Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Articles written by Dana Davis

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 67

  • Goodbye Laura M

    Dana Davis|Updated Jan 19, 2023

    It seems like yesterday, a young lady came to this tiny community to pursue a dream. In 1997 Laura Morrow opened a boutique, Laura M, retailing her own designs as well as other apparel that appealed to her eclectic taste. Within just a few short years, she became an icon of fashion and fun. People would come from all over the state to shop at Laura M. The store is known for high quality merchandise, western wear, fur, gifts and fine art. From her meager beginnings with a...

  • Water mains, medical facilities and inflation

    Dana Davis|Updated Aug 11, 2022

    Two resolutions were passed at the Saratoga Town Council meeting on August 2; Resolution 2022-07 authorizing submission of an application for the State Loan and Investment Board for a grant through Water and Sewer ARPA grant program funding for on behalf of the Governing Body for the Town of Saratoga for the purpose of replacing old failing and failed, water distribution mains of Spring Avenue to ensure safe driving water for the Town of Saratoga Residents and Resolution 2022-...

  • Riverside hears SCWEMS review

    Dana Davis|Updated Jul 27, 2022

    The weather was beautiful for the Riverside Town Council meeting on July 12, 2022. Helen Weiland of South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services Join Powers Board (SCWEMS JPB) reported “everyone is onboard with new director” and volunteerism is on the rise. The new EMTs have also started. The new EMT for Encampment needs to pass National Chest exam. She will then be on call. Currently she is driving. “Things seem to be coming together” said Weiland. However, Saratog...

  • Local beauty abounds

    Dana Davis|Updated Sep 15, 2021

    The weather was perfect for a hike through the Snow Mountains this Sunday, September 14. With fall weather surely not far away, I headed out with a copy of "Platte Valley Adventures" published by the Saratoga Sun which contains maps of various trails throughout Carbon County. The day did not dissappoint. Sunshine, fresh air, wildlife and beautiful surroundings made for some great photo opportunities. The photos on the right are from the trail around Mirror Lake and Lewis...

  • Giving a lot of HART

    Dana Davis|Updated Jun 30, 2021

    The Hanna Agricultural Resource Team (HART) met on June 22 at the Hanna Market. At the beginning of the meeting, recent Hanna, Elk Mountain, Medicine Bow (HEM) High School graduate Haley Felton was presented with a $300 scholarship. Felton, who is going to the University of Wyoming, was grateful to HART for the help. "My dad is a huge gardener and that is one of the things that we do a lot," Felton said. "We actually sell the seeds that we grow together so we make money...

  • Rendezvous will return

    Dana Davis|Updated Mar 18, 2021

    The Encampment Town Council meeting of March 11, 2021 began with Josh Saier of the Sierra Madre Muzzle Loaders Club requesting permission to use the Grand Encampment Museum grounds for the annual Rendezvous to be held July 23-25. The council was happy to approve the request and look forward to getting back to normal as last year’s event was not held due to the COVID pandemic. There will be some changes for this year’s event, however. The traditional pig roast dinner will not...

  • Common sense soaking

    Dana Davis|Updated Feb 24, 2021

    While there were rumors of two deaths at the hot springs this past week, Police Chief Ken Lehr, confirmed that there was only one. Details could not yet be released at the time of the interview as the Carbon County Coroner has not yet completed the investigation. Lehr did say that, typically, there are three to four deaths per year. This year however, there have already been three. The higher number may be attributed to the COVID-19 restrictions. Lehr thinks that people are...

  • A grand time coming

    Dana Davis|Updated Feb 16, 2021

    The Encampment Town Council meeting on February 11, 2021 began with public guest John Farr who requested permission to use the park and the area behind the Grand Encampment Museum for the Colorado Grand, which comes through the area every three years. This year the group will be in Encampment on September 19. According to Farr, an $8,000 scholarship is provided along with some funding for the highway department. Farr also said that any COVID-19 restrictions that are in place...

  • Barn raising in Riverside

    Dana Davis|Updated Feb 16, 2021

    The Riverside Town Council meeting of February 11, 2021 discussion centered around new resident Peggy Huntley’s questions about building a “barndominium”. According to Huntley, a barndominium is a pole building that is finished inside. She said that there are examples on YouTube if anyone is interested in seeing what they look like. Huntley also promised the council that it would not look like an actual barn once it is complete. Previous to the meeting, Huntley had been provi...

  • Angling for a good time

    Dana Davis|Updated Jan 13, 2021

    The Mother Mountain Anglers held their annual kid's fishing clinic on January 9th, 2021. The non-profit group promotes the preservation of nature and community through the shared love of fishing. According to Shannon Fagan, this year had the largest turn out the clinic has seen even though temperatures were in the teens. Fagan speculated that people were excited to spend time outdoors since the COVID pandemic restricted many other activities and kept people cooped up at home....

  • Wix and water

    Dana Davis|Updated Dec 24, 2020

    The Riverside Town Council meeting on December 10, 2020 began as all meetings with the minutes and financials being approved quickly. The main topic of discussion for the night was the town’s website, which currently is not as user friendly as the council would like. Jamie Waugh, creative designer of Bandita Design Co., has experience in web design and was asked to assist in developing a new website. She presented the town council with two options. According to Waugh, Wix woul...

  • No winter carnival in Encampment

    Dana Davis|Updated Dec 24, 2020

    The bulk of the Encampment Town Council meeting on December 10, 2020 was once again centered around the discussion of Union Wireless upgrading their tower is located in the town of Encampment, one block from the school and directly across the street from a daycare facility. Mayor Greg Salisbury told the Union Wireless Representative that he wants to err on the side of caution and make “dang sure” that the public will not be affected by radio waves. There were many que...

  • Riverside accepts funds

    Dana Davis|Updated Nov 17, 2020

    The Riverside Town Council meeting began with discussion over the moneys the Town of Riverside has received. Mayor LeRoy Stephenson happily said, in regards to the Chokecherry wind energy project, “we got a ton!” They had budgeted to receive $25,000 total but have already received over $27,000. Receipts from the sales and use tax have totaled $35,864. Stephenson then brought up the need for new bathrooms in the park. Last year, the ladies room had issues and, when the con...

  • Encampment opposes new tower

    Dana Davis|Updated Nov 17, 2020

    Encampment Mayor Greg Salisbury was not present for the town council meeting on November 12,. Councilmember Gary Stull acted as mayor pro-tem. After the minutes and financials were reviewed and approved, Josh Craig, president of Mother Mountain Anglers, spoke. He said a friend and long time community member, Dan Nelius, passed away the week before. Craig was there to request permission to use the Opera House to hold a benefit for Lesley Nelius. He assured the council that the...

  • Classic contract expired

    Dana Davis|Updated Oct 13, 2020

    Yvonne Johnson, Carbon County Economic Development Corporation Director, was present at the October 8 Riverside Town Council meeting to introduce herself to the council and touch on topics on which she is currently working. Johnson said that her main goal is to bridge the Valley and Rawlins and to let the council know that if there is any need for funding, be it $10 or $10,000, she is there to help. Johnson has been busy, she said that she has already gone through two rolls...

  • Comfort in hard times

    Dana Davis|Updated Oct 6, 2020

    It may seem odd for a coroner to hold an open house but that is exactly what Carbon County Coroner Paul Zamora did this past Saturday. Even though he was unable to attend, the event was a success. People were talking about it on the streets of Rawlins, saying how unexpectedly interesting it was. Brittany Nyman, Deputy Coroner, provided a tour. The first two rooms upon entering the building are offices. Zamora's is decorated with display cases showing artifacts he has...

  • Encampment accepts bid

    Dana Davis|Updated Oct 6, 2020

    The Encampment Town Council held a special meeting October 1, 2020 to decide which bid to accept for a new truck for Police Chief Kevin Shue. The meeting lasted less than 10 minutes. Shue said that he researched the company that had put in the bid for the trucks with the light kits already installed and was concerned because he could not find any information on the company prior to July of this year. The council agreed that since that company was also out of state and new,...

  • "Do ruffle the feathers"

    Dana Davis|Updated Sep 23, 2020

    by Dana Davis Mayor Greg Salisbury was unable to attend the Encampment Town Council meeting on September 9, 2020. Councilmember Bill Craig acted as mayor pro-tem. After the expedient approval of the agenda, minutes, financials and bills, several guest speakers were heard. Sandy Martin gave an update on a Carbon County Visitors Council (CCVC) Project. Three signs around Encampment are being repainted. Maretin requested one sign that contains the community slogan “where n...

  • Riverside moves funds

    Dana Davis|Updated Sep 22, 2020

    The September 9, 2020 Riverside Town Council meeting was short but industrious. The meeting opened with a Public Hearing for the transfer of liquor license for the Mangy Moose. Having submitted the proper paperwork and transfer fees the license was transferred in name from Joelle and Desi Vacher, owners of the Mangy Moose, to the Mangy Moose, LLC. There were no comments from the public so the hearing was adjourned. A motion was made and passed to transfer the liquor license. M...

  • Better than a letter

    Dana Davis|Updated Aug 18, 2020

    The Riverside Town Council gained another council member at the August 13, 2020 meeting. According to LeRoy Stephenson, Mayor of Riverside, Mark Helwick didn’t exactly submit a letter of interest for the open Town Council seats. Instead, he simply wrote “Yes, I am interested” on a Riverside public notice. Stephenson said, “as far as I am was concerned, that is better than any letter”. Although, Helwick is currently on the primary election ballot as the only person running f...

  • Park it, mister

    Dana Davis|Updated Aug 4, 2020

    The Planning Commission meeting on July 14, 2020 started with a public hearing regarding the horses on Robert Smith’s property where he runs a bed and breakfast. There had been a nuisance complaint from one of the neighbors who was in attendance citing dust problems and issues with the expansion of the on going business. The Smiths rebutted that the complaint was in retribution for their own complaint to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regarding an illegal gravel...

  • Mangy Moose approved

    Dana Davis|Updated Aug 4, 2020

    A special meeting of the Riverside Town Council was held on July 28, 2020 to revisit the liquor license for the Mangy Moose since the Wyoming Liquor Commission informed the Council that it is not possible to issue a license for a term of three months. At the beginning of the meeting there was discussion regarding a letter that had been recently written to the Riverside Town Council which council member Ed Golden found offensive. He reminded the audience that the position of...

  • Liquor license questions remain

    Dana Davis|Updated Jul 21, 2020

    The majority of discussion at the Riverside Town Council meeting on July 16, 2020 centered around the question of whether or not to renew the liquor license for the Mangy Moose. Many were in attendance to see the out come of the Council’s decision. There was not an open seat in the room. The Mangy Moose was purchased last year by JoElla and Desi Vacher. They had obtained one of the two liquor licenses available for the Town of Riverside. The Mangy Moose then sat for 11 months...

  • Citizens organized to see violence ended

    Dana Davis|Updated Jun 23, 2020

    On Wednesday June 17, 2020 Citizens Organized to see Violence Ended (COVE) held a meet and greet for volunteers. The turn out was better than expected with not only volunteers from Rawlins, but Saratoga as well. COVE has not had volunteers for the past 13 years and is looking for people to help out. COVE is a non-profit organization that was started back in the 1980s to help all of Carbon County with advocates for domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. The...

  • Financial talk takes off

    Dana Davis|Updated Jun 16, 2020

    The Airport Board meeting of June 10, 2020 began with discussion of an aircraft rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) truck that Riverton, Wyoming is getting rid of. Jon Nelson, council representative, said that it is not a right fit for the Town of Saratoga. However, as discussion progressed, other board members seemed to sway in favor of the ARFF. Riverton is giving up the vehicle, which only has approximately 380 hours of use on it, because they do not want to keep dumping money...

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