Articles written by Dr. William F. Holland

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  • Living On Purpose: Investing our abilities into God's kingdom

    Dr. William F. Holland|Sep 5, 2024

    As a freelance faith columnist and Christian author, I’m honored to have the opportunity to provide thoughts and ideas to relay to others. I’m sure all Bible teachers and pastors feel they are God’s messengers. What I do is nothing more special than how millions of other Christians serve Him, and I humbly acknowledge that most are more talented and effective. God’s people are important pieces of a large puzzle, stones in His wall, and a voice among many who represent the one who created everything and knows everything. Writing is one of my call...

  • Living On Purpose: Hearing is one thing, obeying is another

    Dr. William F. Holland|Aug 29, 2024

    Having the opportunity to be engaged in a constant dialogue with Christ is more than just a hope. It can happen just the same as when we sit at our kitchen table and have an enjoyable conversation with a friend. And how is this possible? Because He’s real the same as you and I are real. Remember that old song, “My God is real, for I can feel Him in my soul?” If you believe He has spoken to people before, why can’t He speak to you? God communicates to us in our conscience, by providence, teachers, and most importantly through His holy word. We r...

  • Living On Purpose: To the ones who stand out in a good way

    Dr. William F. Holland|Aug 22, 2024

    Have you ever known someone that you admired because of who they were? There is something special and refreshing to witness the light and love of Christ shining brightly in one of His children. I know a sweet lady like this. I will not mention her name because she does not like the attention of anyone telling her how wonderful she is, even though it’s true. She just enjoys working and serving quietly in the background no matter where she is or what she’s involved with. For example, if someone mentions that something needs cleaning she imm...

  • "Living On Purpose: You are the caretaker of your mind"

    Dr. William F. Holland|Aug 15, 2024

    I read a book years ago by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale called, “The amazing results of positive thinking” and I recommend it as an inspiration and encouragement to your spiritual life. He explains that our mind is constantly bombarded with all types of persuasions and each of us are held accountable to manage them. We have the ability to resist and ignore the negative influences that distracts us or we can pray and seek the Lord for a stronger discernment and sensitivity to deception. It was during this time of studying how the mind is con...

  • Living on Purpose: The church equips Christians for ministry

    Dr. William F. Holland|Aug 1, 2024

    I’ve been in church all my life and I know people who believe that attending an assembly fulfills the majority of their Christian obligations. Somewhere down through the centuries the idea of the Ekklesia being a boot-camp to train soldiers and a school to teach disciples how to engage in spiritual warfare and develop their ministries, became watered down into an easy country club lifestyle of comfort and pride. The word Ekklesia appears in the New Testament 114 times and is often translated as church or assembly. It means to be called out b...

  • Living on Purpose: God is an ever-present help in trouble

    Dr. William F. Holland|Jul 25, 2024

    On September 25, 2000, two years after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 19-year-old Kevin Hines in a state of chaos and despair, attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. He fell more than 220 feet to the freezing dark waters of the Pacific Ocean, slamming into it at 75 miles per hour. The fall took only 4 seconds, and no one was more surprised that he had survived than Kevin himself. You see, the bridge was completed in 1937 and since that time nearly 2,000 people are known to have jumped to their deaths. What...

  • Living on Purpose: Be encouraged! God will take care of you

    Dr. William F. Holland|Jul 18, 2024

    It’s reassuring to know that as a child of God, you are not alone in this world. Our gracious heavenly Father has promised that He is aware and interested in even the tiniest occurrences in your life and has promised to be with you always. Does this mean you will never have struggles and problems? Of course not, but knowing we are secure in the palm of His hand definitely gives us hope and faith. Matthew chapter six reveals that He knows what we need before we even ask Him, and this spiritual insight brings comfort to realize that God loves u...

  • Be encouraged! God will take care of you

    Dr. William F. Holland|Jul 11, 2024

    It’s reassuring to know that as a child of God, you are not alone in this world. Our gracious heavenly Father has promised that He is aware and interested in even the tiniest occurrences in your life and has promised to be with you always. Does this mean you will never have struggles and problems? Of course not, but knowing we are secure in the palm of His hand definitely gives us hope and faith. Matthew chapter six reveals that He knows what we need before we even ask Him, and this spiritual insight brings comfort to realize that God loves u...

  • Living On Purpose: Remembering the cost of our independence

    Dr. William F. Holland|Jul 4, 2024

    This week we celebrate Independence Day which is also commonly known as the Fourth of July. It’s a federal holiday commemorating America’s independence from the British empire which over the past 250 years has maintained a public display of pride and patriotism. This past Sunday at church we sang a heartfelt melody of patriotic songs that declared, America. America, God shed His grace on thee, Glory, Glory Hallelujah His truth is marching on, and God bless the USA! There were American flags at every entrance with beautiful decorations. Many wor...

  • Living On Purpose: Thoughts On Abundant Living

    Dr. William F. Holland|Jun 27, 2024

    One of the more popular verses about blessings in the New Testament is John 10:10. We notice Christ is speaking, “The thief does not come except to steal, to kill, and to destroy. But, I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” This statement is a wonderful promise of confidence as it generally describes how the devil is evil and is trying to destroy us, and that God is always good and desires for us to be victorious representatives of His glorious kingdom. You would think that everyone on the planet would want to be on...

  • What is the abundant life Jesus offers?

    Dr. William F. Holland|May 30, 2024

    It’s common in this modern age for religious seekers to comb the Bible for passages that promise endless blessings. People love to hear messages about God protecting His children from danger and suffering, and how He wants to give us everything we dream about. The problem is this is not exactly why the Christian life was established. Christians should read and study the Bible daily, while keeping everything in context is critical to understanding more clearly to what God is saying. It’s true that He loves us, but even in His endless com...

  • Living on Purpose: Christ is interceding on your behalf today

    Dr. William F. Holland|May 16, 2024

    Some individuals are healthier than others, but the uncomfortable facts reveal the human body is generally frail and vulnerable. I occasionally joke around with my Son-in-law about him being from another planet because he claims he’s never been sick, however, like the rest of us, there will come a day when something will go wrong. As a minister, I’ve seen my share of sickness and pain and it hurts me to see someone suffer. My father was a very sick man, and our family watched him go through years of agony. With my parents being faithful mem...

  • The armor of God includes the belt of truth

    Dr. William F. Holland|May 2, 2024

    Have you considered that most individuals are convinced that what they believe is true, and all who disagree with them are not as wise as they are? What is your personal view about this? May I ask, where did you discover your truth? Did God speak truth to you, or were you just persuaded by what someone else believes? If knowledge was passed on to you from those you respect, how do you know they received it from the Lord? To learn and discern spiritual wisdom, we must have spiritual ears to hear God. The Almighty is divine truth and has never...

  • Living on Purpose: An optimist chooses to see life differently

    Dr. William F. Holland|Apr 25, 2024

    The older we are, the more we can see how the world has changed. The Bible reveals the human race fell from God’s favor when Adam and Eve decided to disobey God in the Garden. Since that separation curse, all humans are now born with a depraved nature. Our spirits and minds can be transformed through God’s power, but this does not mean the optimist ignores reality or has blind faith. So how can we regain a positive attitude and discover restored spiritual security with our Creator? For those who are truth seekers, God’s word explains the probl...

  • Living on Purpose: Control your thoughts or they will control you

    Dr. William F. Holland|Apr 18, 2024

    We all know the feeling of having something on our minds that we have a difficult time letting go of. Similar to an image or a catchy song that gets stuck in our head, commonly called an earworm, negative thoughts can be very difficult to remove and the more we replay them the more familiar they become. Rumination is a psychological term for rehashing thoughts over and over. While it can simply mean being stuck in a mental cycle, that may not always be necessarily bad, the psychological term leans toward pessimistic thinking and feelings of...

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