Pleasanton, Calif., in the San Francisco Bay area, Dr. Ruhallah said practicing medicine has always been a goal of his and he wants to go into family medicine. He went to medical school and completed a one-year inte...

  • Habitat partnership set for action

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 21, 2012

    The Platte Valley Habitat Partnership is alive and well and showed its strength during a meeting Friday at the Platte Valley Community Center. The group got through what facilitator Jessica Clement called the “groan zone of the process,” as it hammered out goals and objectives for PVHP’s first habitat plan. “The takeaways from Friday’s meeting is there are still a lot of people attending even though we were talking about goals and objectives and word-smithing,” Daryl Lutz,...

  • Ordinance revisions top list for 2013

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 21, 2012

    Encampment Fire Department Chief Cory Nuhn asked the Encampment Town Council at its meeting Thursday if it could look at creating an ordinance that would levy a fine or something similar to individuals that light controlled burns within town limits without notifying the fire department. Nuhn said his department had been paged to respond to controlled burns that are not called in before lighting. “They are putting crew and equipment at risk,” Nuhn said. Mayor Greg Sal...

  • Riverside to get newer ambulance

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 21, 2012

    The Riverside Town Council appointed two new members to the Sierra Madre Joint Powers Board to fulfill expiring terms at their meeting Thursday. Councilman Leroy Stephenson nominated Riverside resident Ed Golden to fill a three-year term. Councilwoman Helen Weiland nominated Bill Walters to fill the one-year position. Saratoga and Hanna received new ambulances from grants prepared by the South Central Wyoming Emergency Services Joint Powers Board. Weiland said Riverside will...

  • Discussion over firewood heats up

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 21, 2012

    mission meeting, the board approved a motion to require a special or conditional use permit to cut and sell firewood on residential property. The town’s zoning ordinances already require a conditional use permit for many such business-type activities in residential areas, but zoning officer Chuck Bartlett asked the board’s opinion on what should be done about people cutting and selling firewood in town. “None of them have a special use permit to do any of it, but there’s about...

  • The hardest task falls to the living

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 21, 2012

    In 1642, John Donne wrote the following words: “No man is an island, entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, a part of the main ... Each man’s death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind. Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.” Donne was familiar with death. He wrote the above words six years before the end of the Thirty Years War, a war between Catholics and Protestants which claimed 8,000,000 lives by combat and disease. In...

  • Local generosity reaches Philippines

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 21, 2012

    The devastating effects of natural disasters can reach around the world, but hands extended in support of those left in the wake of destruction can reach just as far. When Laura Morrow, owner of Laura M’s, learned of the Philippines’ Typhoon Pablo and the havoc it wrought on her friend Eden Diorio’s family in the hardest hit Compostela Valley, she embarked on a mission to help feed and reconstruct the village. Diorio has lived in Saratoga four years with her husband and toddle...

  • Council lacks quorum

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 13, 2012

    The Saratoga Town Council did not have a quorum at its Tuesday meeting and had to call a special meeting on Thursday to pay the bills. Mayor John Zeiger and Councilmen Steve Wilcoxson and Mike McWain were not present for the Tuesday meeting. At the special meeting Thursday, Zeiger apologized for the lack of a quorum, saying it was a miscommunication. Councilwoman Judy Welton said she has not seen a meeting cancelled due to attendance in the nine years she has been on the...

  • Saratoga misses loan program

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 13, 2012

    Unless a business owner in Saratoga, Riverside or Encampment can convince the mayor of Rawlins, or an appointee, that their business benefits Rawlins, they will not be eligible for a working capital loan from $13.2 million in funding created by the Small Business Credit Initiative, an arm of the 2010 Small Business Jobs Act passed by the U.S. Congress. Diane Wolverton, executive director of Wyoming Smart Capital Network Consortium (Consortium), created to publicize and manage...

  • Brush Creek-Hayden forest has new Ranger

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 5, 2012

    Melanie Fullman, the new forest ranger for the Brush Creek-Hayden district, is ambivalent about the lack of snow in the mountains. If the dry conditions continue, they could add up to a rough fire season next year, continued forest health problems and tricky range management decisions. The late fall has also afforded Fullman, new on the job in late September, some time to get acquainted with the forest. “I have had an extended, late field season to get into areas of the m...

  • Voices of the Valley reignites brand

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 5, 2012

    Voices of the Valley (VoV) members, a citizen group formed in 2010 to facilitate community dialogue, met at Saratoga Town Hall Saturday to discuss the group’s past, present and future role in the Valley. Significant projects came out of the first couple of years of VoV’s existence, including the Saratoga Community Garden, the Platte Valley Habitat Partnership, and the North Platte River restoration project. In spite of those initiatives, VoV’s name is not behind its achievemen...

  • Water call on tap for 2013

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 5, 2012

    House District 47 Representative Jeb Steward is sounding a warning to water users in the Upper North Platte Valley to plan ahead for water use next spring and summer. Steward said all of the weather models and forecasts indicate a warmer, drier winter producing less than adequate flows into Pathfinder Reservoir, which could prompt a call for water from the Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau). To meet downstream demand, mostly from Nebraska, the Bureau maintains 1.1 million acre...

  • Airport Master Plan gets public flyby

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 5, 2012

    The public will get a chance to weigh in on the new Airport Master Plan at three public workshops, starting next Wednesday. The last Airport Master Plan was completed in 1998. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the master plan to the public and Michael Haak, of Aeroland Planning, LLC, is hoping for input from locals. “As an outsider looking in, I can’t tell the community what they need to do,” Haak said. “A big part of the workshop is to get it out there that this is...

  • Arm wrestling with grandma

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 5, 2012

    I was 16 years old before I could beat my grandmother in an arm wrestling match. We were at her kitchen counter, seated on opposite stools. It wasn’t a quick match, and afterwards I was confused. I expected to have to go gentle on her knuckles when I pinned her arm down. Instead, after two minutes of struggle, I just got them to touch the counter and claimed victory. It was a hollow victory. It was my grandmother, after all. In my defense, my grandmother hefted a lot of c...

  • Status of threatened species under review

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 5, 2012

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service yesterday announced the initiation of a status review under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for the Preble’s meadow jumping mouse throughout its range and the initiation of a 5-year review. Following the status review and by June 1, 2013, Fish and Wildlife will prepare a 12-month finding on two 2003 petitions, filed by the Governor’s Office of the State of Wyoming and Coloradans for Water Conservation and Development, seeking to remove the P...

  • Water rate increase ineffective

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 5, 2012

    In April, the town council approved a water rate increase of three percent per year for five years, but Town Clerk Suzie Cox said the town has not been able to build up reserves and invest because of the no-reads occurring with the new water meters. The extra revenue was supposed to be invested in the town’s Enterprise fund to provide money for repairs and improvement projects and make up for shortfalls the past few years. According to an article in the Feb. 1, 2012, e...

  • Electric rates rise for Saratoga

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 5, 2012

    The Saratoga Town Council approved a motion to have Town Attorney Tom Thompson review the town’s franchise agreement with Carbon Power and Light, to make sure recent rate changes are in compliance. The rate changes would increase the town’s light bill from $3,370.30 a month to about $4,044.30 a month, a large increase according to Town Clerk Suzie Cox. The rate increase will take effect Jan. 1, but it will not be a source of revenue for CP&L. “It is a pass-on rate incre...

  • Council approves Resort & Spa zone change

    Joe Elder|Updated Dec 5, 2012

    0, to address the planning commission’s recommendation to approve two zone changes submitted by the Saratoga Resort and Spa, Chris Shannon, co-owner of Orion Point, LLC, said he was opposed to any zone change on property north of Pic Pike Road from RD 7200 to Retail Business (resort). The Resort applied for zone changes from RD 7200 (residential) to Retail Business for two parcels of property. One 17-acre parcel includes the main buildings of the Resort and the property n...

  • Clinic seeks new accreditation

    Joe Elder|Updated Nov 21, 2012

    ‘Big enough to serve, small enough to care,’ is a motto Tonya Bartholomew, practice manager for the Platte Valley Medical Clinic, thinks fits the clinic well. “We practice good, old, small-town medicine,” Bartholomew said. “We have so many services that are not typical. You would find a lot of the services we offer in Laramie or Cheyenne and it’s only because of the Corbett Medical Foundation.” The Corbett Foundation enables the clinic to employ three medical providers: a...

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